No monthly 2 months, but not pregnant, the test is negative: the reasons for the delay

In situations where there is no monthly 2 months, but the woman is not pregnant, the reason for the delay may lie in the development of the disease, severe fatigue, and any change in lifestyle. cycle failure points to physiological or pathological disorders in an organism that can cause serious complications. Therefore, it is important to promptly determine why periods do not go and remove provoking such change factor.

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  • functional disorders
    • Chronic psychogenic stress
    • chronic infections
    • endocrine disorders
    • Against the background of weight loss
    • gipertormozheniya ovarian syndrome
    • Supplementation
  • anatomical abnormalities
    • Sheehan's syndrome
    • Syndrome empty sella
    • hyperprolactinemia
  • Amenorrhea ovarian origin
    • PCOS
    • ovarian failure syndrome
  • Tactics

functional disorders

Explanation as to why there is no monthly 2 months, may be functional reasons.

Delayed menstruation is often caused by stress, the observance of a strict diet, disorders of the endocrine system, chronic infections, and problems with ovarian activity.

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Chronic psychogenic stress

All processes in the body are regulated by the central nervous system. Violation of recurrence often occurs in adolescents exposed to constant stress.

Depression and emotional exhaustion can lead to the fact that a woman has no monthly 3 months and even longer.

chronic infections

With a history of chronic infections of the genitourinary system is a delay monthly for two months. It is noted that the longer the pathogens found in the body, the more serious complications they can cause. These pathologies can lead to a long delay and complete extinction of reproductive function.

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endocrine disorders

Delayed menstruation 2 months and the test is negative - such situations are often associated with impaired thyroid operation, responsible for the production of hormones. Thus ovaries cease to function properly.

In addition to being a woman for 2 months no menstrual periods, can be observed and associated symptoms:

  • weight gain;
  • hair growth of male type;
  • excessive sebaceous glands.

In such clinical manifestations it is necessary to consult not only a gynecologist, but also by an endocrinologist.

Against the background of weight loss

The fair sex often strive to achieve perfection and observe exhausting diets. Rapid weight loss leads to a change in hormonal levels and lower levels of progesterone.

If the weight drops below 45 kg, the menses may stop completely. Prior to that, a woman said that she did not go monthly for two, and sometimes three months.

gipertormozheniya ovarian syndrome

Delay monthly for 3 months, in some cases due to ovarian syndrome gipertormozheniya. It occurs due to the suppression of the pituitary gland under the influence of drugs. In the absence of proper treatment of this condition can lead to infertility.


The absence of menstruation is not uncommon when taking oral contraceptives. Hormonal disorders caused by drugs of this group, provoke suppression of reproductive function, but as a result of this - the cessation of menstruation after canceling OK.

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Women often say that they do not have three months of the critical days in patients receiving antibiotic agents and a number of other medicines. Typically, the menstrual cycle is restored after a short time after the end of their use.

anatomical abnormalities

Failure cycle and prolonged absence of menstruation can be triggered by a variety of anatomical abnormalities in the body.

Sheehan's syndrome

If termination of pregnancy every month there are meager, irregular and painful periods, it may be suspected development of Sheehan's syndrome. The disorder appears due to the death of pituitary cells. Trigger this process stronger blood loss during delivery.

In this condition in women 2 months no monthly, after which appear insignificant allocation. If no therapeutic measures are taken, the result can be serious complications.

Syndrome empty sella

Sella is a depression filled by the pituitary gland, responsible for the activities of the endocrine glands. In various pathological processes in a kind of pit falls liquor, and the pituitary gland is compressed. Against the background of this month do not go 3 months and may stop completely.

With the development of empty sella syndrome, even in cases where previously there were no health problems, you experience the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • reproductive disorders;
  • blurred vision;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • weight gain.


This state is characterized by an increase in blood prolactin levels. As a result - in women 3 months no monthly and the following symptoms:

  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • hair growth of male type;
  • production of colostrum or milk;
  • acne;
  • weight gain.

Amenorrhea ovarian origin

Violation of ovarian function is often observed in the development of various pathologies of the body. As a consequence - amenorrhea (complete cessation of menstruation for more than six months).


Under polycystic ovary syndrome is meant a pathology in which disturbed menstrual cycle and ovulation offline. Due to such a change of intense production of androgens - male hormones.

In most cases, PCOS develops spontaneously, but among the main reasons for such changes distinguish heredity. In clinical studies it was found that overproduction of androgens is caused by an increase in blood insulin.

Most often, these violations are observed in women suffering from overweight.

As a result of hormonal failure on the surface of the ovaries grow small cysts. This in turn leads to the fact that there is no monthly 2 months, they come with a delay. Appears acne, start to grow hair on the male pattern. The delay can be observed for several months. Not excluded the complete extinction of the reproductive function and infertility.

ovarian failure syndrome

This term refers to a complete cessation of ovarian activity in women of reproductive age. The syndrome is often called early menopause.

Initially, the delay observed monthly for 2 months, and in the future there is a complete cessation of critical days. In addition, notes the following clinical manifestations:

  • decreased libido;
  • hot flashes;
  • mood swings.

Due to such changes insufficient production of hormones. Marked decrease in the number of follicles and as a result - lack of ovulation.


Month long delay may adversely affect the reproductive system condition and pose a serious danger. Extremely important time to go to the gynecologist. medical consultation and a full examination - mandatory procedures, which are strongly advised to avoid.

Reasons triggering cycle skip can be set. In order to identify them, it is necessary to pass a pelvic examination. After completing all the necessary measures doctor can tell you what to do in this situation, and to appoint the best course of treatment. Description of the drugs proposed gynecologist is recommended before applying to study. Particular attention should be given to the list of contraindications. In addition, you must follow additional guidelines:

  • stop taking medication that can affect the hormonal background and reproductive function;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • perform all preventive measures announced by the attending physician.

The course of therapy gynecologist appointed individually. The choice of a tactic depends on the cause that resulted in the failure cycle.

Delay critical days for two months under any circumstances, should not be ignored. Such violations often indicate serious problems in the body. Only with timely diagnosis and properly chosen therapy able to restore reproductive function in the short term and to avoid unwanted complications. Such changes get any serious consequences, up to infertility. It is therefore important to consult a gynecologist at the initial stage of the problem.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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