Pregnancy after a month: signs and symptoms of early

Until the advent and spread of oral contraceptives and condoms couples long used so-called protection of the calendar method. He is counting the days of the menstrual cycle and identify it dangerous and safe days for unprotected sexual intercourse. In the absence of disturbances with the effectiveness of the method the part of female reproductive system is very high, pregnancy after monthly unlikely. However, at a young age when possible vibrations of the menstrual cycle, and also due to various external factors, there is a probability of fertilization and after menstruation.

looking at test one eye


  • What days are most likely Conception
  • Early signs of pregnancy
    • doubtful
    • probable
  • diagnosis of pregnancy
    • The reception was at the gynecologist
    • Pregnancy test
    • Ultrasonography

What days are most likely Conception

Given the characteristics of phases of the cycle, it can be concluded that the probability of getting pregnant before the month is much higher than afterwards. For various reasons, release of an egg from the ovary can occur during menstruation, allowing the woman to get pregnant even at this stage of the menstrual cycle.

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The calendar method of contraception can provide serious guarantees that unwanted pregnancy does not happen. Despite the fact that for three days before menstruation and after a week is considered safe period, conception at this time it is not possible. In theory, you can get pregnant the day before the month. Fertilization though unlikely, but still possible.

Pregnancy can occur and immediately after the critical days, and even during menstruation Conception it is not excluded. Immediately after monthly possibility of fertilization is about 3%. In the first week of each day, this figure gradually increased, reaching a value of 16%.

To avoid unwanted pregnancy, doctors recommend to abandon the calendar method of contraception - is too high probability of an unplanned conception. In either case, a woman needs to constantly monitor their condition, periodically conducting tests, pay attention to the features of the menstrual cycle, so you know exactly how can not be protected after a month.

Woman with test

Early signs of pregnancy

The first signs are those that occur before a woman detects a delay of menstruation. That is, they must appear no later than one month from the date when the pregnancy occurs.

In recent times there are situations when menstruation does not stop at fertilization. However, after a month of the first signs of pregnancy are easy to recognize. Usually they are classified as probable and questionable.


On the day when conception takes place, triggered a cascade of changes in the female body. Pregnancy often immediately affects the central nervous system, causing behavioral characteristics (abrupt change in mood, irritability, and lethargy).

For the first month, even before she finds the delay cycle, there are characteristic symptoms of pregnancy:

  • morning sickness;
  • changing taste preferences;
  • individual food intolerance;
  • fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome.

However, the presence of each feature individually does not indicate fertilization. Only their combination could be the fact (though doubtful) the onset of conception.

There is a misconception that morning sickness - a true proof of pregnancy, which indicates the first trimester morning sickness. However, this symptom appears, as a rule, in the second month, and up to this point, this kind of sickness can not serve as a reliable sign.

Sometimes a girl can watch the morning nausea and a delay with a negative test. This fact can occur for a number of reasons, so for more information on this topic in more detail.

Woman standing at the sink


Due to the individual characteristics of each woman reacts differently to the changes occurring in her body after conception happened. Sometimes, symptoms may not appear for several months (in this case, even the menstrual cycle, it would seem, it proceeds normally). In another scenario, the whole complex of the characteristic symptoms of the mother-catches in the first month.

Signs of the come fertilization will show themselves only after 7-10 days. This period corresponds to the completion of the process of implantation of the egg. Chorionic tissue starts to be produced chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is a common cause hormonal changes women.

Without special tests, this process can not be determined, but there are some obvious symptoms, which often indicate the conception:

  1. Increased basal body temperature (BT) of the body. This indicator shows the condition of the body at absolute rest, so it should be measured during sleep or immediately upon awakening - before any physical activity. BT increases during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and remains high throughout ovulation. After that, if pregnancy has not occurred, it is reduced.
  2. Delayed menstruation - the most obvious sign. However, it can not be fully relied upon, because there are several factors that lead to a similar result: neural shock, surgery, acute infectious disease, the use of potent hormone funds. A menstrual cycle, on the other hand, may remain unchanged throughout gestation.
  3. Hypersensitivity nipples darkening areolas, breast pain, increased venous pattern on them.
  4. Increasing the amount of cervical mucus and as a consequence, the natural vaginal discharge.
  5. Frequent urination.

diagnosis of pregnancy

Determine pregnancy allow biological, immunological and functional diagnostic methods. Also to establish the fact of conception is possible by means of clinical examination data.

Biological and immunological methods are based on determining the content of substances in biological fluids of the female body, typical for the period of pregnancy.

laboratory with test tube

The reception was at the gynecologist

With special pelvic exam, even in the first trimester can detect objective changes in the genitals. These include:

  • uterine enlargement, changing its shape;
  • cyanosis of the vaginal mucosa and cervical portion of the uterus.

To determine these features use inspection of the external genitalia and the vagina, by means of mirrors may inspect the wall of the vagina and cervix. Also, use a two-handed vaginal-abdominal exploration.

Pregnancy test

In order to establish the fact of pregnancy using the urine women, in determining the content of human chorionic gonadotropin. This research is characterized by simplicity and accuracy (98%). So, it can hold any girl, acquired a test strip into your local pharmacy.

HCG begins to produce the first hour after conception. Gradually increasing the concentration of thousands of times, that allows to define it with the test strip. This hormone - the main indicator of the existence and well-being of the pregnancy.


Ultrasound examination provides the most accurate and complete information. During transabdominal scans pregnancy can be determined at time of 4-5 weeks. It is set based on the presence in the uterine cavity of the ovum, the yolk sac, embryo, and the presence of its cardiac activity, in the later stages - thanks fetal imaging. Heartbeats can be detected by ultrasound with the period of 5-6 weeks, and the movement - with 7-8-th week.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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