Why during the month you want to sleep and what to do to overcome drowsiness

Before and during the first few days of menstruation, more than half of women experience constant fatigue and drowsiness. This is due to an unstable amount allocated to the female hormones, especially progesterone excess characteristic for a given period. Also, there are several reasons why menstruation always want to sleep.

woman yawning


  • The causes of sleepiness during menses
  • What are the symptoms can be during menstruation
  • How to maintain performance in the critical days
  • Vitamins for Women

The causes of sleepiness during menses

The main reasons why during the month you want to sleep, are:

  1. Changes in hormone levels. Excessive physiological amounts of progesterone is observed twice during the cycle: during ovulation and during the beginning of the month. Hormone acts on receptors responsible for sleep, in this connection there are lethargy and drowsiness
  2. Stress, hormonal fluctuations reinforced during this period. The depletion of the nervous system is reflected in the physiology. Defensively, the body tries to save power, and the response is a desire to go to sleep to recover.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. Anemia due to menstrual bleeding. Healthy woman in the norm menstruation loses blood volume to 150 ml of blood per month, and in the presence of pathologies - even more. Failure to comply with a healthy balanced diet, alcohol consumption, smoking and deficiency of micronutrients the body does not have time to recover - and a girl wants to sleep. Appear low hemoglobin levels can not only in the first days of menstruation, but also throughout the entire cycle.
  5. Disorders of the cardiovascular system. Women who tend to lower blood pressure, may feel weak before and during the first days of menstruation.
  6. Pregnancy. May cause hypersomnia, disturbing the girl in the first days of the cycle. For the period of childbearing weakness and fatigue are the norm, but if in the early stages appear spotting of bleeding maroon or brown, there may be a threat miscarriage.
  7. Diseases of all systems in any form of leakage. Their presence reduces the immune system and affect the performance and vigor. Sluggish state is typical in this case, not only for the period of menstruation.
girl sleeps

What are the symptoms can be during menstruation

In addition to increased sleepiness in healthy women experience other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome:

  • irritability, Frequent mood swings, Tearfulness;
  • pain in the abdomen and in the mammary glands;
  • general deterioration of health, nausea and dizziness.

Every woman's symptoms to varying degrees, depending on the characteristics of an organism and its genetics. According to the experts, the healthier lifestyle, women, the less they are expressed, and vice versa.

How to maintain performance in the critical days

The desire to take a nap during the day when menstruation can not affect negatively on performance. To oppose him, we can take these preventive measures:

  • eat right - eliminate harmful products, alcohol, cigarettes, coffee based diet should be raw vegetables and seasonal fruits, vegetable and animal protein, polyunsaturated fats;
  • exercise regularly - physical activity has a positive effect on the general state of health, including the endocrine system;
  • monitor the emotional state to avoid stress and to remain constantly in search of positive experiences;
  • follow a healthy sleep - sleep at least 8 hours a day. This is the main condition for the restoration of physical strength and psycho-emotional state;
  • often go outdoors.
woman in the forest

That during the menstrual period, less sleepy, it is necessary, in addition to these actions, to find out the exact cause of ailments and to exclude the existence of serious pathologies.

Vitamins for Women

To support the critical days degraded condition of the body, it is recommended for women to take the necessary vitamins and minerals:

  1. Group B - a beneficial effect on hormones and contribute to a more comfortable the flow of critical days.
  2. Magnesium - eliminating the weaknesses, headaches and pain in the stomach, strengthens the nervous system.
  3. Polyunsaturated fats - vegetable (flax seed) improve hormones, animals strengthen the immune system, improve the condition of skin, hair.
  4. Iron - deficiency anemia is manifested, weakness and drowsiness.

This is not the whole list, named only essential trace minerals that affect the status of women during menstruation. They can be used alone or in combination, the main thing - prescribed by a doctor after a preliminary examination.

Alleviate the condition during menstruation and to reduce the sluggishness can own, changing the way of life for the better. Sometimes this requires medication therapy, in particular hormones and vitamins.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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