Contraindications to the use of the inhaler
Among modern devices there are irreplaceable in different life situations. Of course, you can swallow tablets in an old fashion and put compresses when you get sick, but there is a much more convenient way to overcome the ailment. After all, you can buy an inhaler.
There are many such devices in specialized retail outlets. More and more people are thinking about their acquisition. Indeed, the benefits of using a nebulizer are obvious. But do not forget about contraindications. After all, any remedy not prescribed or approved by a doctor can be a threat to the patient. Therefore, the first thing you need to do when you are going to start treatment is to visit a professional doctor.
It does not hurt to additionally study the instructions to the device and find out what contra-indications exist for its operation. To such moments usually carry the following:
- If in the lungs due to specific diseases or for other reasons large caverns are formed, the use of the nebulizer is prohibited;
- Hypertension 3 degrees, the conditions accompanying it, also exclude the conduct of appropriate procedures;
- If a person often has bleeding( nasal, pulmonary), do not take risks, give up the device;
- Recently suffered a heart attack or stroke? Wait for a certain time( it should be determined by a doctor), only then take the inhaler in hand. The organism is still weak in early post-stroke and postinfarction terms, it is impossible to create for it increased loads;
- Do you have a chronic heart problem? Do you feel pain, unpleasant sensations in this area? Forget about nebulizers;
- Inhalers are often used to treat colds. But only if the person does not have a fever. If it is more than 37.5 ° C, defer inhalation for a time;
- Various drugs are used in the process. On some of them a particular person may have an allergy. If you previously identified intolerance to a drug, discard it in any form;
- After the transferred lung diseases the person can develop serious complications. For example, bullous emphysema sometimes provokes spontaneous pneumothorax. In such conditions, the use of inhalers is excluded.
Of the listed contraindications did not find a single one who has a permanent character? Hence, you are suitable nebulizer. This should be checked by consulting a doctor. You can make a purchase using the catalog of the reference portal "What-Where-Why".On its pages are placed telephones, addresses and other contacts of the sellers you need.