Can there be a delay of menstruation due to cold

Cold may affect the status of all systems of the body. Common cold or a minor ailment can become a cause of failure of the menstrual cycle, delayed or premature appearance of critical days. It is extremely important to identify the cause of any changes in the schedule of monthly and eliminate the provocation. In each case it is necessary to find out whether there can be a delay due to a cold or provoked a more serious problem.

a cold woman


  • Do menstruation depends on the disease
  • How is menstruation after illness
  • What should necessarily pay attention
  • When to see a doctor

Do menstruation depends on the disease

Many women wonder whether there can be a delay of monthly colds. Doctors say that such changes are not ruled out. Cold - is stressful for the body, which leads to impaired activity of the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus (Area of ​​the brain responsible for the production of hormones necessary for normal functioning of the reproductive system). Due to this, there is a change in hormonal levels that can cause delays.

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Infectious and viral infection can lead to the development of disorders in the body.

With flu and SARS are affected not only certain organs but also on the reproductive system as a whole. Weakening immunity can cause a delay monthly, change the nature of the discharge and the duration of critical days.

If a woman with a cold supercooling, even before the delay menstruation she has a sickness, the symptoms of which are similar to colds. This is due to the fact that in this period of a viral infection in the body to get the easiest, because the protective functions are weakened. Against this background, it may appear runny nose during menstruation and other symptoms of SARS.

Monthly and cold, occurring at the same time, have a negative impact on the status of women. Naturally, the loop in this case may stray. Often there are uncharacteristic isolation, accompanied by great weakness and pain. It is necessary to pay special attention, especially if while monthly temperature is observed.

It affects the reception cycle of drugs designed to eliminate the viral infection.Antibiotic delay means and They are also closely related. This potent drugs that can affect various organs of the state and disrupt the functioning of the ovaries.


How is menstruation after illness

Figure out whether cold affect menstruating should separately mention the changes that are possible after recovery. As a result of destruction of the organism by viral infection its cells are poisoned with harmful substances.

In addition, reflected on the state of stress and taking medication. As a result - after the common cold may be a delay. Not only changes during the menstrual cycle, but also the nature of the discharge.

If at once (simultaneously) occur monthly and cold, some violations are more serious. Because of this, can lose the cycle, there is often the appearance of clots in the menses. Often, the discharge becomes scarce or too abundant.

Cold before menstruation leads to the oppression of immunity, with the result that PMS symptoms are brighter. Pain syndrome increases, the woman becomes irritable, mood changes with PMS, Feeling very tired.

What should necessarily pay attention

Recently transferred cold and month delay - not uncommon. Failure cycle for a week did not cause any concern. Longer absence of menstruation often indicates a pathological development. In addition, late ovulation may cause conception. First, we should do a pregnancy test.

ovulation test

For viral infection often joins bacterial, also affects the genitourinary and reproductive systems. This changes the nature of discharge, there are other warning signs:

  • whites, has an unpleasant odor;
  • frequent urination before menstruation, Accompanied by a burning sensation;
  • pain in the lower abdomen that does not go for a long time.

Against the background of the common cold often develop herpes and candida. Therefore it is necessary to pay attention to their health, strengthen immunity, observe the regime of the day, and the power to perform all hygiene procedures.

To prevent entry of the virus infection in the internal processes necessary to drink as much liquid as possible.

When to see a doctor

Failures cycle against a background of the transferred common cold is safe. A month later, he comes back to normal. During this period, there was scarce or plentiful monthly. These changes are due to the weakening of the immune system and hormonal disorders. If there is a delay of more than a week, you need to seek help from a gynecologist.

Viral infection may trigger onset of inflammation of the fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus. Among other changes, apart from the delay, release those when necessary to consult a gynecologist:

  • severe pain in the lower back and abdomen;
  • hyperthermia;
  • allocating uncharacteristic color, consistency and odor;
  • problems with urination.

it is not recommended to delay the appearance of any warning signs of a visit to the doctor.

Against the background of the common cold may be a delay of critical days. Failure cycle due to hormonal disorders, and the weakening of the protective functions of the body. Even taking medication affects the condition of the reproductive system. As a rule, after only a month of menstruation begin to appear in due time. Concern is the long failure when they do not come more than seven days.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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