Meager monthly after a delay with a negative test: Causes and Treatment

updating processes occur in a woman's monthly and different cyclical nature. Menses appear in the same period of time. Any deviation may indicate the development of the disease or hormonal failure. The reasons for which can be scarce monthly after a delay, there are many. Only after their detection will be possible to normalize the cycle and avoid unwanted complications.

sad girl


  • Causes of secondary delay after gipomenorei
    • Surgery on the uterus
    • reception OK
    • hormonal disorders
    • Sudden weight loss
    • Stress
    • Infectious-inflammatory diseases
  • Symptoms meager monthly
  • Diagnosis and treatment

Causes of secondary delay after gipomenorei

Doctors call scant month after secondary gipomenoreey delay. Such changes could indicate an ectopic pregnancy, but at the same test shows barely noticeable second strip. It is possible that the reasons lie in the pathologies or age characteristics.

Few selections and frequent delays characteristic of girls during adolescence. Hormonal system they have just formed, and failure cycle in adolescents are the norm.

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It is possible that such changes are one of the signs of conception, which occurred a few days before the onset of menstruation. A month later, in this case, the discharge will be gone.

There are other factors that affect the menstrual cycle and the amount of bleeding:

  • rapid weight loss as a result of disease or undergoing observance of strict diet;
  • anemia;
  • exposure to stress, due to which a woman can observe periodic delays;
  • surgery;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • due to the delay of lactation;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • defeat infection of the reproductive system.

To identify the causes of the meager selections that appeared after the delay necessarily need to be examined by a gynecologist.

girl at the gynecologist

Surgery on the uterus

The reason that after the delay went scanty menses can be surgery. This is due to a violation of the integrity of the uterine endometrium.

Often scraping is done with the help of hysteroscopy uterus (Minimally invasive surgery using a hysteroscope). After this procedure, there are also scanty menses, but the cycle is restored quickly and the amount of discharge becomes the same.

reception OK

Hormonal contraceptives violate ovarian activity and affect the process of ovulation. During the period of the abolition of the body's reaction is unpredictable.

Month after the delay provoked reception OK, are often scarce and lasts a short time.

hormonal disorders

Meager monthly and after a delay of a negative test can be due to hormonal failure. Various thyroid disease directly affect the menstrual cycle. From this body it depends on the state of the whole body as thyroid gland produces hormones, without which it can not function properly.

When violations of the reproductive system caused by such pathologies are scarce and long periods after the delay, perhaps even a complete cessation of menstruation.

Sudden weight loss

There is a relationship between weight and cycle. Sharp excessive weight loss leads to disruption of reproductive function. If the amount of fatty tissue becomes 20% less weight, the delay menstruation and scanty menses may occur on a monthly basis. Often the selection disappears completely.

When menstruation is still going, this process is accompanied by weakness and dizziness. You need as quickly as possible to restore the former weight. With prolonged absence of menses possible serious complication - infertility.

woman on the scales


Nervous stress, exposure to constant stress - it can all lead to the fact that there are scant and short periods after the delay. Due to such violations of psycho-emotional exhaustion caused by the organism and for this reason the failure of reproductive function.

The only solution in this case will be complete peace of mind. Once the nervous system will get stronger - the cycle will be the same.

Infectious-inflammatory diseases

If the delay went monthly, but not abundant and accompanied by symptoms such as itching, burning and a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, it is possible that a violation of the cycle caused by inflammation of the urogenital system.

The reason may be scarce menstruation vaginitis or adnexitis. In such genital tract infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and trichomoniasis, also exhibit similar changes in the character selections.

Symptoms meager monthly

If monthly after the delay observed scarce, we must first pay attention to their durability and color. Allocation may be brown or light enough. Cycle disorders are often observed for a long time, but can also appear once.

When menstruation, characterized scarcity and delay condition often accompanied by other symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • disturbances in bowel habits;
  • by pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

In any case, if the menses after a delay was less need to consult a gynecologist. Such changes are considered normal only in the period of menopause.

woman at the doctor

Diagnosis and treatment

In situations where there was a delay of monthly and then went scant menstruation, it is necessary to consult a physician-gynecologist. He will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, which includes the following measures:

  • medical history;
  • inspection on a gynecological chair;
  • taking a smear;
  • holding PRC-diagnostics;
  • blood tests to determine the concentration of hormones;
  • US.

Only then will be able to identify the causes of violations of the cycle and choose the best course of therapy.

Treatment depends on factors provoking delay and a reduction in emissions.

If the cause of breaking the diet, excessive exercise or exposure to stress, it will be sufficient to adjust the way of life, to restore the previous cycle. Additionally appointed vitamin complexes.

The main therapeutic measures with scanty menstruation:

  • the proper organization of the diet;
  • receiving sedative, hormone, antibiotic drugs;
  • applying resorbable means;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Therapy is complex. Of drugs prescribed by the doctor on the basis of diagnosis.

The appearance of scanty and cycle skip are provoked by malnutrition, a strong emotional shock. Sometimes these changes are caused by disease. In any case, you can not leave them unattended. You need to immediately go to a consultation with a gynecologist.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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