No monthly after cancellation of contraceptive tablets (OC) causes delay after cessation of

The use of hormone pills - one of the most common and effective methods of contraception. Women often face the problem when there is no menstruation after discontinuation of birth control pills. This is a concern, and a number of questions about the possibility of becoming pregnant and the need for treatment.

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  • Effect of contraceptive preparations on menstruation
  • cancellation
  • Possible reasons for the delay
  • As soon as the menstrual cycle

Effect of contraceptive preparations on menstruation

First of all, it helps to understand the mechanism of action of hormone pills. Oral contraceptives (OCs) often combine a male hormones (progestin) and female (estrogens) and are primarily aimed at the reduction or complete suppression of ovulation. After the output of mature egg in the middle of the menstrual cycle (ovulation) is the most important factor for pregnancy.

However, the effect of the drug on the female body is to increase the viscosity of the liquid in the cervical canal and vaginal acidity. This detrimental effect on sperm entering the vagina during sexual intercourse. Another hormonal agents contribute to the reduction of the functional layer of the endometrium. So, if fertilization did occur, the egg can not attach to the uterus.

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During the reception, OK there is a change in hormonal levels that gynecologists are sometimes called artificial pregnancy. reproductive "rest" system during this period.

Isolation, appearing after each course contraceptives are withdrawal bleeding. After all, a real menstruation occurs when ovulation has occurred in the cycle.

After the end of contraception the body needs time to re-start the production of hormones in the right quantity. In this connection the first time no periods after the abolition of the contraceptive pill. With this standard situation faced by many women.

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The reasons for which a woman stops taking the pills may be different:

  • deterioration after starting OK - tachycardia, nausea, dizziness. These symptoms indicate that the selected tablets are not suitable;
  • planning to become pregnant;
  • switching to other means of contraception or other OK;
  • completion of treatment (if the funds are designated just for this purpose).

Whatever the reason for the refusal of the hormone pills, you should stick to the basic rules of the abolition of contraceptives:

  1. Cancel OK must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.
  2. You can not give up the drug in mid-cycle. If a woman has stopped drinking OK, do not use the whole pack, it can threaten uterine bleeding or a sharp deterioration in health, as well as lead to a hormonal crash.
  3. If, due to improper tablets and threat to health or normal way of life you want to stop receiving a mid-cycle, you should visit the antenatal clinic. It is desirable that it was the same specialist who prescribed OK.

Delayed menstruation after discontinuation of OC is observed in any healthy representatives of the weaker sex, even if the earlier cycle is not got lost. And it will be the longer than Accepted longer.

Therefore, if a woman has stopped to drink contraceptives and monthly No need to wait a little longer.

If, after the onset of menstruation appears that strayed cycle after canceling OK, do not worry, the body needs time to restore.

girl pill

Possible reasons for the delay

Often, the reason why after the abolition of the contraceptive is not monthly, is pregnancy. Fertilization occurs for several reasons:

  • noncompliance tablets reception (day omitted or different times of reception);
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • antibiotics;
  • bad habits (alcohol, smoking).

If on the test result is negative, the reasons why no periods after birth control pills, may be different. Most often this is due to the work of the reproductive system. If you cancel contraceptives violation of the cycle - the permissible norm. The body needs time for recovery of pituitary function that all hormone is produced in the right quantity and in time, in connection with which there is a delay.

However, if contraceptives are taken for a short time, the recovery of the uterus and the ovaries work (regular menstrual period from ovulation, corpus luteum formation and proliferation of the endometrium) occurs within 1-3 months.

Propafenone OK (more than 3 years) recovery continues for half a year, and sometimes longer. After the cancellation of the contraceptive is usually a long delay occurs.

If menstruation does not begin within a few months, then it is an alarming signal for other violations that occur in the body. It will require a full examination, and not only the reproductive system, but also the thyroid gland which is responsible for hormone production.

More detail on the nature of menstruation after discontinuation of contraception tell a separate article on our site.

As soon as the menstrual cycle

After the cancellation of the contraceptive pill monthly delay may be from several days to several weeks. During this period, there is a restoration of the natural cycle. Its duration depends on the duration of the reception means. In fact, after the abolition of hormone pills it takes time to start working again ovaries.

The onset of menstrual bleeding after discontinuation of oral contraceptives does not mean that the cycle is restored. The first months of irregular menstruation are too abundant or scarce. However, if a woman is healthy and OK were chosen correctly, then the cycle returns to normal within three months. It is through such a period gynecologists recommend to start planning an active child.

Absence of menstrual periods for a long time (2 months or more) said that there was a hormonal failure, and the body can not adjust the production of female hormones. About the same evidence and irregular menstrual cycle in 6 months after cessation of use OK.

In this situation, the gynecologist will appoint a survey to find out why can not start after a month of birth control pills. The treatment, which will appoint a physician will most likely hormonal. Prescribed use of oral contraceptives for a month or longer, as well as individual therapy, matched by results of analyzes.

If after treatment periods have not begun, a second examination. The process can be long and difficult, but often can not restore reproductive function. To reduce the risk of loss of fertility after discontinuation of birth control pills, doctors recommend taking a break every three years for 2-3 months. At this time, to protect against unwanted pregnancy need to use condoms.

A well-chosen contraception and termination of their use under medical supervision - a pledge that menstruation will come in time, and a regular cycle will recover quickly. Do not start taking OK suitable girlfriend, mother or sister, and then cancel them thoughtlessly. This issue should be referred to a specialist.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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