Delayed menstruation for 7 days: causes, can be pregnant

Women with a regular menstrual cycle in the absence of precipitates are concerned because of occurrence of such failure in the body. Most often causes delay monthly for 7 days protrude stressful situations, changing weather conditions, the development of various diseases. Also, such a failure may be associated with pregnancy.

marked calendar


  • What is the delay does not require treatment
  • When should I take care of your women's health
  • reasons for the delay

What is the delay does not require treatment

One of the reasons for the delay menstruation for 7 days in favor pregnancy. Its probability is increased if for a couple of weeks before the expected date of menstruation a woman has had sexual intercourse. To confirm it is necessary to do the test. You can use the pharmacy pregnancy tests or donate blood or urine for hCG. Upon receipt of a positive result it is necessary to register. If 7 days and the delay test is negativeIt is necessary to visit a specialist.

If the woman's age has reached 40 years, delayed menstruation a week may indicate the beginning of menopause. In this case, the function genital begins to decrease gradually, menstrual cycle becomes irregular, because of which occur and delay.

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For the diagnosis of early stages of menopause need to consult a gynecologist or conduct at menopause test.

When menstruation is absent for seven days, women need to remember if it was held recently some gynecological procedures. Delay can cause:

  • instrumental investigations;
  • scraping;
  • cauterization of cervical erosion.

In carrying out these procedures during the absence of menstruation can last up to 14 days. Moreover, such a delay would be an isolated case, and the menstrual cycle should be adjusted to the next month.

If the first day of the last menstrual period was not more than 35 days, no discharge can be caused by stress, hypothermia. This failure does not require treatment, the menstrual cycle returns to normal on their own.

gynecological office

When the month is not a week, a woman should pay attention to your weight. The fact that the long delay can cause large fluctuations in body weight - in a smaller, and in a big way. Severe weight loss or kilograms active set could lead to the absence of menstruation.

The long delay may be a consequence of the monthly reception means oral or emergency contraception. Lack precipitates when taking contraceptive medication is normal and does not require treatment. Failure of the menstrual cycle when applying emergency contraception is due to ingestion of large dosage hormonal components.

When should I take care of your women's health

Delayed menstruation to 7 days can be a consequence of the development of genital infections. Recognize pathologies can be the appearance of concomitant symptoms. It includes:

  • presence of precipitates having an unpleasant odor, a yellowish, greenish hue;
  • appearance itching with white secretions, Burning sensation in the genital area;
  • the sensation of pain during sexual intercourse.

In women of reproductive age delay often occurs due to the presence of infection and inflammation in the genitals. In this case, there may be severe pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, the pain gives to the side.

Also, signs of the presence of such pathologies are the general weakness, nausea, increased body temperature indicators, in some cases there are very abundant vaginal discharge.

When you see these symptoms, and if a woman has frequent delays occur monthly, it is necessary to consult your doctor immediately. Otherwise running pathology genitals can lead to disruption of reproductive function.

girl holding her stomach

If there is no menstruation for 7 days, hormonal failure might occur in the body. Such a breach can cause a variety of diseases that require emergency treatment. These include polycystic ovaries, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, the appearance of tumors in the pituitary gland.

If a woman notices that her menstrual cycles become irregular, and long delays menstruation occurs monthly, it is necessary to address to the gynecologist and undergo a full examination.

This is due to the fact that these changes indicate a dangerous or sexual pathologies of the endocrine system.

reasons for the delay

There are several reasons for the delay menstruation for a week. Menstrual disorders in women of reproductive age is caused by:

  • heredity;
  • taking drugs prepared on the basis of hormones;
  • termination or start of contraceptive medicaments;
  • hormonal drugs for emergency contraception;
  • changing climatic conditions;
  • abuse of alcohol, smoking and narcotic substances;
  • development of various diseases and their therapy;
  • regular fatigue.

In addition, the start delay menses process may occur in postpartumAs well as with the onset of menopause.

woman at the doctor

There are also more serious reasons for the delay menstruation:

  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • inflammation appendages;
  • violation of ovarian function;
  • the development of the corpus luteum cyst;
  • endometriosis;
  • pituitary adenoma;
  • tumors of the uterus;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • the presence of intrauterine adhesions.

Lead to a prolonged absence of menstruation can and improper diet. Most often this occurs when a woman adheres to a diet. Refusal of substances needed by the body for normal functioning, leads to violations the endocrine system, and why there is a problem of production of sex hormones, which leads to a lack of monthly.

To eliminate the risk of delay, caused by hormonal disorders due to malnutrition, it is necessary to take into account, that timely maturation of the egg body fat percentage should be 15% of the total body weight.

In this case, a full-fledged work of all sexual organs.

Many women who are faced with the problem of the delay of 7 days, wondering if pregnancy can be the cause. At the fairer sex childbearing age delay the start of menstruation for a week may indicate There will come a conception, if for 2-3 weeks before the first day of her menstrual cycle had sexual contact. In this case, the discharge will not. To confirm the pregnancy test should be done.

Delay the start of the process of monthly it can be caused by many reasons why the appearance of such problems should consult a doctor. This is necessary to rule out the presence of various pathologies of the reproductive system.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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