Delay monthly for 2 days: what are the reasons

Women who regularly monitor their cycle, notice the slightest change in its duration and frequency. Delay monthly for 2 days does not always indicate a pregnancy. Fluctuations in the cycle may be associated with physiological and pathological factors.

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  • Fluctuations of the menstrual cycle normally
  • Factors influencing the menstrual cycle
  • On what day of delay is better to do the test
  • It can already be symptoms of pregnancy

Fluctuations of the menstrual cycle normally

Regular menstrual cycle - this is an indicator of good reproductive performance. Its duration is from 27 to 33 days. Healthy woman may be a delay monthly for 2 days. It is associated with many factors, such as physical exhaustion. Allowable delay rate - 1-3 days.

The absence of menstruation for a long time - it is an occasion to see a doctor, gynecologist, because in this case a high probability of pregnancy. But the failure of the menstrual cycle may be associated with dangerous diseases, abnormalities of the uterus or endometrium.

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Fluctuations of the menstrual cycle, occurring due to stress, fatigue, insomnia and other "harmless" factors do not pose a serious risk to women's reproductive health.

However, this does not mean that the issue of regular delays should be treated with indifference.

Adolescent girls often face a lack of monthly discharge at the expected time. This phenomenon is due to hormonal changes. If the change in hormonal levels in adolescents are not accompanied by painful sensations, then no reason to panic.

The problem of irregular menses during menopause often bothers many women. This is due to decreased production of estrogen by the body. In menopause, not only the duration of menstruation, but also the nature spotting.

In order to determine the delay, it is important to calculate the cycle time. Find out, how to calculate monthly, In a separate article on our site.

elderly woman

Factors influencing the menstrual cycle

Women who do not suffer from gynecological diseases and leading a healthy lifestyle, rarely faced with monthly delay. The reasons that trigger the long absence of precipitates are not always associated with gynecological diseases.

Thus, the factors contributing to cycle disorders:

  1. Hormonal disbalance. In adolescents and adult women it is associated with changes in production of certain hormones, particularly estrogen. Also, it can cause long-term use of oral contraceptives.
  2. The situation of climate change. The human body is sensitive to any changes.
  3. emotional stress. Stress and depression provoke delay menstruation for two days, maximum - three.
  4. Gynecological diseases and pathology. Absence of menstruation provoke illnesses such as chronic adnexitis, endometritis, salpingitis.
  5. The sharp change in body weight. When a woman seeks to perfect figure, she often wears a sports workout and diet. This situation is fraught with hormonal failure.
  6. Physical exhaustion. The delay arose because of that, it will be followed by pulling pain in the ovaries.
  7. Long-term use of hormonal drugs. Medicines of this group have a negative impact on the functioning of the ovaries. A so-called gipertormozheniya syndrome.
  8. Insufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements. Compensate for the lack of these substances help to proper nutrition.
Girl with a plate

On what day of delay is better to do the test

When a woman who is sexually active, tends to become a mother, she is looking forward to the results of testing of pregnancy. Even a delay of menstruation for 1-2 days may portend motherhood. However, no one can guarantee that the test made on this term, will show the correct result.

If each day delay, you should check the possibility of conception. To do this, you need to determine the level of hCG in the urine. This can be done using special tools to test pregnancy. The easiest option is to use the test strips.

The most accurate answer can be found on the 7th day of delay. If hCG levels will be quite high, the tool will show a positive result, ie pregnancy.

A negative test result can be obtained in the following cases:

  1. The testing procedure was performed correctly.
  2. The facility to check the expiration date of pregnancy.
  3. On the test got too much fluid, which is why he has worn.
  4. Testing was performed in the evening.
The patient and the doctor to the test

It can already be symptoms of pregnancy

Delay monthly for 2 days is not yet a sign of pregnancy. On a possible fertilized ovum by the absence of menses more than 7 days. A week after conception, there are changes in the body that trigger symptoms such:

  1. Breast enlargement.
  2. Discomfort in the chest area.
  3. Migraine.
  4. Nausea. This symptom of pregnancy is associated with toxicity. It occurs mainly in the morning.
  5. Apathy, lack of energy.
  6. Change of basal body temperature.
  7. The change of taste preferences.

The successful course of pregnancy are rarely accompanied by a strong discomfort. Therefore, in the event of ill health of the future mother is recommended to undergo a medical examination.

If you suspect a conception and a long delay menstruation to do a pregnancy test. Regardless of the result, he will not forget about the need to care for their health.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 61
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