When do mammograms: what day of the cycle, whether during menstruation

Mammography - method for studying breast tissue using special equipment - mammography, which has several varieties used in different cases. Women often wonder how and on what day of the month is mammography, whether to hold it in the critical days as possible.

woman mammograms


  • Why is it important to do a mammogram
  • When is it best to do a mammogram
  • At what age did the survey is conducted
  • implants

Why is it important to do a mammogram

Breast disease common in the female population increasing every year. If only a few decades ago, the formation in the breast is found predominantly in the fairer sex menopause, But now they are also found in the age group from 20 to 40 years old.

Mammography is used primarily for the diagnosis of malignant tumors. Discovered in the early stages of tumor is easier to cure.

This form of diagnosis is considered to be very informative and supplemented or replaced by laboratory, tomography, ultrasound.

Indications when doing mammograms:

  • when detecting the seals in the chest, the tactile contact which may cause pain and discomfort;
  • instagram viewer
  • identifying nodes and skin deformation, skin redness along the contour of the breast;
  • availability discharge from the nipple;
  • Nipple deformation;
  • permanent failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • when the breast becomes vague form;
  • for the purpose of early diagnosis of cancer - all women over the age of 40 years.
patient and doctor at mammography

Contraindications for mammography are:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • age up to 35 years.

Explained the ban on this procedure so that X-rays in these cases, a negative impact on the body. Perhaps its conduct during breastfeedingIf there is evidence and examination of the doctor insists.

Do mammograms on a certain day, and it is caused by physiology. That during the procedure the woman feel as comfortable as possible, the breast should be soft.

When is it best to do a mammogram

On what day of the cycle to do a mammogram depends on the individual characteristics of women:

  1. If the cycle lasts at least 25 days, the procedure is carried out 3 to 5 days after its start.
  2. With a cycle time of about 4 weeks, the right to be examined women from 6 to 12 day. Experts say that due to the hormonal processes that take place at this time (copious estrogen), chest relaxed.
  3. When the cycle is more than 35 days, it is better to do shots with 10 ° to 18 day from the beginning.
  4. After menopause, the procedure allows to obtain reliable data on any given day.

Such a study during ovulation and before menstruation completely uninformative due to the large amount of progesterone - a hormone that significantly affect the state of the mammary glands.

Women are often asked whether it is possible to do a mammogram during the month. The unequivocal answer from the experts there, because in general, are not considered a contraindication menstruation.

the doctor advises the patient

But the feasibility of such a survey, again due to the individual characteristics of the female organism:

  • If menstrual bleeding lasting 3-5 days, the final day of the chest is fully prepared for the examination;
  • at monthly lasting 5 days or more, 5 or 6 day breasts may remain swollen and progesterone level is sufficiently high.

In the second case it is better to wait until the critical days. This will help make mammograms for women comfortable and reliable for diagnosis.

For flow with neoplasms diseases characterized by irregular bleeding, which may be perceived as menses.

If for many months a woman has not been critical days, and then the bleeding appeared, mammography should be carried out urgently.

Rules of procedure:

  1. Assigns it only doctor, he also selects the most suitable date.
  2. A couple of days before the study is necessary to give up coffee and energy drinks.
  3. If the procedure is carried out before, you need to take pictures of the past, so that the doctor can assess the clinical picture over time.
  4. On the day of the need to take care of hygiene, but do not use moisturizers and deodorants - because they appear in the image spots that may affect the diagnosis.
  5. Permission is taking certain painkillers, if the woman is afraid of unpleasant sensations.
  6. Examine each breast individually, placing and fixing between the special straps. Duration of treatment is up to 20 minutes.
  7. If necessary, make additional clarifying pictures in the right perspective.
doctor examines pictures

At what age did the survey is conducted

On the question of when it is possible to do a mammogram without prejudice to the health professionals are responsible that the woman must reach the age of 35 years. Different countries have their own recommendations regarding the method and period of examination of the breast.

Up to 35 years as the main method of diagnosis applied ultrasound. This is explained by the adverse effect of the rays on a young body by frequent use (to do a mammogram the breast is recommended every two years, and for the testimony - and more).

Despite the potential danger, some experts believe that mammography studies can be carried out at all ages with the appearance of characteristic symptoms, given the importance of procedures for accurate diagnosis.

In addition, when deciding when to do a mammogram breast, has a value type of procedure:

  • standard, which yield a picture in direct and oblique;
  • expanded - for an extra shot in the side perspective;
  • sighting, when there is a need to examine in more detail a specific area of ​​tissue;
  • Digital - for examination of women of childbearing age.


Conducting procedures to identify or eliminate malignant tumors in the breasts and possibly in the presence of the implants. The reason is considered to be primarily a change in breast shape, but also should not ignore all the symptoms listed above.

But implants are difficult to diagnose, so mammography passes differently than in standard situations. To obtain a reliable picture of their shift toward and natural breast tissue is placed between the slats mammograph.

Often women who are prone to mastitis, during the childbearing and breastfeeding disease escalates, but they do not go to the doctor, devoting all his time to the kid. Gynecologists recommend not ignore the warning signs and seek help in time.

Particular attention should be paid to mastopathy breast during menopauseTo learn about its symptoms and treatment of disease, be sure to read the separate article on our site.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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