From what day count delay menstruation and how to do it right when regular menstruation

If you delay menstruation, most women buy a pregnancy test and make home diagnostics. A negative result is often a concern. Many self-seeking reasons for the delay and set themselves unreasonable diagnoses. Unstable cycle rate can not be named, but hasty conclusions and unprofessional approach in such situations are unacceptable.

The problem of women - to follow the course of menstruation, to know which day to consider the delay menstruation and how to respond to the failure.

The participation of the doctor in the decision of problems helps when planning pregnancy, as the woman herself can detect ovulation. In addition, control and care in relation to health avoid severe complications caused by the instability of the menstrual cycle.

He asks about the delay


  • Monthly cycle in women
    • phase of the cycle
    • The onset of ovulation
  • How to calculate the delay period
  • Causes of delays of varying duration
    • 1-3 days
    • 4-7 days
    • 8-30 days
  • Features of the survey specialist

Monthly cycle in women

If serious health problems no monthly come in due time, and do not cause discomfort. The concept of "delay" is very individual. The physiology of women have much in common, but the frequency and duration of the menstrual cycle different failures. There are no exact figures, and full of coincidences.

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Fluctuations observed in the transition to adulthood, but after the first menstrual period should be established normal cycle. It begins with the first day of menstruation and ends with the first day of the following regulation. This length of time is taken into account to determine deviations.

phase of the cycle

Menstruation begins to 15 years. This is the average age limit, but the first menstruation occurs and at age 12, and after 16. Such fluctuations are related to the fact that in adolescence reproductive system is formed gradually and in different ways. Possible failures and delay controller.

If under 15 month have not started, visit the gynecologist. Normally at this age should be regular cycle.

The average cycle is 28-30 days, and begins with the follicular phase (1-14 th day of menstruation). During this period, the body and the uterus is preparing for potential fertilization. Under the influence of estrogen mature follicles. There may be more but only one becomes dominant.

The onset of ovulation

In parallel with the development and maturation of the ovum in the follicle grows endometrial layer of the uterus. Physiological mucosal thickening is necessary for secure attachment and normal embryonic development.

The second phase, the body is ready for fertilization. In the ovulatory period, a drop-down on the middle of the cycle, the follicle bursts. The egg is released and starts moving on the fallopian tubes. Formulation estrogen decreases gradually rising progesterone levels. For the conception of this time is considered to be the most favorable. If fertilization has not occurred, then month after ovulation It begins in a few days.

The exact date of ovulation is difficult to determine. Her offensive women are able to feel. Appears specific symptoms: vaginal discharge becomes abundant, increased breast tenderness, there is a changeable mood and increased sex drive.

Signs of ovulation much. They can navigate, but it's better to have a monthly calendar and fix the date and change cycle.

ovulation calendar

How to calculate the delay period

Surprises associated with the failure of the cycle, make women nervous. Those who keeps a calendar, a more relaxed attitude to fluctuations. They easily determine the day of ovulation, know when to wait for the monthly and control delays.

Learn to make correct calculation is very simple. Celebrate menstruation, crossing out the days when there are bleeding. After 3-4 months you can see and analyze cycle time. Considered necessary from the 1st day of the last menstrual period to the beginning of the next. There are average (28-30 days), but there may be deviations in the upward or downward. There is nothing abnormal, since much depends on the characteristics of the organism.

To determine the start of the next regulation is necessary to the closing date of the previous add all the days of the cycle.

Delay is considered to be any deviation from the expected time of occurrence of menses. AT normal monthly cycle It is 21-35 days. If the figures are different, do not panic. Take into account your age, lifestyle and health status.

Causes of delays of varying duration

There are many reasons and factors that could bring down the menstrual cycle and cause delays:

  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • problems of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems;
  • ectopic pregnancy, and body condition after abortion;
  • swings weight;
  • climate change;
  • stress;
  • menopause;
  • improper diet;
  • intoxication.
It is doing a pregnancy test

Calendar helps women keep track of failures and deviations in the cycle. It is important not only to celebrate the days of the onset and cessation of menstruation, but also be able to make correct calculations and conclusions. Delays occur for different reasons, depending on how long they are normal or indicate the development of pathological processes.

1-3 days

If your period does not come in due time, it will fail. But when the cycle slips into 1-3 days, do not rush to think about pregnancy and disease. at month delay in 1 day no bleeding is acceptable. Experiences, past illnesses, poor sleep and a lot of other factors have a negative impact on the functions of the ovaries and the condition of the body. For this reason, the early days of delay menstruation is not considered abnormal.

4-7 days

Delay of up to 7 days can be caused by hormonal failure. This is the most common cause, but there may be many. worry at a delay of 3-5 days about his condition should not be. It may become pregnant. Confirm the fertilization of the egg can be held by the test. If conception has not occurred, the woman feels well, the doctor can not rush.

In another way to behave in case of occurrence of unpleasant symptoms. Pain, nausea, fever, and blood pressure drops can not be ignored.

There is a possibility of development and progression of diseases. To allay fears, it is better to go to the gynecologist and surveyed.

8-30 days

Dangerous is the delay menstruation for 10 days or more. The norm is considered to be a state only during pregnancy. Delay could provoke gynecological diseases: ectopic pregnancy, fibroids, exacerbation of thrush, polycystic ovaries, the reproductive system infection. In this case, to find out causes of the deviation must be at a health facility, particularly when such situations are repeated monthly.

Features of the survey specialist

Before you schedule an appointment with your doctor, do a pregnancy test. If conception is not confirmed, the failure cause monthly gynecologist will determine on the basis of the data obtained after examination and laboratory analyzes.

Usually, women give blood for the assessment of hormonal levels and the availability of possible infections in the genital tract undergo histological examination of the endometrium and pelvic ultrasound.

In most cases, the causes of violations of the cycle stability are determined already in the first stages of the survey. When revealed pathology treatment is prescribed.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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