Can go month after conception, the possible reasons for this phenomenon

The main feature of the ensuing pregnancy is the cessation of menstruation. But it happens that a woman is not aware of their interesting position, because menstruation continues. Can go month after conception, it is considered the norm, or deviation, explains gynecologist to consult.

If conception has occurred, and the bleeding takes place is likely fertilization happens in the middle of the cycle, the embryo could not attach to the uterine wall, and menstruation are on the usual scheme.

asks the doctor


  • physiological characteristics
  • Bleeding or monthly
  • Causes menstruation after conception
    • Implantation
    • hormonal disorders
    • Cervical injury
    • which began miscarriage
    • molar pregnancy
  • Do menstruation during pregnancy are dangerous

physiological characteristics

Functioning of the body and its systems is subject to certain rules. By the beginning of menstruation in a woman matures more than 20,000 eggs in the ovum, one of them moved into the fallopian tube and stays there for ovulation. If conception has not occurred, the egg dies and goes along with menstrual blood.

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Intrauterine cavity vystelit functional layer - endometrium that increases rapidly after menses. His role - to provide necessary nutrition of the child, so he is well supplied with blood.

In the absence of conception endometrial layer is torn away and out, since there is no need to provide nutritional substances embryo.

Once fertilization has occurred, the egg is implanted in the endometrium, hormonal changes: released progesterone and uterine walls with the endometrium begin to condense and thicken for reliable protection embryo.

Bleeding or monthly

Menstruation after conception may indicate a malfunction in the body, as is normal with the arrival of the monthly pregnancy terminated. But there are exceptions.

In the first week of pregnancy, the possibility of allocating the red due to rupture of the follicle and release of the egg. In the usual time periods occur at conception and in mid-cycle when the fetus does not have time to attach to a desired portion of the endometrium.

Sometimes two eggs ripen at once, one of which is fertilized, and the other dead, bleeding out. Estrogen deficiency can also cause critical days: because of hormonal failure expectant mother learns of their situation in the 13 weeks.

In any case, such a situation should be an occasion for an immediate visit to the hospital.

If there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, the blood is released, but not menstrual. State is accompanied by uncomfortable sensations - cramping pain in the lower abdomen or weight. Bleeding is preceded by the usual delay in menstruation, as happens during pregnancy, and only for a certain period appear allocation. In this state need to call an ambulance immediately.

at ectopic pregnancy bleeding also present. After ovulation and conception, the zygote is sent into the uterine cavity, but for various reasons can be fixed outside the limits. This is the reason for the surgery.

ectopic pregnancy

Abnormal bleeding can be distinguished from menstruation-out red blood and the intensity of the discharge, and pain.

Causes menstruation after conception

It happens that a woman is not aware of their situation, because every month come the critical days. Possible reasons:

  1. Abnormal development of the fetus.
  2. Hormonal failure in the female body.
  3. Rejection of the egg or the endometrium.
  4. Missed abortion.
  5. Stress state of the future mother.
  6. Ectopic pregnancy.

We recommend to read more information about the menstruation in the first month of pregnancy.


Sometimes menstruation during pregnancy do not bear danger. zygote implantation usually occurs within 2-3 days after fertilization, but sometimes delayed up to two weeks. The brain is no signal of conception and month come at the usual time.

Also, a small amount of reddish discharge may occur at the time of attachment of the zygote to the uterine wall.

hormonal disorders

Allocation like menstruation can occur due to hormonal deficiency. Low levels of progesterone, HCG and other metabolic imbalances lead to spotting after conception.

There is a risk of spontaneous abortion. Expectant mother should consult a doctor who will prescribe hormonal drugs to save the baby.

Cervical injury

After conception mucous membranes become loose and vulnerable vessels become thinner. Spotting may occur due to injury to the vagina and cervix. This happens after intercourse or a pelvic exam.

Discharge from the genitals are not prolonged nature and do not pose a threat to life and health of the child.

which began miscarriage

Isolation accompanied by cramping pain of nature, in the early stages indicate a threat to the life of the fetus. This means that the fertilized egg has stolen, killed, or close to death. The secreted blood clots are clearly visible.

Without medical care in this case can not do. If fragments remain inside the embryo, develop inflammatory process which can be complicated by sepsis. The only way out - an operation.

Just encourage you to read more information about how distinguish miscarriage of menstruation.

spontaneous abortion

molar pregnancy

The embryo has a temporal envelope (chorion), which is later converted into the placenta. It can mutate into the uterine cavity, growing in a particular tissue, similar to bunches with bubbles, which increases in size, resembling a tumor, sometimes degenerates into a malignant education. Bear a child with such a diagnosis is impossible.

To remove the skid allow the patient anesthesia produce dilatation and scrape the contents. As a result of operative treatment while maintaining the reproductive organs in women is still possible to get pregnant after the recovery of the menstrual cycle.

Do menstruation during pregnancy are dangerous

Not all inclusive allocation blood as doctors say, threatening the lives of women and children. Painful and heavy bleeding in 100 percent of cases have a poor prognosis. Scarce and smearing is usually not serious, but require access to a doctor.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe examinations and tests, excluding spontaneous abortion. If there is a serious pathology specialist will insist on an abortion. But if the bleeding causes a lack of hormones, a woman will recommend their acceptance.

By following all the instructions of doctors, you can avoid the abortion and be able to carry and give birth to a healthy baby to term.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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