Can there be a delay of menstruation due to antibiotics: causes a cycle of failure, the impact on the flow of blood

Women forced to take medicine because of illness, need to know whether antibiotics affect the monthly as reproductive health is directly dependent on the cycle. Drugs in this group have on the internal organs of the strongest impact, so the monthly delay of antibiotics available.



  • Can there be a delay after antibiotics
    • As antibiotics affect the monthly
    • what dangers
  • How to avoid the negative effects
  • Other reasons for the delay

Can there be a delay after antibiotics

Monthly cycle each woman is different, but normal menses last from 27 to 33 days. In order to know whether there can be a delay due to antibiotics, it is necessary to understand how these drugs affect women's physiology and the duration of the cycle.

As antibiotics affect the monthly

Some people mistakenly believe that the causes of amenorrhea are associated with the negative impact of drugs on the intestinal microflora. Drugs that are introduced into the organism by injection, also affect the liver, heart, and uterus. Failure of the menstrual cycle - is the result of dysfunction of these organs.

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Effect of antibiotics on the monthly predominantly negative. In particular this applies to aminoglycosides and tetracyclines. Their regular intake - is stressful for the body as well as preparations of these groups focus a protective white blood cells and proteins, which are the main elements of the immune system. When the number in the body decreases, creating favorable conditions for bacteria to grow, resulting in delay can be menses.

Also decrease leukocyte levels in the body due to antibiotics contributes to genital infection, inflammation of the uterine appendages.

Low immunity provoked by drugs - the main reason for the lack of menstruation. This negative result is due to the lack of effect on leukocyte separation uterine endometrium.

Girl at the doctor

Sometimes a few days before the onset of menstruation in women taking drugs in the lower abdomen there is a nagging pain. In some cases, medications provoke headaches and dizziness. In the presence of gastrointestinal diseases in the stomach after taking some drugs there is a strong discomfort that is cramping in nature.

The effect of these drugs on a monthly cycle, certainly there, but it is secondary. That is, the absence of menstruation is possible due to malfunction of the internal organs, which was provoked by certain medications. Use in medicaments for therapeutic purposes, which do not have a strong influence on the organism, it does not entail a delay of menstruation.

what dangers

If you refuse to antibiotics during menstruation a woman can not, it must be prepared to a number of difficulties. The negative effects on the body have primarily tetracyclines and aminoglycosides.

Delay after taking antibiotics - a frequent phenomenon. Their action is aimed at the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, which provoked the disease. But often medicines contribute to the destruction of beneficial microflora.

The main side effects that they cause:

  1. Gepatotoksiya.
  2. Kidney and liver.
  3. Allergic reaction.
  4. The emergence of ototoxic effects.
  5. Disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the digestive system.
  6. Changing the composition of the blood.

In addition, after taking a course of some drugs in women is considerably weakened immune function, causing them to feel tired and sleepy. Sometimes there is a thrush after antibiotics.

girl sitting on the bed

How to avoid the negative effects

Some medications have a negative impact on reproductive health. But the delay menstruation can be avoided when taking antibiotics. To do this, you need to know a few simple preventive rules:

  1. Need to take antibiotics along with medication, the effect of which is aimed at the normalization of intestinal microflora. Such drugs prescribed by endocrinologists. It Linex, Laktivit, Hilak forte. They will help saturate the intestines useful vitamins and microelements. Restoration of internal organs after long-term use of tetracyclines with them happen faster.
  2. Drinking complex vitamins, whose action is intended to prevent a delay monthly. They reduce the risk of side effects provoked by tetracyclines.
  3. It is not recommended to abuse drugs, whose action is aimed at the destruction of harmful bacteria. They need to drink the allotted number of days. Discontinue medication before the set deadline should not be a doctor.
  4. Appoint a medication alone can not. To do so should a doctor.
  5. Tetracyclines should not drink if it is not necessary to prevent the spread of infection through the body or restoring microflora after abortion, surgery or other mechanical effects.

Other reasons for the delay

Medication - not only cause a delay monthly. This phenomenon can be triggered by such factors:

  1. Liver disease, such as hepatitis or cholecystitis.
  2. Allergic reaction.
  3. Dysbacteriosis (intestinal microflora imbalance).
  4. emotional stress.
  5. Sudden weather changes.
  6. Treatment of hormone drugs.
  7. Failure to comply with the rules of diet and healthy eating.
  8. Insufficient production of prolactin by the body.
  9. Diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, acute respiratory viral infections, gastritis, renal failure.
  10. Physical stress.

Any changes in the female body may affect the menstrual cycle. But if you approach your responsibility to health, the failure will not be even with antibiotics.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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