How many days can be a delay monthly: rate and the maximum period without pregnancy

When menstruation is delayed, the woman asks the question, how much delay can last month, what time is acceptable and in any case need to worry and look for the causes of violations of the cycle.

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  • The normal menstrual cycle
  • How many days is permissible month delay
  • How much can be delayed without pregnancy
  • Possible reasons
  • Factors influencing the menstrual cycle

The normal menstrual cycle

Classic menstrual cycle healthy woman lasts 28 days. On the first day of the new period, appear allocation. AT normal menses go 3-5 days, on the 14th of ovulation, then the phase of the corpus luteum, which is again replaced monthly.

Monthly cycle time, which is measured by the number of days between menses, should be equal.

Permitted number of days of the cycle other than 28, the main thing, the regularity of the menstrual period. However, periods may linger for much - depends on the cause. It lasts like 1-2 days and comes up to a week or even several months.

A short delay may be evidence of myocardial stress, climate change or some other reason. For example, it is proved that the regular presence in the same company (working team) monthly for all women beginning at about the same time.

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If there was a delay of menstruation, the cycle length is calculated from the date of the actual onset of menses. When the cycle is immediately recovered and monthly arrived on time, concerns about health should not be.

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How many days is permissible month delay

Doctors claim that the allowable rate, up to how many days can be a delay monthly - 3-5 days. If menstruation does not occur beyond this time frame, there is a possibility of a pathological process. The beginning of the next round will be considered the time of occurrence of discharge. If the cycle time becomes the same, we can assume that he has recovered.

When the length of the cycle is 28 days, the monthly planned on 1 March and the beginning of the 5th, this means that the delay was 4 days. If the next menstrual period came on April 2, it is believed that the recovered cycle. Some mistakenly expect secretions March 29, and if they do not come, the experience, despite the fact that everything is normal.

To facilitate the tracking, you can use the mobile application with the female calendar. With their help easily notice a change in the cycle, and knowing what is considered normal length of delay can be controlled menstrual period.

If you can not use such an application, the mark made in the ordinary calendar, most importantly, regularly monitor the menstrual cycle.

Even if the delay is acceptable, fit into the normal delay monthly, but it happens on a regular basis (more than twice a year), it is necessary to inform your gynecologist. In this case, all the same there is a violation of the cycle, and therefore, you must determine its cause. It is mandatory should see a specialist, if month 9-10 days delay and more.

How much can be delayed without pregnancy

Term allowable delay increases in the case of pregnancy and lactation period. The maximum monthly can not go the whole period of lactation when a woman's body produces the hormone prolactin, which inhibits the maturation of the egg. Accordingly, there is no ovulation, the endometrium is not growing and there is no menstruation.

woman breastfeeds

After a negative test result on a pregnancy a woman is usually interested in the question, how many days can last a month delay in this case. Doctors believe the norm when menstruation delayed a maximum of 5 days. If menses are delayed every cycle and the maximum delay month longer than the specified period, you should visit a gynecologist with the purpose of passing examinations.

After the inspection, delivery of necessary tests and passing ultrasound the doctor can determine the cause of cycle disorders. At the age of 40-45 years is the largest delay, a month or longer, most often occurs due to the onset of premenopausal.

In the case of menopausal age is far, the largest number of valid days of delay of regular bleeding should not be more than a week. And in the course of examination in this case may be found problems of pathological character.

Possible reasons

As already noted, if menstruation is delayed longer than the allowable time limit, it is necessary to pass inspection. Now worth a closer look at the reasons for such violations of the cycle:

  1. Lack of ovulation. This can occur when anovulatory cycle when disrupted ovaries. For example, due to polycysticAt which they begin to ripen several follicles, but none of them ultimately did not ovulate.
  2. Hormonal failure which often occurs when taking contraceptive pills. If oral contraceptives are chosen correctly, then the cycle will recover very quickly. If you cancel menstruation pill may not start for a long time, or go with considerable delaysAnd the cycle will not be reduced in the longer than a longer time to take a pill. Reproductive system takes time out to re-start to produce hormones in the quantity required for the process of ovulation and endometrial growths.
  3. Inflammation of the ovaries, adnexitis. These diseases suppress ovulation and disrupts the reproductive system as a whole.
  4. Gynecological diseases. These include endometritis, endometriosis, uterine fibroids and polyps, cancers and sexually transmitted diseases.
woman holding her stomach

Regular menstrual period as a litmus test reflects a woman's reproductive health, because it is impossible to ignore the signals of the body and wait for recovery cycle, especially during prolonged delays. After all, the reason can be a pathology, and the earlier treatment starts, the more likely it quick and positive results.

Factors influencing the menstrual cycle

There are factors that affect the fact that the monthly late. Regula may be delayed not only because of the pathologies, but also on other seemingly minor reasons. Among the factors contributing to the delay, we can distinguish:

  1. Strict regular diet aimed at weight loss. For example, many models, adhering exhausting diets, suffer from constant delays, which sometimes reach amenorrhea and infertility. So now all the more popular it becomes the correct balanced diet combined with regular physical exercise in the gym or yoga. The results are a beautiful figure and good health.
  2. The impact of stress and depression. An important factor is the mental and emotional health, which will be able to support the intake of multivitamins, sound sleep and fresh air.
  3. Changing climatic conditions. It is also stressful for the body, but in this case there is no need to take urgent action. When a woman gets used to the new conditions or revert to the old (if it is a vacation), monthly cycle will be restored again.
  4. Changes in a woman's body is not related to the reproductive system. These include colds or antibiotics. Should undergo appropriate treatment, drink a course of vitamins and restore immunity.

Regular visits to the gynecologist and tracking the menstrual period will help save women's reproductive health and prevent delays.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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