Delay monthly for 9-10 days: what to do, the reasons

With such a problem, a delay of 10 days, monthly, may face each woman. Similar changes are observed in the case of pregnancy. Provoke a breach of the cycle are also able to problems in the field of gynecology and hormonal disorders. It is extremely important to quickly identify the cause of the absence of menstruation. Only in this way can avoid unwanted consequences.



  • Factors influencing the menstrual cycle
  • The reasons for the delay, other than pregnancy
  • What to do if delayed menstruation 10 days

Factors influencing the menstrual cycle

Delay monthly for 9 days may be due to various factors. Provoke hormonal disruptions and violations of the cycle capable of:

  • stressful situations;
  • abrupt climate change;
  • sunburn;
  • chronic sleep deprivation;
  • physical and emotional exhaustion.

Menstruation can be delayed not because of hormonal drugs, recently transferred flu or cold, compliance with a strict diet and a lack of regular sex life. Thus, the reason for the delay may be different.

The reasons for the delay, other than pregnancy

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The reasons for the delay menstruation for 10 days are different. Far not only pregnancy can affect the menstrual cycle. Often these changes provoke serious diseases of the urogenital system and pathologies of endocrine glands. Violations of regulatory cycle occur for the following reasons:

  • excessive exercise. Menstruation may be absent 11 days or more in women who are professionally engaged in sports. Such violations are also noted in the case of heavy physical labor at work;
  • changes in body weight. It is proved that the adipose tissue is involved in all hormonal processes in the body. Accordingly, as overweight and underweight can lead to what happens cycle skip;
  • intoxication. Alcohol abuse and smoking have a negative impact on the reproductive system status. No less harmful is work activities in hazardous industries;
  • genetic predisposition. Often the failure of the menstrual cycle has a hereditary character. It is necessary to ask the close relatives, if they have been long delays and how often they are observed;
  • neoplasms. The absence of menstruation is due to the development of fibroids, cysts, or cervical cancer;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of the urogenital system;
  • recently held abortive events or spontaneous miscarriage. At the same time the body is under a lot of stress and undergoes a series of hormonal changes. As a result of menses may not appear in due time;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome in women. There is a significant violation of hormonal background, which provoked dysfunction appendages and excessive production of androgens;
  • receiving medication. Drugs such as antidepressants and diuretics can lead to failure of the cycle.

Long delay of menstruation, in the absence of pregnancy - is an alarming symptom that may indicate serious disorders in the body. In this case, we need medical care. Independently detect abnormalities is almost impossible.

What to do if delayed menstruation 10 days

After 10 days of delay must first do a pregnancy test. Get results, you need to see a gynecologist, no matter confirmed the fact of fertilization or not.

If the woman's womb was born a new life, the doctor will do an exam to make sure that the normal course of pregnancy and prescribe medication intake if necessary.


For other causes of delay is performed a number of tests, carried out inspection on the gynecological chair, listen to complaints and study history. Only upon receipt of full clinical specialist puts accurate diagnosis and assign adequate treatment.

It should be noted that self provoke the arrival of critical days with the help of folk remedies or medicinal preparations is strongly discouraged. Such actions can lead to serious problems. While the reason for absence of menstruation is not defined, it is better not to take any action. The only right decision - the recourse to a medical facility.

Before the visit to the doctor the woman must try to avoid stress, organize diet properly, devote more time to relax and give up bad habits. If the cycle cause of the infringement was not caused by a pathology, and external factors, such actions will help to bring the arrival of menstruation. Overall condition thus improved substantially.

The delay controller for ten days, most often caused by pregnancy, but sometimes these changes in the body may indicate the development of pathology. Ignore violation of the cycle is strongly discouraged. Timely access to a doctor gives you the ability to quickly restore reproductive function and to avoid similar failures in the future. Disease provoking late menstruation, it is easier to treat at an early stage of development. In the advanced form eliminate them problematic.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 92
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