As will monthly after curettage (uterine cleaning): date of menarche

The resumption of the cycle of menstruation after gynecological cleansing - the main feature of the restoration of health. Month after scraping after the due date due to start in the same mode. Any deviation - it is an occasion to see a doctor to avoid further complications.

woman in red pants


  • The procedure affects the monthly
  • What will be the first menstruation
  • Violations that are most common
  • Complications after curettage

The procedure affects the monthly

uterine curettage procedure - the removal from the cavity surface mucosal layer of the uterus (endometrial functional layer). This procedure has a negative impact on the overall health of the woman, injure the uterus, therefore carried out only in forced situations.

The surface layer of the uterus - the endometrium. He, in turn, consists of deep basal and outer functional layers.

Basal - the basis for successful external growth. Each cycle of the functional layer increases, matures, it becomes thicker (at this point the fertilized egg is attached thereto).

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If conception does not happen, then overripe functional layer is detached from the uterine wall and discharged to the outside - start month, and then repeats the cycle endometrial maturation.

When menses resumed after curettage, it depends on the cause, in connection with which it is carried out:

  • after dilatation and curettage monthly recover faster - respectively the normal cycle of 3-5 weeks (procedure It carried out on the eve of critical days, which coincides with the natural process - physiological recovery endometrium);
  • therapeutic scraping is performed after menstruation, when the functional layer is moved itself, and can be cleaned efficiently and deeper cavity;
  • cleaning after a miscarriage, abortion or missed abortion may take up to 5-7 weeks (recovery requires not only the sexual organs, but also hormonal cycle).
gynecological chair

Physicians have used two methods of procedure: vacuum (more painful but less traumatic) and curettage (surgical cleaning tool in the form of an elongated handle with the spoon). A second method often results in damage to the uterus during cleaning, especially when atony looseness or organ.

Menses miscarriage after cleaning without advancing in due time (3-5 weeks).

Scraping do not, if the pregnancy period does not exceed 4-9 weeks. Ovum, usually comes out as a whole, and the doctor simply assigns a control ultrasound. In this case (in contrast to abortive cleaning, in which injured uterus and cervix) recovery takes place easily.

When will menstruation after curettage hyperplasia and other diseases of the endometrium is dependent on the depth cleaning. If the procedure took place without disturbances and complications, the cycle will resume in 3-5 weeks required. In case of severe injury to the basal layer of the restoration will take longer.

A complete recovery is possible to say when will the monthly and fully recover the monthly cycle.

After the procedure, the woman is watching spotting that continues about a week: 2-3 days red hue, then change color to brown. Their scarcity indicates normal during the recovery process, when the month will have to begin after curettage in due time - 3-5 weeks.

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What will be the first menstruation

When, after scraping resumed menses, it depends on several factors:

  • causes uterine cleaning;
  • characteristics of the organism;
  • a method of scraping;
  • presence of complications.

First period should be expected in 28-35 days after the operation. You can navigate to a habitual cycle - second and subsequent menstruation will already be fully consistent with it.

If the procedure is to remove non-viable pregnancy or abortion was performed, the waiting period will be delayed up to 35-45 days (requires restoration of hormonal and organ).

In normal postoperative period diagnostic scraping will not lead to delays, as a hormonal cycle is not disrupted. Menstruation after cleaning will begin no later than 35 days. Abnormalities in this case can be attributed to the characteristics of the organism.

If the indications for cleaning were gynecological diseases that have caused irregular menstrual cycle (polyps, adhesions, uterine bleeding), monthly come before - after 1 month curettage. And then restored to the usual cycle of women.

First period - the main indicator of how the operation was successful. Of course, it will be different from the normal. Habitual monthly more scarce and are not as painful as after cleaning.


It is important not to confuse with menstruation began to bleed. The uterus is a large open wound, last week neobilnye allocation, they are becoming smaller every day, and then starts spotting. Maximum duration - 10 days.

Once cleaned, monthly come no earlier than 3 weeks. Bleeding is more likely to begin in a few days or 1-2 weeks.

Only when the normal start menstruating woman can be sure that the operation was successful.

Violations that are most common

Menses after cleaning - recovery rate. It is not always the process runs smoothly, and are often found the following violations:

  • menstruation after curettage is very abundant;
  • no periods in 60 days;
  • Meager isolation with an unnatural color and an unpleasant odor;
  • bleeding after 2 weeks or earlier after scraping;
  • abnormalities (cycle wanders too prolonged bleeding scarce or plentiful monthly).

violations are often accompanied by a significant increase in temperature, sharp pains in the abdomen.

If there is no menstruation or other listed symptoms are observed, 2 months woman should seek immediate medical attention to avoid complications.

hands of the patient and the physician

Complications after curettage

Serious concerns arise when monthly after cleaning is not started after 7 weeks. This suggests the presence of complications that can lead to bad consequences.

To find out the reasons why there is a long month after curettage procedures need to see a gynecologist.

  1. cervical spasm. Inside the cavity accumulates blood that begins to rot, to provoke infection of the female genital tract and endometriosis.
  2. Failure hormones. If curettage was performed after a failed pregnancy (abortion, miscarriage), the recovery cycle prevents high levels of progesterone. Therefore, post-abortion doctors often prescribe oral contraceptives to women - they help rebuild hormones.
  3. Again became pregnant. It is possible already after 2 weeks.
  4. Scraping for medicinal purposes. It requires more time to recover.

If the monthly came sooner than 14 days after curettage, it speaks about the open bleeding. Probably, the uterus after surgery friable vessels reduces bad.

The first menstruation after surgery is often different from the usual, but in the second and subsequent times the cycle returns to normal (this applies to the timing, volume). Failure speaks about the serious violation of hormonal background.

Changes in the usual amount of menstrual bleeding may be caused by abnormalities:

  1. Overly heavy, clotted, too long periods indicate uterine bleeding. If the gasket has to be changed more than 1 time for three hours, it says insufficient quality scraping and heavy bleeding will lead to uterine atony. It is also possible endometrial polyps (polyps - benign growths in the uterus), especially after an interruption on the big stage of pregnancy.
  2. Scarce discharge with an unpleasant odor and unnatural colors, severe pain may indicate endometriosis.

First of all diagnostic periods begin after cleaning. If they come 3 weeks after the procedure, then it is normal, especially when a woman has a short menstrual cycle.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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