Sick after menstruation: monthly and are sick can I be pregnant


  1. The causes of nausea after a month
  2. physiological causes
  3. Pathological causes and reaction to drugs
  4. Nausea at the end of month as a sign of pregnancy
  5. How to deal with nausea

Menstrual cycle - the period of hormonal changes. A woman's body is experiencing stress and signals this. Nausea after a month - one of the signals that the hormonal balance has not yet been recovered. This is an individual symptom is a physiological basis. But the disease can not be excluded. It is important to identify the particular manifestations of the disease, to know the nature of origin.

Sick after a month

The causes of nausea after a month

Nausea after menstruation provoke natural or pathological reasons. The individual characteristics of the female organism, the work of the thyroid gland, gynecological diseases is determined by factors of symptoms.

physiological causes

Changes in the surrounding reality, unhealthy lifestyle - natural causes retching. Among the physiological causes:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • violation of water-salt balance;
  • physical exhaustion;
  • lack of serotonin.
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Improper diet - a source of violations of metabolic processes in the body. Excessive consumption of sugar, fat, fried foods before and during the days of menstruation increases hemoglobin and cholesterol. excess substances in the blood, on the background of hormonal stress alters the function of the cardiovascular system. Pressure or vertigo agents are nausea.

Violation of the water-salt balance - a consequence of improper ratio of water and salt. Lack of water in the body or withdrawal latency - causes malfunction of the water balance. Salt is associated exclusively with the second factor. Excessive use of the substance accumulates water - liquid intracranial pressure increases.

Physical activity changes the level of glucose, transforms the blood circulation. Nausea - one of the symptoms of high blood sugar; Blood flow to certain organs causes dizziness, weakness.

The feeling of pleasure always due to the production of serotonin. The hormone is released in large quantities during menstruation. Trauma, stress, fatigue inhibit the action of a substance - eliminate the feeling of joy. Drastic hormonal surges affect you feel unwell.

This is not a disease requiring treatment. Revision mode, adjustments to cope with everyday life malaise in the past month, will give understanding of why, in some cases, after months of sick that can be changed.

Nausea and headache Nausea with vertigo Nausea and swelling
Cause of occurrence Pressure; stress Vasodilatation due to the fact that the hormones released into the blood accumulation of fluid in the body

Because of these reasons can designate nausea and before menstruation.

Pathological causes and reaction to drugs

When the retching after month for the first time it is important to eliminate every reason based on physiology. Recurrence of the disease after the liquidation of natural factors - a possible sign:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • algomenoree;
  • prostaglandinin congestion;
  • allergic reactions.

Violation of the thyroid gland leads to an overabundance of serotonin. Hormone complicates removal of fluid from the body - causes swelling - appear dizziness, headaches.

Painful process flow is called menstruation algomenoreya. The disorder is classified by time of origin - congenital or acquired. Nausea - a basic symptom algomenoree. In the primary symptom of illness is manifested already at the first menstruation and accompanied by a woman for life.

Pregnancy, diseases of the genitourinary system - signs of secondary algomenoree. Symptomatology is temporary - is held after the birth or treating the problem.

Prostaglandins - active compounds acting on the circulatory system and the production of gastric juice. The number of elements increases during menstruation. This is not a physiological phenomenon, since it is not seen in every woman and is fraught with complications. Lack of digestive substances negatively affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract, causing nausea.

Adverse reactions to oral contraceptives and tampons - can become the next source of the gag reflex. Exposure to artificial substances can not call a physiological problem. Contraceptives are often changing hormones, causing an imbalance. Interview with gynecologist before applying the new tools is required. Tampons have no effect on the hormones, but the idiosyncrasy of the composition or misuse sometimes shocking. Process of combating body with negative feedback factor causes adverse reactions such as nausea, vomiting.

oral contraceptives Failure of the endocrine system algomenoreya prostaglandins
other symptoms sweating; migraine; irritability Breast swelling (sore nipples); pressure Soreness waist, abdomen and ovarian area muscle hardness; vasodilation; Low blood clotting

If monthly started to be smeared, nausea and dizziness - long, a possible reason - pregnancy.

Nausea at the end of month as a sign of pregnancy

The female body is so constituted that one phenomenon resembles another, so the fair sex is usually intuitively sense the changes, becomes more urgent question of whether a woman can be pregnant, if you are sick and monthly?

Vaginal bleeding after fertilization, the egg is easily confused with Regulus. Implantation bleeding happens when you try to a fertilized egg to attach to the lining of the uterus. The shell is protected by the blood vessels and pressure on it provokes blood separation.

At the moment of fertilization, the body is experiencing a new stress. More than a day ago hormone hCG level is zero. Conception provoked its production. Work internal systems transformed, and the body resists by sending signals in the form of vomiting.

Nausea in the morning at an elevated hCG level is called the beginning of toxicity.

But there are a number of other features that are worth paying attention to identify, nausea during menstruation - a sign of pregnancy or not.

Symptom Increased sensitivity of mammary glands Frequent urge to the bathroom (compared to normal) elevated temperature
Features symptom Swelling of the nipples, pain on pressure Occur in the early stages of pregnancy (the second week) 37+ indicator for a few days
Other causes of the symptom (not pregnant) PMS Diseases of the urinary system Infectious intestinal diseases

Find the described symptoms, a woman needs:

  • at home - do a pregnancy test;
  • medical - to donate blood for hCG.

It is important to consult a doctor. Spotting - physiological, but an unfavorable sign after fertilization. Non-viable or ectopic pregnancy is manifested in this way. Responding to a question, why go last month when a woman is already pregnant, it can be assumed these two pathologies.

How to deal with nausea

The aim to combat the problem - to minimize discomfort. Completely get rid of the disease will not work. The body is not able to be reconstructed in a short time after amplification loads, hormonal surge. The best solution when sick after a month and there is a weakness- wait and body to cope on their own. It is important not to rush to drug therapy.

The first stage - preventive. This checks the impact of individual behavior on the course of menstruation. You can take these steps:

  1. Avoid overwork.
  2. Abandon (at least temporarily) from alcohol, nicotine.
  3. Sniff and eat a lemon.
  4. Drinking soothing teas, decoctions of herbs.
  5. Include in the diet ginger.
  6. Rest, but do not abuse the sitting position of the body.
  7. Ventilate the room, saturated with oxygen through breathing techniques, spend time in the fresh air.

If prevention has not worked, the problem persists, take medications familiar simple composition (new drugs should appoint a doctor). Stick to this recommendation:

  1. Replace pads gaskets.
  2. Take medications for nausea with minimum composition: metoclopramide; Valerian; No-spa.
  3. Use spazmaliticheskoe or antiinflammatory agent, if nausea is accompanied by other symptoms (Ibuprofen).

Sharp attack - a consequence of pathological disorders. Consider the option of the patient's hospitalization, if:

  • woman loses consciousness.
  • there is severe pain, which resembles a fight.
  • together with the blood silvery pieces.

Methods of eliminating ailments are classified based on the pathological basis of disease:

  1. When intestinal infection occurs loss of fluid in large quantities. It is important to observe a drinking mode, to avoid dehydration.
  2. Primary algomenoree treat rare. The disease does not cause complications. The woman lives with the symptom.
  3. Secondary algomenoree treats gynecologist. A special therapy is indicated for each individual disease. Pregnant eliminate using hormonal drugs.

Woman will reduce the number and intensity of unpleasant symptoms during and after a month, starting with prevention, preparation for menstruation in advance. Nausea - this is not a sign of disease, cope with it on their own, if the disorder is not accompanied by a number of other symptoms and pain. Regular nausea - a reason to see a doctor. Early treatment - the success of a quick recovery. Stay calm and remember that the question, "Could this be the pregnancy, if after a month of sick?", The answer is yes. It is not menses and vaginal bleeding after fertilization.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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