Can there be a delay in menstruation cystitis, causes, how it affects the flow of blood

Violations can result in pregnancy cycle, excessive mental stress, malfunction of the endocrine glands. But apart from them in the flow of blood is influenced by many infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. The question arises whether there can be a delay of monthly cystitis.

bacteria in the bladder


  • Cystitis: why there is and how to manifest
    • symptoms
    • Causes
  • Can be cystitis cause delay monthly
  • In some cases, the anesthetic can affect the menstrual cycle

Cystitis: why there is and how to manifest

Is an inflammation of the bladder wall. Defeat able cover both the specific area, and the entire bladder.


The main symptoms of cystitis are:

  1. Constant urge to urinate.
  2. Urination, accompanied by sharp pains in the urethra.
  3. Lack of relief while urinating.
  4. A small amount of released urine.
  5. Constant discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen.
  6. body temperature rise.
  7. Change the color of urine and its consistency.

When this pathology may allocate blood or pus from the urinary canal. sometimes there cystitis and thrush simultaneously

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. In order not to confuse the symptoms of pathologies read additional information on this topic.

girl in red underwear


The main cause of the disease - an infection. In most cases, it penetrates through the urethra, at least - the genital tract. Often infection contribute to infections, sexually transmitted infections.

Much less a pathology caused by infectious agents in the blood or lymph. There is even less risk of disease when taking certain medications or other chemicals.

Can be cystitis cause delay monthly

Cystitis refers to inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

Although the pathology is an inflammation of the bladder, due to the structural features of the female reproductive system (narrow and short urethra, close localization of the urethra and the vagina), the disease can often move to the sexual organs: the vagina, uterus or appendages.

If the inflammation reaches the ovaries, with a high probability to happen hormonal failure. Violation of hormone production leads to numerous complications, one of which is to delay menstruation.

Irregular menstruation is the result of a failure in the functioning of the ovaries (uterine appendages) which produce a number of hormones that affect the female reproductive function and regulate ovarian cycle. Their defeat leads to crash the secretion of hormones and disruption of menstruation.

Timely treatment can eliminate the problem, but if the inflammation has passed on the genitals, their function will be compromised. Feature of this disease is that until recently, there are no symptoms, so it is difficult to diagnose. Over time, the disease will have an effect, manifesting itself in an acute or chronic form.

The more time passes, the more difficult to establish the relationship between cystitis and delayed menstruation. This leads to difficulties in diagnosis and long-term treatment.

woman at the doctor

Thus, the answer to the question of whether there can be a delay after menstruation cystitis is positive.

Despite the fact that cystitis month delay - pathology, rarely found together, the probability of transition of the inflammatory Process for the genitals in the case of a combination of prolonged absence of menstruation and cystitis exists and forget about it worth.

Cystitis and delay menstruation - processes not associated with each other in most cases. But if there is any disease of the urinary system the woman should promptly seek medical attention. Without treatment, it threatens the development of serious complications.

In some cases, the anesthetic can affect the menstrual cycle

Between the breach of the menstrual period and lesion bladder revealed a relationship. In some cases cystitis may be delayed menstruation. It occurs when the immune system is not able to resist the spread of infection.

Normally, the immune system localizes the infection and eliminate it quickly. But if this is impossible pathological process can spread not only up the urinary tract (up to the kidneys), but downwards. It was in the latter case most often become infected genitals.

When injected into the blood (in combination with an inadequate immune response) infections can affect any organ. This path is hematogenous dissemination. Not excluded and lymphogenous - diversity through the body with the flow of lymph.

Theoretically, the defeat of the ovaries can lead any infection: a specific or non-specific. The difference is that the first characteristic is inflammation with characteristic clinical picture, and the second provokes the development of pathology without any particular symptoms (it runs as a standard inflammatory reaction).

Specific pathogens disease include:

  • tubercle bacillus;
  • gonococcus;
  • trichomonas;
  • viruses.
woman in jeans

Nonspecific form is most often triggered by:

  • Escherichia coli (E. coli);
  • saprophytic staphylococcus;
  • Candida.

Nonspecific form occurs most frequently. The danger of it is that it is able to move into a chronic disease that often results in an exacerbation of the development of complications.

In the case of specific cystitis infection often goes to the vagina, and then spread on the genitals. ovarian defeat leads to the fact that the cycle can be broken.

Delay - is not the only example of how the anesthetic effect on the monthly. He is able to cause severe pain, the appearance of excessive physiological menstruation, pus or purulent-spotting. In severe cases, the delay menstruation can be triggered by significant hormonal failure.

But not always delay causes alone cystitis.

When this illness creates ideal conditions for entry into the body of foreign agents such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa, or helminths, thereby increasing the risk of other pathologies or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Cycle disorders are observed after an acute form of the disease, regardless of the pathogen. As already indicated, it tends to move in the chronic form, is capable of periodically or exacerbated extracystic lead to the development of complications.

This fact is the answer to the question of whether there can be a delay after cystitis and why. In chronic process exacerbation capable occur months or years after the disease. Sometimes the delay menstrual cycle stimulates psycho-emotional factor in cystitis.

In addition, a woman may notice a manifestation cystitis during menstruation. To find out its causes and methods of treatment, be sure to read the additional information on this topic.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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