Delayed menses 7-10 days and the test is negative: may it be pregnancy

The cycle time is in the range 26-35 days. The interval between periods should be approximately equal. In cases where there were delays in the month of 10 days, and a negative test, you need to consult a doctor. It is possible that these disorders are caused by the development of pathology.

woman with a calendar and a pregnancy test


  • normal cycle
  • As may be false-negative test
  • Delay as a symptom of the disease
  • Neginekologicheskie problems

normal cycle

The menstrual cycle depends on the state of women's health, heredity and environmental factors. Violations are often caused by disease or psychological strain.

Thus, the delay in the month 8 days can be marked on the back of strong nervous strain. When the insignificant changes in the cycle up or down no reason to worry. But as the doctors say, should raise concerns about the delay in the month 7 days, and a negative test. If there is no selection for about 10 days, you should immediately seek help from a gynecologist.

The appearance of menses for a couple of days later, the due date is considered the norm. Such changes are observed in perfectly healthy women, but no more than two times during the year. May cause a delay abrupt change of climatic conditions or severe fatigue.

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As may be false-negative test

The test for pregnancy is likely to produce false-negative result. This is due to the acquisition of substandard products is not able to detect the hormone hCG in the urine, the level of which increases significantly at conception.

Another reason for obtaining false-negative result - non-compliance testing. You need to use the test to carefully study the instructions and perform all strictly following the recommendations. Urine is collected in the morning, when it notes the high level of human chorionic gonadotropin.

girl with a pregnancy test

Situation when and a delay test is negative, It is possible during the test in early pregnancy. It is necessary to repeat the process a week later. If conception has occurred, the answer is yes.

The outcome may have an impact excessive fluid intake. Concentration hCG thus reduced, and the test shows incorrect values. In this situation, the possibility of pregnancy even if we get a negative result. A similar effect is given and diuretics. From their reception before the procedure should be discarded.

Also on the test readings affect characteristics of the menstrual cycle. If the delay menstruation to 7 days for women is the norm and is repeated regularly, with a slight deviation from the terms of the research result is negative. In this case, we can not exclude that the cause of the cycle of failure may be pregnant.

If a woman has nothing hurts, when you receive a negative test result study can be repeated again after a short time. When the pain in the breast and other signs of a successful fertilization visit to the doctor is strongly recommended to postpone. Such symptoms may indicate the threat of miscarriage.

Delay as a symptom of the disease

Failure cycle is possible in the case of a number of diseases. The reasons for the delay may be covered in this pathology as polycystic ovaries. Its appearance is due to excessive production of estrogen and the male hormone androgen. Due to the fact that there is no ovulation, there has been more than 10 days delay, and put diagnosis "PCOS". Ignore illness is strictly forbidden, as it is fraught with serious consequences, including even infertility.

Inflammation caused in the inner genital organs can also cause delay menses week.

Not excluded violations of the cycle after the abortive events. Once restored organs allocation reappear.

calendar and personal hygiene

The use of hormonal contraceptives can lead to a breach and menstruation cycle delay. Drugs in this group have on a woman's body aggressive effect. It is a violation of hormonal background.

Affect the timing of menstruation can also antidepressants and diuretics medications. Since the highest probability cycle is restored after application of these drugs.

Another possible reason for the delay - neoplasms in the internal genital organs. Cycle disorders can cause cancerous tumors, fibroids and cysts. Affect the regularity of menses infectious diseases affecting the genitourinary system.

Neginekologicheskie problems

Delay of 10 days and a negative test may not be the result of mental and emotional state. If a woman is subject to regular stress, it does not exclude failures in the schedule of menstruation.

Cause a delay in 9 days is capable of rapid weight gain. The absence of menstruation on time often due to the observance of a rigid diet. Such violations observed during the trip, when the body is forced to adapt to the new climate. Affect the reproductive function even bad habits. Alcohol abuse and smoking often leads to failure of the cycle.

Minor changes in the schedule of menstruation, which marks a delay for a few days, should not cause concern. Longer crashes when a negative test point to disturbances in the body.

Affect the reproductive function can be both external factors and serious diseases. To identify the cause and eliminate it quickly, you need to seek help from a gynecologist. After the complete diagnosis the doctor can appoint adequate therapy and prevent complications.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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