Pulls the lower abdomen, and no monthly, why not start

The regularity of monthly - one of the indicators of women's health. Critical days may start earlier or later date. In most cases, this pathology is considered untimely.

Women most often complain about the delay menstruation, when the symptoms manifested in full, and there is no monthly. Pulls the lower abdomen, swollen breasts, felt unwell, and the bleeding is not observed.

The first thing that comes to mind is the possibility of pregnancy, but causes in an unnatural flow cycle a lot. It is important to find out why pull abdomen in the absence of menstruation, and it is better to do at the doctor's. Regular and long delays indicate failures in the body. Many of the causes of the abnormal state of health hazard and require emergency care.

Woman suffering from pain


  • harbingers monthly
  • The causes of nagging pains in case of delay
    • Pregnancy
    • inflammatory diseases
    • anovulatory cycle
    • Diseases of the pelvic organs
  • Other causes of pain
    • Physical exercise
    • Sedentary work

harbingers monthly

Understand why your stomach hurts, and do not begin monthly, rather difficult. Particularly young girls who are just starting to get used to the changes occurring in the body. Even adult women are not able to distinguish normal from disease, properly assess its condition and explain the reason for lower abdominal pain and amenorrhea.

instagram viewer

With typical premenstrual symptoms women are familiar with. Most often, these symptoms are on the eve of critical days:

  1. Chest pain, Bloating, breast enlargement.
  2. Drawing pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region.
  3. Weakness, dizziness, nausea, dry mouth.
  4. Severe swelling, excessive sweating.
  5. frustration of a chair (Diarrhea or constipation).
  6. Irritability, tearfulness, mood swings.
  7. Insomnia, confusion, increased anxiety.
  8. Decreased sex drive.
  9. Heart rhythm disturbances.

The list goes on, as the PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is characterized by a large number of symptoms, sensations and physiological abnormalities. Some women are lucky, they do not know that the day before menstruation can strongly pull the stomach, the critical days that are painful, begins late. But there are not many.

Typically, each representative of the fairer sex has its own list of the usual symptoms. Normally there should not be more than 3-4 if the number is exceeded, the PMS held in the severe form.

Woman with hot water bottle

Premenstrual phenomena may be random in nature and does not represent a health hazard. If aches, stomach ache and do not occur monthly, for a couple of days of delay is considered normal. At longer absence of precipitates appear desirable physician.

PMS lasts each girl differently. However, it is important to know how many days before menstruation can observe its manifestation. Read more about this in a separate article on our

The causes of nagging pains in case of delay

Most women are comfortable with the pulling pain in the abdomen on the eve of menstruation. Some anesthetics are saved, others get used to and can easily tolerate this state, knowing that with the onset of menstruation it be.

When the pain slightly, while the state does not worsen, we can not survive. Concern and anxiety should cause zyatyazhnoy nature of phenomena and the accession of other pathological symptoms.

The causes of nagging pains and stragglers month very much. We can not exclude the existence of serious diseases and to experiment with self-medicate. Diagnosis and therapy should be dealt with by doctors.

Sometimes nagging pains begin a week before the expected date of the onset of menstruation. Therefore it is very important to give them a proper assessment.


If there is no monthly, but pulls and sore lower abdomen, you may be pregnant. Absence of bleeding - one of the defining features of fertilization. the uterus during menstruation is cleared. After that, the active estrogen production. This hormone affects the endometrium and helps to build the mucous layer.

When matured oocyte leaves the ovary safely in process includes progesterone. Hormone prepares the endometrium to the attachment (implantation) embryo. When insemination took place due to the stress of uterine muscles may ache chest and abdomen.

Periods may start late in the absence of pregnancy. If the test is negative and unpleasant symptoms persist, it is likely the development of inflammatory processes.

Woman with pregnancy test

inflammatory diseases

Belated monthly and regular pain in the lower abdomen may signal a dangerous pathologies of the genital organs. Inflammatory diseases have a negative effect on all organs and tissues of the reproductive system.

Infection of the ovaries, inflammation of the fallopian tubes, ulcerative lesions of the mucous and other diseases cause infertility, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis and the development of other complications.

Inflammation provoking bacterial infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Most of the time women are diagnosed with gynecological diseases such as:

  • cervical erosion;
  • coleitis;
  • endometritis;
  • cystitis;
  • salpingo;
  • adnexitis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • syphilis;
  • Tuberculosis of genitals;
  • Bartolini;
  • cervicitis.

These pathologies are accompanied by a monthly abdominal pain and menstrual delay.

The typical signs of infection also include itching, high fever, pain on urination and sexual intercourse, malodorous discharge.

girl holding crotch

Symptoms can appear and disappear suddenly. Sometimes women experience a sharp deterioration and severe pain in the abdomen for a few days before menstruation. In such cases, an urgent need to see a doctor and begin treatment.

anovulatory cycle

Another cause of cycle disorders and disease states before menstruation is anovulation. This is not a disease. Help may be needed only if the identified problems in conceiving among women of reproductive age. In most cases, the onset of such cycles are the norm.

Ovulation occurs in healthy women every month, but there are times when the ovaries "rest" that is, the egg is mature, but not the corpus luteum is formed in it. It is always accompanied by an imbalance of hormones.Such cycles may start during menopause, pregnancy, lactation and receiving hormonal agentsWhen ovulation is suppressed.

Anovulatory cycles seen in girls during puberty. During such periods, pain in the abdomen day before menstruation and small delay - natural processes. Do not start monthly for about a week, but no more. When the hormone balance is restored, their problems will not be late.

Diseases of the pelvic organs

Most of the pathologies of female genitals gynecologist diagnosed. After the examination, you may find that the reproductive system is in order, the problems in the sexual sphere is not. But if this pain remains, no monthly, stomach hurts badly, the test showed a negative result, it is necessary to address to the gastroenterologist, nephrologist or physician.

The woman at the doctor

Layman's easy to confuse the symptoms. Many women regard their condition as a natural for the premenstrual period. In fact, to be late monthly and constant dragging pain in the abdomen may not be related to the reproductive organs. Likely to develop diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.

Should not be excluded, and neoplastic processes in the pelvic area. Benign and malignant tumors are often localized in the ovaries and trigger the appearance of aching abdominal pain before menstruation.

Other causes of pain

It is not always the appearance of pulling sensation in the abdomen due to the disease. Often this can be caused by a woman spends his time - too intense exercise, or, on the contrary, the almost complete lack of movement.

Physical exercise

During training or unusually heavy for the body of work produced serious strain the pelvic muscles. Physical stress can cause untimely beginning menstruation, pain in the lower back and abdomen.

Sedentary work

Pain and discomfort in the abdomen occur when sedentary lifestyle. Daily sedentary work has a negative impact on the muscular and circulatory systems, causing congestion in the pelvis. It is harmful to women's health. Failure of the menstrual cycle - one of the unpleasant consequences.

If the operating mode is not correct, nagging, aching pain in the abdomen and untimely periods may purchase a regular basis and cause complications.

The woman's body is interconnected. Any failure in the body does not go unnoticed and is reflected in the general condition. Discomfort and delay observed at monthly hormonal disorders and negative effects of external factors. Borne diseases, stress, chronic fatigue, climate change - all this stimuli affecting the regularity of the cycle. Understand the nature of self-menstrual lower abdominal pain and understand the causes of deterioration of health is impossible. Need professional medical assistance.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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