Can I get pregnant if irregular menstruation how to do it

When a woman has irregular periods, it is difficult to determine the moment of conception. Physicians illustrate, due to which straying monthly cycle and whether it is possible to conceive at irregular periods. If a long time to plan conception, this problem can be solved. In 90 percent of the fairer sex, this method works. The remaining 10% need to improve women's health.

a couple at the doctor


  • Causes of irregular periods
  • likely to become pregnant
  • planning for pregnancy
    • Determination of ovulation
    • Visit to the doctor
    • The psychological state of women
  • Effects
  • Treatment

Causes of irregular periods

With the delay or unplanned onset of critical days almost every woman faces. failure causes may be:

  • a change of scenery;
  • changing climatic conditions;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • mental disease;
  • improper diet;
  • obesity;
  • delay due to stress;
  • depression;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • breast-feeding;
  • pelvic inflammatory disease.

likely to become pregnant

Unstable cycle and conception are mutually exclusive. Predict pregnancy with irregular cycle may be based on its causes.

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thinking about conceiving

The probability of conception depends on:

  • by appropriate treatment of the female reproductive system;
  • regular sex life;
  • age;
  • body weight;
  • diseases;
  • emotional state.

To increased chances of conception, should be calculated auspicious days for pregnancy. Sexual contact must occur within 7 days before ovulation, the day of ovum from the ovary.

There are special tests for ovulation calculations on the calendar.

Basal temperature (inside the vagina, mouth or rectum) will determine the fertile phase. When the egg is released from the follicle, the rate rises to 37 degrees. If he does not drop from the beginning of ovulation to menstruation planned and critical days do not come, it is likely the come conception.

planning for pregnancy

Insufficient progesterone concentration may disrupt female reproductive function, cause inflammation, uterine bleeding, miscarriage trigger. This hormone is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands, its main task - to maintain normal functioning of the reproductive system.

To determine the level of progesterone, you should take a blood test. If the concentration of "pregnancy hormone" is low, the prescribed correction.

Determination of ovulation

In the period of ovulation changing nature of the discharge. It thickens the mucus becomes viscous, its volume increases. There may be slight pain in the ovaries and breast.

The most accurate method for determining the release of an egg - a laboratory blood test. It will have to pass more than once in the course of the cycle. So determined the level of LH (luteinizing hormone), rising for a couple of days before ovulation and slightly declining, and progesterone (increased and remains at that level).

graph of basal body temperature

Schedule of basal temperature should be drawn up during the cycle and maintained for several months. Only then the method can be called accurate.

The temperature is measured with a mercury thermometer in the morning after waking up. Upon termination of menses it is below 37 degrees, then gradually decreases and increases sharply in the ovulatory period. The difference in half degrees indicates a high probability of conception.

You can make Ultrasound for determining ovulationTo produce more accurate estimates.

Visit to the doctor

If you experience menstrual disorders should consult a doctor. He will examine, prescribe diagnostics to determine where the reproductive system has malfunctioned.

When the delay of menstruation can assume the presence of diseases of endocrine glands, reproductive organs - uterus and ovaries, the blood, the consequences of various injuries, surgical procedures, the body poisoning toxins.

Diagnose the reasons for periods became irregular, help ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, blood tests for hemoglobin, sugar, thyroid hormones and infections. This will help to make the overall picture and assign (if necessary) the appropriate therapy.

The psychological state of women

During menstruation may depend on the psycho-emotional state of women. In stressful situations, the body produces the hormone cortisol, which affects the quality and quantity of menses. Reduced immunity, and a woman may be other illnesses.

To avoid this, you should pay special attention to the strengthening of the planning of conception immunity, correcting the hormonal system, and most importantly - not to overwork and try to avoid stress situations.


When all the tests are passed, tests have been dealt, and the results are within the normal range, you can begin planning to become pregnant.

Oocyte maturation in violation cycle difficult to calculate. Diagnostic events are held on the basis of:

  • basal temperature circuit (93% probability);
  • "Pupil syndrome", showing the state of cervical os: in the follicular phase, it is expanded (60%);
  • uterine cervical mucus, which is taken with forceps, stretched and measured, and its length should be 9-12 cm for two days before the release of the egg (60%);
  • test to measure LH in urine;
  • US.

When planning a pregnancy, a woman needs to take notes in the diary of the usual indicators and basal body temperatureCervical condition, vaginal discharge. Upon the occurrence of ovulation, it is recommended to carry out tests.


Therapy menstrual cycle disruptions usually aimed at eliminating the causes of the malfunction. The treatment regimen is selected depending on the age identified diseases overall picture pathology.

prescribe treatment

Measures used in major bleeding:

  1. Gynecological cleaning.
  2. Treatment of concomitant diseases.
  3. Fortification.

As part of the medical treatment prescribed hormones (to normalize hormonal levels), stimulants formation of follicles, iron supplements, antibiotics (if there is an inflammatory process).

One of the common causes of infertility - absence of ovulation, which is when stress, brain injuries, abortion.

Is used to stimulate ovulation corresponding medicaments, as well as inducing superovulation (maturation of multiple ova in the ovaries). Drugs are administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

In the period of ovulation can offer to enter into the vagina sperm of her husband (or donor), calculate the time of conjugal intimacy. conception frequency during one attempt - 10-15 percent.

To perform ovulation stimulation, it is necessary to examine the couple to determine the permeability of the fallopian tubes, ensure that no IUD and inflammatory processes confirm the quality sperm.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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