Can I get pregnant if not monthly, during the delay, with amenorrhea

Menstruation - a natural physiological process that accompanies a woman throughout her reproductive period. Their presence and regularity suggests that the body is functioning normally and is ready to conceive a child. But there are times when a natural or pathological reasons, critical days are not available. Can I get pregnant if there is no monthly, and on what factors it depends, you need to know every woman.

holding ultrasound picture


  • No ovulation - no monthly
  • No egg - no pregnancy
  • Lactation amenorrhea and pregnancy
  • Amenorrhea as a cause of infertility
  • Incidents in medical practice

No ovulation - no monthly

Various violation of the monthly cycle are common, and they do not always affect the reproductive function. It is a mistake to believe that if there is no menstruation, then there is no ovulation. It so happens that the hormonal cycle is maintained, the egg matures and there is no bleeding secretions. This phenomenon is called false amenorrhea, and it does not exclude the probability of conception. Is it possible to get pregnant if a long time has not monthly, depending on the cause of the condition. Among the main stand:

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  • of hormonal balance, malfunction of the endocrine system;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • anorexia, weight deficit;
  • stress, nervous stress;
  • hard physical labor;
  • response to the intake of certain medications;
  • amenorrhea lactation;
  • abnormalities of physical development;
  • menopause.
girl dreams of a child

In most cases, pregnancy is possible because the delay menstruation is not always indicative of the absence of ovulation. Therefore, even if there is no menstruation, you should use contraception to prevent conception.

Furthermore, it should consult a specialist to determine the reasons for the absence of the menstrual cycle. For women of reproductive age, this is not normal and may indicate the presence of serious illness.

No egg - no pregnancy

The medical term "true amenorrhea" refers to a condition in which the female body does not occur maturation of oocytes. The probability of conception is virtually nil. If the specialist has put such a diagnosis, to get pregnant in the absence of menstruation can not be considered a barren woman. The problem requires a serious examination and treatment.

True amenorrhea classified in two ways: secrete physiological and pathological, as well as primary and secondary versions.

Physiological - then arose from natural causes. This lack of menstruation during pregnancy, lactation, childhood and during menopause. It should be borne in mind that in the last three cases, the probability of conception scanty remains.

Pathological - a consequence of the disease. It can be primary - when a girl never in my life had no menstruation, and secondary - if the cycle was, but stopped for some reason. True amenorrhea accompanied by a pronounced decline in estrogen levels, which prevents the maturation of the egg. So the answer to the question whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation delay, in this case, a rather negative.

However, we must understand that pinpoint the cause of the delay can only specialist. Only he can put forward a significant assumption, what is the probability of getting pregnant in each case.

Doctor and patient

Lactation amenorrhea and pregnancy

The phenomenon, when the background of breastfeeding amenorrhea is known as lactation amenorrhea. It is wrong that a new pregnancy is excluded in this period. Ovulation takes place before menstruation, therefore it is impossible to guess at what point it is possible to conceive. On the question whether it is possible to get pregnant during lactational amenorrhea, the official medicine responds positively.

The hormone prolactin is responsible for milk production, suppresses the production of estrogen in the female body. Therefore, breastfeeding slows the maturation of oocytes, or stop temporarily.

When the baby starts getting solid foods and their consumption of milk decreases, the ratio of estrogen and prolactin in the body is changing in favor of the former. At some point, then the process of oocyte maturation and ovulation can occur. Therefore, even while continuing to breastfeed your baby, you can not be sure of the reliability of this method of contraception.

Become pregnant during the postpartum month delay is possible. If this period is not protected, you can migrate multiple pregnancies, one after another, it is very difficult, both physically and psychologically.

woman breastfeeds

Amenorrhea as a cause of infertility

Amenorrhea in women (absence of menstruation) may be caused by different reasons. It is not an independent disease, but indicates the presence of abnormalities in the body.

Women often wonder whether it is possible to get pregnant without periods, but the answer may be different in each case.

Absence of menstruation may be accompanied by infertility, if it is caused by:

  1. Severe hormonal disorders (in the hypothalamus, pituitary, ovaries or other endocrine glands). Blocked maturation of the egg, so pregnancy is not possible.
  2. Anomalies of the structural development of the reproductive system (where the structure of the genital organs is wrong, they can not function normally).
  3. Female diseases disturb the natural course of the cycle and leading to infertility.

On the question of how to get pregnant, if not monthly, the answer can be given only by the doctor. On the basis of survey results it may designate an adequate treatment and to help cope with the problem.

Incidents in medical practice

When the symptoms of menopause, women often refuse contraception, because they believe that it is impossible to conceive. This erroneous belief, because the reproductive functions of the body fade away gradually, not all at once. Over a few years after the onset of menopause the ovaries continue to work from time to time ovulation occurs.

In medical practice, there are cases where pregnancy in women in menopause It comes at the age of 45-50 years old and even older. By virtue of the age characteristics of the possible complications during gestation. Also increases the likelihood that the baby will be born with abnormalities.

woman with a child

If the pregnancy during menopause, usually the parents are not ready for such an eventuality. Therefore it is important to understand that in the absence of the monthly probability of conception, even if amenorrhea due to menopause. Prevent unwanted fertilization possible by means of contraception.

Medical practice is rich in examples that nothing can be guaranteed 100%. There are cases when giving birth elderly grandmother and a little girl, when it was flowing in the background pregnancy happened yet another conception, when mothers become notoriously infertile women or have passed the procedure sterilization. Therefore, if the birth of a child is not on the plan, you should always be protected in any case. And with a strong desire to have a baby is always hope.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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