Delayed menstruation and temperature 37, the test is negative: Causes

Physiological changes in the female body, characteristic of the period of menstruation, due to the influence of hormones - estrogen and progesterone. These substances are in the beginning of the cycle the woman's body prepares for a possible offensive fertilization.

These processes are clearly presented in ovulation phase, when the body temperature rises, creating optimal conditions for conception. After her graduation performance down to normal values. Often, in cases of failure of this mechanism, and then the woman be a delay of monthly temperature and 37 ºC.

looking at the thermometer


  • Reasons for increasing body temperature at a delay of menstruation
    • Inflammation of the pelvic organs
    • Fatigue and stress
    • ovulatory dysfunction
    • Effect of pelvic inflammation in body
  • Why there is a delay
  • low-grade fever
  • What does increased BT, not associated with pregnancy

Reasons for increasing body temperature at a delay of menstruation

Delay and temperature - related symptoms that may indicate a pathology that develops in a woman's body.

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Before delay slight fever due to the influence of progesterone on the thermoregulatory center located in the brain. The heat, which is observed in the case of delay menstruation indicates a failure in the phases of the menstrual cycle or the increased production of the hormone progesterone.

Temperature 37 ºC can also be observed upon the occurrence of pregnancy. Low-grade fever - normal for the first days after conception. In some cases, it is observed for 3-4 weeks.

Distinguish physiological and pathological reasons for the delay menstruation and the emergence of a small heat. The former include:

  • abrupt change of climatic conditions;
  • great athletic exercises;
  • regulation of cyclic menses.

Regarding the latter point it is worth noting that the delay and increase in temperature is accompanied by normalization of the cycle process, which can occur in adolescence, menopause and in women with serious and prolonged violation cycle. As a rule, the new monthly periodicity is set for 60 days. Together with this, and the body temperature normalized. In the case of a longer term need to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Sometimes it can be raised temperature before monthlyMore detail about what this means we recommend to read further.

woman at the gynecologist

There are many pathological causes a delay monthly, accompanied by a slight fever. Each of them requires timely diagnosis and appointment of adequate therapy. These measures will help keep the reproductive organs of the female reproductive system. Thus, the temperature rise can be observed in the case of:

  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • fatigue and stress;
  • ovulatory dysfunction.

Inflammation of the pelvic organs

This group of diseases risk of developing serious complications such as tubal infertility, chronic pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, inflammation in the pelvic peritoneum, the formation of abscesses. Thus, ignoring the symptom temperature, late diagnosis and lack of proper treatment of inflammation pelvic organs leads to complications of reproductive function, or to the absolute impossibility to have own children.

Among this group of diseases adnexitis occupies a special place - an inflammation of the epididymis (the main cause of early infertility). It is also a dangerous disease is metritis - inflammation of the uterus.

Parish monthly late, body temperature 37 ºC or higher, vomiting, symptoms of intoxication, pain during urination - all this can be a sign of any consideration diseases. Often women belly aches, sweating occurs. The combination of these manifestations - a reason to immediately consult a gynecologist.

I curled up

Fatigue and stress

The modern woman is exposed to every day stress. Depending on the individual characteristics of each particular the fairer sex may vary and the menstrual cycle. Even the most stable and cheerful person because of constant overwork against the background of stress there is a delay with increasing temperature values.

ovulatory dysfunction

Cases of problems with ovulation (egg from the ovary yield) when this phase is earlier or later. Thus, fertilization can occur, and pregnancy test will show a negative result. It is not excluded characteristic of early pregnancy symptoms, including mild fever and menstruation delay.

A negative test result may be related to insufficient production of the female body hCG.

Effect of pelvic inflammation in body

Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (PID) are often the result of urogenital infections. PID have many symptoms, including delay menses and temperature 37 ºC or higher. In addition to data displays, for this group of pathologies characterized also:

  • pain in the groin area of ​​the abdomen;
  • itching and burning sensation in the vagina;
  • mucous discharge;
  • pain during urination and sexual intercourse.
woman in red pants

Why there is a delay

Any inflammation adversely affects the body wall. In the case of the uterus aggravates inflammation rejection functional mucosal layer. Thus, fertilization does not occur, but the menses have nowhere to take. There is a delay of menstruation at 37 ºC and a negative pregnancy test. In addition, acute phase proteins produced during inflammation, may enter into an antagonistic relationship with estrogens, with the result that women do not have menstruation.

low-grade fever

At any inflammation observed increase in both local and general temperature. This is a protective reaction of the organism, which activates immune cells to fight infectious agents and other antigens. The process of phagocytosis, macrophages lesion foreign agents body just accompanied by inflammation.

What does increased BT, not associated with pregnancy

Basal temperature at a delay of monthly costs at around 37 ºC. Such a figure is normal for women during ovulation. However, it should be based only on the condition that the measurements were carried out during 3-4 menstrual cycles.

To learn more about how to measure basal temperature, Be sure to read the additional information in our article on the site.

In the 1st phase because of the predominance of estrogen basal temperature is within the normal range. In the 2nd it drops to half a degree, and in the 3rd - increases to subfebrile values. Such a figure is stored and delayed menstruation.

If you do not have menstruation, but basal temperature is still elevated, it may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the test will be negative, since the female body is not able to produce enough hCG.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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