Delay monthly for 6 days, a negative test: Causes

The onset of menstruation - albeit hesitant, but very steady rate. Absence of menstruation - a real stress and cause for concern, especially if it is not associated with pregnancy. In this case, you need to see a doctor, because the delay menstruation for 6-7 days - a symptom of many diseases and pathologies.

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  • Should I be concerned with the delay in 6 days
  • Possible reasons for the lack of menstruation
    • disease
    • psychological factors
  • Can lie to the test, and how to avoid it

Should I be concerned with the delay in 6 days

In the absence of any problems cycle differs regularity. Its average duration - 28 days. Consequently, monthly occur more or less stable. Normally the delay is allowed in 1-3 days. Long delays can testify about what happened the conception, the pathology of the reproductive system or infectious process. However, the postponement of menstruation can be quite physiological reasons:

  1. Teenage years. First menstruation in girls It appears in 12-15 years, and the process of stabilization of the cycle begins in the next two years. In adolescence, the delay menstruation even in one week - a normal phenomenon.
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  2. Climax. During this period, there are processes similar to those described in the preceding paragraph. Female body rearranged undergoing hormonal changes, so monthly during menopause are irregular.
  3. Postpartum period. The delay in the time associated with the action of prolactin, a lactation regulatory process. Hormone inhibits ovulyativnye processes, leading to being late periods, and sometimes to their total absence. Typically, the cycle is normalized after 10-12 months.
  4. Abortion (both surgical and medical).
  5. The use of oral contraceptives.
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Many women with a delay of 5-6 days and a negative pregnancy test, pain in the abdomen or spotting. This may be due to the physiological and pathological processes. Most often, these symptoms - a kind of precursors of the present month. After their appearance, usually within 1-2 days there is a normal menstruation.

Possible reasons for the lack of menstruation

During normal operation of the female reproductive system crashes in the menstrual cycle is not observed, occasionally there may be deviations in 1-2 days. However, due to a number of conditions and causes, in addition to pregnancy, during menstruation delay can be up to one week. This is a cause for concern and writing to a medical examination, because, as a rule, the reasons for the delay menstruation for 6 days or more pathological. Another option - the effect of hormonal methods.


Delayed menstruation - a symptom of many diseases, which can be divided into three main groups:

  • endocrine;
  • infectious;
  • gynecological.

The most dangerous disease is polycystic ovary syndrome. Kistoobrazovanie in the parenchyma of the prostate - the cause of menstrual disorders.

This pathology is characterized by changes in the ovaries, in which reduced production of female hormones, especially estrogen. As a result, there is a hormonal crash, and male hormones in the female body becomes predominant.

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The first symptoms of this disease are hirsutism and male pattern increased production of sebum, which manifests itself in the form of fatty deposits on the skin and hair.

Another disorder in which there is a need to address to the gynecologist - uterine fibroids. This swelling tunica muscularis, causing profuse uterine bleeding and delay of menstruation.

Diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, are also able to cause disturbances in the menstrual cycle. Urogenital tract infection characterized by painful sensations in the genital organs, the presence of mucous secretions from the vagina.

Analyzes and surveys will help identify other diseases with a similar clinical picture, such as:

  • adenomyosis and endometriosis;
  • inflammation of the uterus;
  • malignant tumor.

Control of such pathological conditions - the best way to preserve their own reproductive health.

psychological factors

The modern world is full of stresses that can cause menstrual disorders in predstatelnits women. Emotional turmoil, intense mental and physical labor, lack of diet and regulations days, a sharp change of all daily circumstances can lead to a state where the girl is not monthly.

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The reason is that the above mentioned psychological factors cause quite a systemic hormonal failure, which can manifest violations by any of the body systems.

Help rectify the situation meditative practices, taking herbal sedatives (in therapeutic doses), the establishment of a favorable microclimate around itself due to the positive and reliable people nearby.

For more details about how could it be delayed menstruation due to stressYou can read our article on the site.

Can lie to the test, and how to avoid it

Even if the test showed one band, one should not immediately rule out pregnancy as the cause delayed menstruation. Perhaps this means that the false-negative test, that happens about 1-3% of cases.

The first step is to repeat the test. To reduce the likelihood of incorrect results should comply with a number of conditions:

  1. Use 2-3 test from different vendors in order to avoid that they will be expired or substandard.
  2. Take into account the time. Although the test and can be used from the first day of delay, it is important to remember that the first week of pregnancy, human chorionic gonadotropin can not achieve the required level of identification.
  3. Do the test in the morning, and the day before it to limit the drinking regime.

If the manipulation of data test is negative and there is a delayBut there are other symptoms of pregnancy (morning sickness, pain in the breast glands, fatigue and drowsiness), should consult a doctor for hormone research blood.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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