Delayed menstruation when taking birth control pills, why not started menstruating

Delayed menstruation when taking birth control pills is common. This is due to hormonal changes caused by taking medication. It is not excluded in this method of contraception and the idiosyncrasy of the drug. In this case, the doctor recommends another method or replacement funds for similar in properties.

hormone pills


  • Effect of contraceptive preparations on menstruation
  • When should come monthly while taking oral contraceptives
  • The reasons for the delay menstruation at reception OK
  • Rules OK selection
  • Cancellation drugs

Effect of contraceptive preparations on menstruation

As a result, use of the contraceptive pill, which is composed of the hormones in the body there are certain changes. The principle of operation of contraceptives is as follows:

  • pituitary gland begin to block the activity of substances that are responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • follicle maturation process slows down, and as a result - the lack of ovulation;
  • inhibited the ability of the fallopian tubes to shrink, and for this reason, the sperm can not move freely;
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  • cervical fluid becomes viscous and dense texture, which is why sperm can not penetrate into the uterus;
  • Endometrial changes structure and becomes impossible fastening fertilized egg.

With the development of processes that occur in the body and are caused by drug intake, menstruation becomes different. Particularly noticeable changes during the first month while taking contraceptive pills. The discharge becomes excessively heavy or scanty.

Due to hormonal changes may cause menstruation a little ahead of schedule or late. Changes and its duration. This largely depends on the health of women and the individual characteristics of the organism. Stands guard if monthly and do not end began when taking contraceptives.

a woman takes a pill

When should come monthly while taking oral contraceptives

Start monthly while taking birth control pills are not immediate and may differ substantially from the norm. Menstruation delayed and comes three weeks after the start of OC use. Cycle is not established immediately. For several months, may cause discharge prematurely.

Sometimes menstruation does not begin after reception of the package (21 tablets). For the first three cycles of such a phenomenon is considered normal.

Often there is a complete absence of menstrual periods when taking the OK for an extended period. No fear of such a failure does not cause a cycle. The body needs time to get used to the action of contraceptives. As soon as the concentration of estrogen comes back to normal, menstruation will return on their own.

The reasons for the delay menstruation at reception OK

If menstruation is not on time, many women begin to suspect pregnancy. In fact, absence of menstrual periods when taking contraceptives is due to such factors as:

  • failure to comply with the rules of reception of contraceptives;
  • poisoning as a result of which was caused by the vomiting, and the drug was released from the body;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages reduces the effect of the drug;
  • antibiotics also reduce the effectiveness of the means;
  • the acquisition of low-quality product.
Upon opening a pack OK

The reason why there are no monthly, not always covered in birth control pills. These may be symptoms of disease or the result of external factors. The absence of menstruation is often caused by:

  • Stress, nervous stress;
  • excessive exercise;
  • a strict diet;
  • changing climatic conditions;
  • abnormalities of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammation of the uterus or ovaries;
  • genital infections;
  • taking other medication parallel with contraceptives.

It is not necessary to understand yourself is, why there is no menstruation. Right decision - to seek help from a gynecologist.

Rules OK selection

Selection of the drug must be carried out exclusively by a gynecologist. The same means of oral contraception may not be suitable for all women.

Taken into account when choosing the age, frequency of intimate life, the experience of childbirth and the characteristics of the organism, defining hormones. Only in this way will be able to choose a drug that does not cause harm to health.

To make a decision the doctor takes into account the constitutional type:

  1. Estrogen. Women are not high, with well-developed mammary glands. Menstruation they have abundant and long. In this case, it is recommended to drink the pill Rinevidon, Trikvilar, Logest.
  2. Progesterone. A distinctive feature of the representatives of this type is tall and male appearance. They are characterized by greasy skin, small breasts and lean, short duration of menstruation. The best option is the use of drugs Yaryna, Diane-35, Jess.
  3. Mixed. Women of this type combines the characteristics of the other two. Most often, they are assigned Mersilon, Novinet, regulon.

For each type is defined by a group of medicines. When the wrong selection of the drug may not have the desired effect, or cause unwanted complications. In addition, a choice influenced by the results of blood tests, ultrasound examination of the gallbladder and liver.

different contraceptives

Cancellation drugs

Women are often afraid to cancel the pill, after a seven-day break, the reception continues. In fact, in case of failure of the contraceptive methods of adaptation process takes place quickly. The main condition that must be met - is to stop the use of the drug after the end of the package. If done correctly, will soon appear bloody discharge. If after the abolition of menstruation is not OK, Should see a specialist.

In order for the body more easily accepted the abolition of the drug, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • consult a gynecologist. In some cases discontinuation of OK is strictly prohibited;
  • through laboratory tests to determine the level of sex hormones;
  • I started to drink packaging. Refusal of drug in mid-cycle - this is a serious stress to the body. It is possible in this case, severe bleeding.

It should be noted that after the first pack is not necessary to immediately start a new one. Doctors strongly recommend to take a break of one week.

Delay when receiving OK - quite common. It results in most cases, hormonal changes in the body. After a short cycle time is set, and even after the abolition of monthly OK They come just in time. If the violations are marked for a long time, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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