Delayed menstruation 5 days: Causes cycle fluctuations

The menstrual cycle - only conditionally stable value. On average, it lasts 28 days but gynecologists allow this oscillation period. Thus, in the normal menstrual cycle lasts 21-35 days. The time when observed directly spotting, ranges from 3 to 7 days. Sometimes a number of reasons may be delays. Permitted delay monthly for 5 days (up to a week), if it is, of course, is not accompanied by early signs of pregnancy.

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  • Beyond the cycle fluctuations are normal
  • Pathological delay
  • Common reasons other than pregnancy
    • late ovulation
    • inflammatory diseases
    • psycho-emotional stress
    • Changing climate and time zone
    • weight problems
  • tactics women

Beyond the cycle fluctuations are normal

Although gynecologists and allow a delay menstruation, still any failure causes anxiety and fear. After all, it can be an indicator of the onset of conception or development of the pathological process. Do not hurry to sound the alarm. Delayed menstruation for 3 days fit into the limits of the cycle fluctuations are normal.

In adolescence, when the menstrual cycle is still being formed, his hesitation even the length of one week, too, are not uncommon.

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If had unprotected sexual intercourse, and the delay of three days or more, should take a pregnancy test. It shows an elevated level of hCG from the first weeks after fertilization.

However, the woman herself could feel that there was a conception, by accompanying symptoms such as:

  • morning sickness;
  • changing tastes;
  • fatigue;
  • pain and breast enlargement;
  • basal temperature rise;
  • drowsiness;
  • frequent migraines.

If you have any doubt, what is your delay: the norm or pathology, please contact the clinic to conduct a comprehensive survey.

female patient at the doctor

Pathological delay

If menses is delayed 4-5 days, then we can assume pathological causes of this phenomenon. Hormones that control the menstrual cycle, is very sensitive to a variety of exogenous and endogenous factors. Provoke the state in question is capable of any disease - acute respiratory infections to chronic inflammation of the pelvic organs.

Common reasons other than pregnancy

Despite the fact that the retarded menstruation - a phenomenon common to him should not be taken lightly. The lack of bleeding in critical days can be a symptom of many diseases and pathological states. Thus, the main causes of the delay include:

  • late ovulation;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • month delay of the stress;
  • climate change, and time zone;
  • weight problems.

late ovulation

Ovulation implies a release of an egg from the ovary into the abdominal cavity. Under normal circumstances, when the length of the cycle in 28 days it takes place on the 14th day.

Ovulation is considered late if the maturation and release of gametes occur only in 18-20 day. A similar phenomenon can have both physiological and pathological reasons.

, There is a special track to exit the egg Electronic Ovulation TestWhich can be bought at the pharmacy, as well as Method basal thermometry.

For late ovulation is often a delay of menstruation for 4-5 days. However, such symptom is due to the fact that the entire menstrual cycle is shifted by the time that is additionally required for oocyte maturation.


inflammatory diseases

Failure of the menstrual cycle could be one of the symptoms of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, which are triggered by infections, sexually transmitted diseases. In addition to the STI, inflammation often develops after surgery, for example after an abortion.

Such pathologies as inflammation of the uterus and ovaries, require vigilance and control. All the matter in the complications that they cause - 30% of the running state of facing infertility and chronic pain in the pelvic area.

psycho-emotional stress

Stress can also be a cause of violations of periodicity of menstruation. Modern woman every day had to solve many conflicts in the family and at work. On top of that there are a lack of sleep and irregular meals. No wonder that failures can occur when a similar lifestyle. Often, a doctor treated a student of junior university courses with the complaint that there is no menstruation. After having left the house and plunged into student life, they have a wide range of shocks.

Unstable psycho-emotional state, of course, requires correction. This is necessary for both mental and somatic health of the woman.

Changing climate and time zone

Changing climate and time zone for the body is a lot of stress, which is expressed in changes in hormone levels. Decreased production of estrogen and progesterone, increases the secretion of prostaglandins. As a result, the process is disturbed rejection functional uterine mucosa layer fails menstrual cycle. However, along with the normal acclimatization and frequency of occurrence of critical days.

woman with a suitcase

weight problems

Excess weight can also be a factor leading to a violation of the periodicity of menstruation. Each kilogram, which is beyond the norm of your normal weight, provokes change in the work of the endocrine glands. In this case, it is necessary to develop more biologically active substances than originally lay in the genetic code. This leads to hypersecretion hormonal disruption, whereby problems arise with the menstrual cycle.

To check whether your weight is genetically normal, calculate BMI. To do this, double-weight divided by your height in meters.

For example, weight - 60 kg, and the height - 170 cm (1.7 m). So: 60: 1.72 = 20.8. The resulting number must lie in the interval from 18 to 25. In our case, the index is placed in the frame.

If the calculated value is less than 18, the observed mass deficit, if over 25 - overweight.

When excess body weight is recommended to change the diet and join the fitness room. After a few months with excess kilos go away and the problem of a delay monthly.

tactics women

Many wonder, what if in the days of menstruation not observed spotting. The first step is to confirm or rule out pregnancy.

With a negative test you need to listen to your body on the subject:

  • early signs of pregnancy. If any, the test should be repeated;
  • the abnormal condition. When they identify, seek medical advice.

In other cases, you just need to wait - menstruation must necessarily appear.

If you delay menstruation do not panic in 3 days, but if the selection does not appear within a week of the expected date of the onset of menstruation and test strip does not detect hCG in your urine, you need to make an appointment with the gynecologist to undergo a survey and determine the cause of this state.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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