Can the pregnancy if went monthly, is it possible to be pregnant, if passed

A woman's body is designed so that in the absence of pregnancy unfertilized egg causes critical days. Discharge of blood during the second half of the cycle may be indicative of the coming conception and not be menstruating.

Pregnancy, if gone monthly, perhaps in very rare cases. Spotting at the same time indicate the detachment of endometrium and the threat of miscarriage. Even more rarely, maybe two maturing eggs - one develops, the second dies and causes the flow of blood in time.

pregnancy test


  • Can I be pregnant during menstruation
  • Is implantation happens if fertilization has occurred
    • Types of bleeding during implantation
  • What do monthly, if the pregnancy is,

Can I be pregnant during menstruation

The logic of many women is clear: if you went monthly, then not pregnant. However, exclude the possibility of fertilization impossible.

There are a number of conditions for which can go month after conception:

  1. Time ovum implantation. For a period of 2-4 weeks after fertilization, the fertilized egg is implanted, damage blood vessels
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    That cause spotting, vaguely reminiscent of menstruation. Most often, this process occurs without isolation of blood, in rare cases, a woman may discover in time, when they had to begin the critical days, small brownish spotting for 1-3 days contract. This benign condition that does not require medical intervention.
  2. The period when the egg has not implanted into the uterine mucous layer before menstruation. In this case, the meager selection can be observed. The entire process takes 1 to 2 weeks, especially when conception occurred by the end of the second half of the cycle. Ie monthly start exactly on time when the fertilized egg is "looking for" a place for implantation.
  3. Maturation of two eggs at the same time - the rare case when a woman can be pregnant during the ensuing menstruation. Ova develop in different ovaries. One rejected by stimulating the beginning of menstruation, the second fertilized and continues to evolve.
  4. Hormonal disorders. The excess of male hormones, lack of progesterone can cause slight discharge of blood during the coming conception.
a drop of blood

The character, color, amount of these emissions depends on whether such "monthly" threaten pregnancy. Mostly spotting brownish color often does not threaten the development of the fetus, while heavy bleeding is a symptom interruption.

Many women often guessing over whether to go monthly during early pregnancy. However, in this matter it is better to turn to professionals to avoid serious consequences.

Is implantation happens if fertilization has occurred

The so-called implantation bleeding, which is often mistaken for the usual month, may occur if implantation has occurred on the day of, or a couple of days before.

Such bleeding is seen as the norm and occurs when the natural embryo implantation in the uterine lining. That is exactly the timing of egg implantation depends on whether there can be a pregnancy, if the periods are (rather daub).

Implantation does not occur immediately after fertilization. It moves through the pipes into the uterus is attached, the fetus begins its development in a few days.

If conception has occurred, but the egg has not yet attached itself can go monthly. The test will be negative, and only when the past month, a positive outcome is possible.

maturation and fertilization

Types of bleeding during implantation

There are two versions of the blood discharge during implantation:

  1. During the implementation of eggs in the endometrium about a week after conception (a 22-day cycle) are no delays, but may appear slight spotting. This is a rare case in medical practice.
  2. Implantation bleeding often occur at the 6th week after the first day of the last menstrual period. Just at this time, the rapid growth of CVS, which corresponds to the period of pregnancy from 4 to 5 weeks. Such a condition occurs in approximately a quarter of expectant mothers, often perceived as an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. Stops after 2-4 days.

Only in rare cases, slight spotting may indicate that the pregnancy was ectopic, or there is a threat of miscarriage. If a strong bleeding can say that I was pregnant, but was interrupted for some reason.

It can be implanted in the first day of the regular occurring. If for 5-6 days before the beginning of fertilization occurs, the embryo attachment period just falls on the 1st day of menstruation. The reasons for this is the long stay of the sperm in the fallopian tubes, ovulation offset. In this case, the woman became pregnant, when the monthly period came in towards the end of the second half of the cycle or immediately before the critical days.

a woman with a positive pregnancy test

What do monthly, if the pregnancy is,

Can be monthly after conception, it depends on many factors: inflammatory processes in the genital organs of women, hormonal, localization of pregnancy (in the uterus or outside).

Fertilization along with menstruation can be a dangerous symptom for the woman and the fetus. Monthly pregnancy often speak of pathologies such as:

  1. Unsuccessful attachment of the embryo. This can cause a separation of a small amount of blood for a period of several weeks. Typically, this happens because of the presence endometriosis in women or myomas / fibroids.
  2. Hormonal failure, often raising the level of male hormones, and reduced progesterone concentration.
  3. Rejection of a pair of single embryo. Rarely it happens when the fetus is developing two, and then one of them stops its development, and rejected, causing the blood discharge.
  4. Abnormal development of the fetus in utero - may cause miscarriage.
  5. The presence of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case ectopic pregnancy monthly associated with the development of the fetus in the abdomen, tubes, cervix. As the embryo occurs soft tissue gap to damage the blood vessels and the release.
ectopic pregnancy

In general, the state of the mother's reproductive system depends on whether to go with the coming month conception. Average content of male and female hormones, lack of chronic diseases of the genital organs, stress, trauma guarantee physiological attachment and further development of the egg.

Bleeding, similar to menstruation, when the positive test - a serious cause for concern. If bleeding increases as under normal menstruation, the color of bright red, you need to see a gynecologist.

Suspect will come fertilization can be if instead of the normal menstruation a woman has brownish spotting, ending in 1-2 days. The tests carried out in such a short period of time often gives a false negative response because hCG levels in the body is still negligible.

In any case, if test is positive and go monthlyIt is necessary to repeat the test and consult a doctor.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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