How to define - or miscarriage month: characteristics and differences in early pregnancy

Menstruation - not the most pleasant time for women, but most of its origin upsets those who passionately wants to get pregnant. However, the bleeding is not always caused by the normal procedure of rejection of the endometrium, sometimes it is accompanied by interruption of pregnancy has barely begun. Learn exactly miscarriage or monthly provoked spotting possible. There are several methods.

she buried her knees


  • Classification
  • Unlike miscarriage of menstruation
  • How do you know that there was a miscarriage
  • Symptoms and causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy
    • without delay
    • During menstruation
  • What to do if symptoms
  • Recovering from miscarriage: how to survive it


Monthly and miscarriage - the different physiological processes, but they are accompanied by similar symptoms.

Menstruation - a natural part of a woman's cycle. Every month the body prepares to conceive a child, this process is controlled hormones. The internal cavity of the uterus is lined with special layer of the endometriumIntended to secure the ovum and subsequently the embryo food. If fertilization has not occurred (or there was no ovulation), endometrium withers away and removed from the uterus with residues of small blood vessels formed per cycle. Outwardly, it looks like a bloody discharge from the vagina, and is often accompanied by pain. This process is called monthly (or menses).

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Miscarriage - a term denoting a spontaneous abortion at an early period (up to 22 weeks). If conception has occurred recently, the appearance of fetal rejection is almost indistinguishable from normal menstruation.

It is also accompanied by pain and bloody discharge. Ovum is still too small, so that it can be seen among the blood and clots.

Miscarriage occurs for various reasons, for a successful conception and gestation they should be identified and eliminated.

Visual differences between early miscarriage from monthly virtually absent, but the methods for their recognition still exist.

the girl at the window

Unlike miscarriage of menstruation

External signs by which we can assume the true cause of bleeding, fairly conventional:

  1. Delayed menstruation can be called as the beginning of pregnancy and hormonal failure.
  2. Bleeding in the event of abortion is more lasting and abundant.
  3. Unusual color or smell of blood, the presence of clots may indicate that there was a miscarriage. At these monthly symptoms are not observed.
  4. Monthly from abortion are different character of pain. When spontaneous abortion discomfort may resemble the fight, to give in the waist. Menstruation often accompanied pulling discomfort in the abdomen.

These symptoms do not allow to reliably determine the monthly or miscarriage caused the spotting. To accurately determine the required other methods.

How do you know that there was a miscarriage

According to distinguish the external signs of miscarriage month is almost impossible, especially if it occurred at a very early stage. Ultrasound examination in this case, too uninformative - these processes look the same to the device. The size of the gestational sac during this period is too small and does not allow him to see.

Determining miscarriage or monthly caused bleeding, is available through the development of laboratory diagnostics.

There is evidence that allows a high degree of certainty to determine whether the pregnancy was. It indicates the presence in the blood and urine of women specific hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

It is based on its detection operation of all the test - the second bar is displayed if present in the urine of a sufficient concentration of this substance.

girl with a pregnancy test

The hormone hCG begins to produce about a week after the implantation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium, its content in the blood is rapidly growing up to 11-12 weeks, and then begins decline. The high concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood and urine of women persists for several days after the miscarriage. It allows to distinguish it from a month.

Therefore, most affordable way to recognize miscarriage in early pregnancy - a pregnancy test. When bleeding - just menstruation, it seems only one bar. And if it is caused by spontaneous abortion, explicitly or pale is the second visible.

A more reliable method - Determination of HCG with a special blood test. Reliable results are available in about one week after the onset of bleeding. After a miscarriage hormone level decreases, and after a few days it is difficult to detect.

If menses are late, it makes sense to do the test immediately. Modern means determine the "interesting position" on the first day delay. If a positive result in the event of bleeding will be clear that the reason is not monthly. Knowing this, it is possible to timely seek medical advice.

Besides, one way is to recognize Conception determination of basal body temperature and maintaining graphics performance. If the egg is fertilized value significantly increased, which also allows some degree of certainty to distinguish terminate the pregnancy from the beginning of the month in the case of bleeding.

thermometer and a graph of basal body temperature

Symptoms and causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy

According to statistics, every woman for life at least once suffers an early miscarriage, taking him for a regular period. Symptoms and signs of these processes are almost identical. The reasons for interruption barely begun pregnancy are different:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases (gynecological or general);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • Rhesus-conflict and other immunological factors;
  • stress;
  • erroneously mounted embryo in the uterus;
  • High physical activity;
  • medication, including plant;
  • genetic abnormalities in fetal development;
  • bad habits, poor nutrition, abuse of coffee;
  • sex, trauma;
  • intoxication;
  • once or underweight;
  • insufficient recovery of the uterus and the organism as a whole after a previous birth, abortion or miscarriage.

Rejection of the fetus in the first weeks after conception is usually not a threat to health, but there are exceptions.

bags for blood transfusion

without delay

If menses started right on time, with high probability no question of spontaneous abortion. Understand that the bleeding is the beginning of a miscarriage can be a number of features:

  • severe cramping, smack in the lower back;
  • brown color of blood, plenty clots in secretions;
  • positive pregnancy test.

In this case, even if the bleeding has begun without delay, consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis and adequate medical care.

During menstruation

The loss of the fetus can pass as ordinary monthly. It is particularly difficult to feel the difference, if every time menstruation profuse, painful and accompanied by the release of blood clots.

At the slightest suspicion of other causes of bleeding should consult a doctor. Miscarriage (even at a very early stage) is a danger to women's reproductive health and requires rehabilitation under the supervision of a specialist.

What to do if symptoms

If a woman believes she is pregnant, or it involves a high degree of probability, it is necessary to be especially attentive to the symptoms. Spontaneous abortion is not instantaneous, this process takes some time. Therefore, if at the first signs (pain, bleeding) apply to the medical institution, has a chance to save the fetus.

In addition, under the threat of loss of the fetus it is very important to observe the following guidelines:

  • Avoid strenuous exercise, heavy lifting;
  • as far as possible to comply with bed rest;
  • refuse sexual intercourse;
  • keep calm and avoid stress.
girl sleeps

As a rule, with the threat of rejection of the fetus is recommended hospitalization. In the hospital will be promptly carried out the necessary tests and measures were taken to prevent miscarriage. If you save the pregnancy not succeed, the doctor can check the status of women and uterus purification of fetal fragments and endometrium.

At home, these particles can remain inside and cause severe inflammation - this is possible with spontaneous abortion.

Recovering from miscarriage: how to survive it

If you have been diagnosed miscarriage early in pregnancy, it is not a sentence. Most women after miscarriage is successfully restored, retain the ability to carry and give birth to healthy children. This is possible under the supervision of an experienced physician.

Rehabilitation includes:

  1. Careful examination, detection and treatment of diseases that could lead to miscarriage. This also applies to the reproductive system diseases and general health problems.
  2. Strict control of their own state on the part of women. If you notice unusual discharge from the vagina during and after treatment, as well as other symptoms should not delay the visit to the gynecologist.
  3. Establishing a correct way of life, work and rest, physical activity.
  4. Proper and balanced nutrition.
  5. Calm and positive attitude. Confidence in the success is very important.

Great benefit to restore health and reproductive function will bring the spa treatment in special medical institutions.

Miscarriage in early pregnancy - a common phenomenon, but that is no reason to leave the problem unattended. It is necessary to find out what the cause of spontaneous abortion, and fix it. This can help an experienced gynecologist.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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