Delayed menstruation for 3 weeks, the test is negative: what could be the reason

If you delay menstruation for 2 weeks or more there is a reason for concern. First of all there is an idea of ​​a possible pregnancy. To confirm or refute the conception, conduct the test. If the result is negative, you need to look for other causes, which led to the prolonged absence of menstruation.

Woman with pregnancy test


  • What is considered a violation of the delay loop and requires treatment
  • The reasons for the delay is not related to pregnancy and menopause
  • What diseases can affect the menstrual cycle
  • How to understand the cause of the delay

What is considered a violation of the delay loop and requires treatment

After the onset of menstruation in girls throughout the year, and sometimes two observed failures cycle to 14 days. This phenomenon is considered normal. The body is just beginning to be becoming hormonal balance. In those cases where the delay of 18 days or slightly shorter period is repeated a few years later, it is necessary to be surveyed at the gynecologist.

The interval between periods normally ranging from 21 to 45 days. All of the fairer sex menstrual cycle is established on an individual basis and in the reproductive age is not changed. Minor deviations from the schedule within a maximum of three days does not cause concern. Even a perfectly healthy women are possible changes in the body.

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Alarming considered frequent and long delays. Deviation from the period of 2-3 weeks - it is an occasion to see a doctor.

If there is monthly and delay test is negative, Put off a visit to the gynecologist especially since it is not necessary. Only a specialist can identify the causes of the cycle of failure and assign an adequate therapy.

woman holding his head

The reasons for the delay is not related to pregnancy and menopause

In addition to pregnancy and menopausal women, There are many reasons that provoke failure cycle for 14 days and even more.

Normal to feel lack of regulation after birth. During this period it produces a large amount of prolactin provoking delay. Failure of a hormonal nature, in this case does not require treatment.

Delayed menstruation 15 days, and a negative test is not uncommon during the trip. Abrupt change of climatic conditions has led to violations of the cycle. Even a long flight can cause a failure in terms of occurrence of menstruation. As soon as the body adapts, it will be the same.

Failure cycle can trigger gynecological diseases. Fibroids, inflammation, malignant tumors and endometriosis adversely affect the reproductive function.

Pathology of the endocrine system is also able to cause a delay of two weeks. Cycle disorders are possible as a result of medication, particularly oral contraceptives or hormonal drugs.

Timing of the monthly change in stress, excessive physical stress, sudden weight gain and malnutrition. A sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, psycho-emotional exhaustion - these factors also affect the menstrual cycle.

girl and eating

What diseases can affect the menstrual cycle

In situations where there is no monthly 2 weeks, and the test is negative, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor. It is possible that causes a cycle of failure evidence of pathology. Periodic delay characteristic with polycystic ovary syndrome. This disease is caused by a hormonal failure and can lead to infertility. The functions of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal and thyroid violated and in addition to lack of menstruation in due time, there is excessive hair growth on the body and face.

Adversely affecting the menstrual cycle of inflammatory processes develop in the genitals. It is also influenced by various infectious diseases. A number of gynecological pathologies, including fibroids, oophoritis, cervical and endometrial cancer, endometriosis, could provoke delay.

Failure cycle observed in renal diseases, disorders of the thyroid gland and a number of other pathologies. The delay for up to two weeks may appear even on the background of the common cold.

How to understand the cause of the delay

When the negative test, and their delay is unknown, it is necessary to consult a specialist. In any case, regardless of whether there are other symptoms besides the cycle of failure, or not, to understand the current situation is impossible without medical assistance.

Before the visit to the gynecologist at a delay of menstruation for 3 weeks a woman needs to start keeping a schedule of rectal temperature with which the doctor will be easier to make an accurate diagnosis. In addition, you should reconsider your lifestyle and eliminate factors that could cause cycle failure. It is recommended to avoid stressful situations, to organize diet, spend more time in the fresh air and give up bad habits. It is worth to be retested to ensure that the cycle of failure is not caused by pregnancy.

negative pregnancy test

It is extremely important to start looking for the cause, together with the gynecologist. After an inspection on the chair he would appoint a number of additional studies that will help to make an accurate diagnosis.

Do an ultrasound of the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes, you can get a general idea of ​​the condition of the reproductive system. In this case, the doctor can make sure that there is no pregnancy.

Often tests show an incorrect result. With the help of ultrasound possible to obtain the most accurate information.

In the process of diagnosing necessarily determined by the level of hormones, brain computed tomography performed. In this way it is possible to obtain information about the presence of tumors. If required, the doctor sends the woman to another narrow specialists to see the full picture. In some cases, a scraping the inner layer of the uterus for the purpose of histological examination.

Only a comprehensive approach to the diagnosis can not identify the cause of violations of the cycle and eliminate it in a short time.

Latency period of two weeks should not be ignored. Such changes in the body often indicate serious health problems. consult a doctor in this case is necessary. Reveal pathology at home impossible. Only thanks to a timely diagnosis and adequate treatment can avoid unwanted consequences.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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