Delayed menstruation during breastfeeding, why not menstruating at GW

The regularity of the menstrual cycle is considered one of the main indicators of women's health. Even minor failures may indicate a pathology, but not always. Delayed menstruation during breastfeeding is considered a natural phenomenon. critical days of the arrival timing in this case depends on several factors, which must be aware of every woman.



  • In which case, the absence of menstruation - the norm
  • When should come menstruation during feeding
    • For purely breastfed
    • When mixed feeding
  • Unplanned pregnancy while breastfeeding
  • The nature of the menstrual cycle during lactation

In which case, the absence of menstruation - the norm

For many women, it remains a mystery why no monthly breastfeeding. Regula can not be observed in this period more than six months. This state of medicine called lactation amenorrhea and considered a natural phenomenon.

The reasons lie in the lack of menstruation active pituitary hormone prolactin. Such changes in the body lead to the fact that the processes of maturation and release of the ovum substantially inhibited. Therefore, during the breast-feeding baby ovulation does not occur monthly not come and test negative.

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After a while prolactin levels becomes smaller. progesterone concentration is increased. As a result of hormonal changes are restored reproductive function and appear menses. Typically, this occurs immediately after the first meal, when the child begins to eat other foods, and less frequently applied to the chest.

When should come menstruation during feeding

There are no exact dates of arrival of menstruation during this period. In many ways they are dependent on compliance with a woman feeding mode and gives the lure if newborn. It is noted that the reproductive function is restored more quickly if the child is on a mixed diet, and not exclusively on breast milk.

For purely breastfed

Delayed menstruation during lactation is considered to be a normal option. Time frame in which should occur the critical days in women, lactating breast milk depends on several factors. If a young mother puts the baby to the breast on demand and does not refuse to feed at night, then she menstruation may not occur more than six months.


In those cases where strictly maintained the interval between feedings, the day the child receives breast milk every three, or even four hours, and at night may not have even a longer period, the reproductive function is restored faster. The arrival controller after childbirth It can be expected after 3-4.

When mixed feeding

If a child receives in addition to mother's milk a special mixture, the occurrence of menstruation after birth through breastfeeding can be expected in 2-3 months. The presence of complementary foods reduces prolactin concentration and rapid recovery of reproductive function. Timing of the first month at the same time shorter than in the case of exclusive breastfeeding.

bottle feeding

Unplanned pregnancy while breastfeeding

Delayed menstruation during breastfeeding could be caused not active prolactin and pregnancy. Children the same age - are not uncommon. Women who think that if they are breastfeeding, which means it can not get pregnant again, wrong. Fertilization can occur even at GW.

The absence of menstruation during breastfeeding - not a reason to relax. Prolactin level gradually decreases, and ovulation often occurs before the arrival of the first regulator. To predict when it will happen, it is not possible.

It is strongly not recommended to take lactation amenorrhea as a reliable means of contraception. Especially in cases where the pregnancy is extremely undesirable.

If fertilization has occurred, there are symptoms such as breast enlargement in size and uncharacteristic tenderness to palpation them. In this case, you need to immediately take a pregnancy test and ask for help to the gynecologist. It is worth to ultrasound, through which will be able to obtain reliable information on the changes occurring in the body.

The nature of the menstrual cycle during lactation

During pregnancy, a woman involuntarily withdraw from the sensations previously experienced each month with the arrival of the menstrual flow. For this reason, after the birth of the reproductive system recovery can be difficult.

There are certain features of the cycle when breastfed baby. He is recovering gradually, without causing obvious discomfort and unpleasant sensations. The body is fully ready to return to its normal state after the final completion of lactation, when hormone levels back to normal, and prolactin production stops completely.

The duration of the recovery period, the reproductive system depends on several factors, such as:

  • complications after giving birth;
  • general state of health;
  • feeding habits and the daily routine;
  • psycho-emotional state.

No matter, when the month after birth, expect that they will immediately become regular, it is not necessary. The cycle returns to normal only after 3-4 months after the onset of regulation. They may experience something prematurely, the late.


If the background of breastfeeding appeared monthly, and then notes the long delay - need a medical consultation. Reasons why such changes can be observed, there are many:

  • repeated pregnancy;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • development of pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • susceptibility to stress;
  • tumor in the reproductive organs;
  • cysts in the ovaries.

Quite rare menstruation is triggered by the pituitary pathologies, which are accompanied by hormonal disorders. Lead to the development of these diseases capable of postpartum hemorrhage.

The recovery process menses cycle can change their character. Often observed with excessively heavy or scanty allocation. Such a phenomenon is considered normal. It is caused by unstable hormonal and even defective functioning of the reproductive system. After a few menstrual cycles will acquire the same character as before delivery.

It is noted that pain in nulliparous women during the critical days become less pronounced. In rare cases, the pain intensifies.

If there were menstruating at GW, the cause for concern should not be. This is a natural process that does not have a negative impact on breastfeeding. Milk quality, however, remains unchanged. Council Regulation can not be considered a reason for weaning the baby from the breast.

During the recovery period menstrual cycle in women is decreasing the amount of milk produced. That the child has no shortage of it, it is recommended to apply it to his chest a little more often. As a result, it is able to stimulate lactation and avoid stagnant development process in the mammary glands.

Postpartum women, breast-feeding a child, there is a delay in menstruation. This is a normal physiological process, not pointing to the development of pathology. He is due to active production of prolactin. Over time the concentration of this hormone begin to decline as a result of reproductive functions restored completely.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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