Delayed menstruation 3-5 days, the test is negative: may it be pregnancy

Failures occur in each cycle of the fairer sex for different reasons. Sometimes it's sexual health problems and endocrine systems, and in some cases - a response to climate change or the transferred stressful situation. Delayed menstruation for 3-5 days with a negative test even in the absence of symptoms of diseases may disturb any girl, and there is reason to.

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  • Deviations of the menstrual cycle normally
  • Factors influencing the menstrual cycle
  • Should I be concerned
  • The maximum delay, not requiring treatment
  • Causes of irregular periods

Deviations of the menstrual cycle normally

Delayed menstruation for 3 days is not considered critical and can mean nothing: no pregnancy or hormonal disruptions or diseases. normal cycle It is considered to be the duration of 21-35 days on average it is 28-30 days.

Even if menstruation in girls always start on time, sometimes under the influence of external and internal factors may be late for a few days. Failure to 7 days It is not a symptom of pathological conditions. But this delay is enough to test determined the pregnancy. If the result is negative, the reason for lack of precipitates in the other.

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At the menopause, when the fading genital function and the number of female hormones decreases significantly, monthly, and are less likely to gradually cease altogether. Therefore, at this time delay are considered laws.

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Factors influencing the menstrual cycle

Delay monthly for 4 days with a negative test may occur:

  • because the transferred inflammatory diseases - weakening of the body at this time is necessary to recover and rebuild their job, so changing the menstrual cycle;
  • long reception strengths of the drugs: antibiotics, hormonal drugs. The action of these funds is directed to the treatment of disease, but they can lead to disruption or change in the usual mode of healthy organs;
  • shift or start taking oral contraceptives. Drugs in this group often provoke hormonal failure, but it entails a delay menstruation. All tablets should be prescribed only gynecologistThat takes into account the peculiarities of the relationship of hormones in the body;
  • stressful conditions. Long-term or short-term, but strong emotions, sleep mode, a sharp weight loss, subject to a rigid diet, Speed ​​Dial mass due to malfunction of the endocrine system - all of these factors can provoke a delay of three days and more;
  • off season and just abrupt climate change during travels. The body adapts to the new conditions and the usual mode of operation is changing.
woman with a suitcase

Should I be concerned

In the absence of menstruation for a negative test for 3-5 days and the presence of other symptoms should consult a specialist to avoid such pathological conditions such as:

  1. Ovarian dysfunction. In this case, there is no menstruation, stomach ache and appear uncharacteristic discharge: spotting, or other abundant with an unpleasant odor.
  2. Amenorrhea - typical for women of childbearing age and is often accompanied by stress states of the organism, emotional and physical exhaustion.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of different etiology in the current time period. With infectious lesions (staphylococcus, yeast infection, a sexually transmitted disease) observed pain in the lower abdomen, itching and burning labia, discomfort during intercourse, uncharacteristic isolation: abundant, malodorous and heterogeneous consistency. Cystitis woman concerned sharp pain during frequent urination, bloody discharge, fever.
  4. Diseases of the brain. About them indicate skin condition, the change of the general feeling and facial features, as well as failure of the menstrual cycle.
  5. Cysts on the ovaries. May cause a delay monthly for 5 days and more. At the same time feel a woman is similar to that which happens in early pregnancy: ovarian sore area, pulling the chest, nausea, body temperature rises. Polycystic syndrome completely violates women hormonal background, leads to a lack of ovulation and infertility.

In order not to run the illness should consult a specialist for examination using tests and ultrasound as soon as possible. The inflammatory process in most cases already detected by clinical examination, for a more detailed diagnosis, additional methods are needed.


The maximum delay, not requiring treatment

The maximum delay time, which does not require treatment, depends on the individual, but the average is not more than 7 days.

If the monthly no more than 5 days, can be a pregnancy - the main question that the interests of women, if the test is negative. It is better to get tested hCG and examined with ultrasound to obtain reliable information.

If the critical days are delayed more than a week, the test is negative, there is a high probability of not just a failure, and disease. Diagnosis can expert.

Causes of irregular periods

If no periods in time systematically, the main reasons for their absence could be:

  • diseases arising from hormonal disorders. This happens most often in crucial physiological periods: puberty, menopause, recovery from childbirth and lactation;
  • diseases and disorders of ovarian function - cystic and polycystic;
  • growths on the genitals;
  • pituitary adenoma.

In addition, the reasons for which there is often a delay of menstruation for several days, are smoking, obesity, physical activity, alcohol abuse and violation of the healthy Sleep. Suffice it to reconsider its attitude to the life - cycle and settled.

The most common methods for the regulation of the menstrual cycle - hormone therapy, treatment and recovery of nervous system specific and gynecological diseases. Background method is considered a balanced diet, vitamins strengthen the immune system, improving physical education classes.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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