Delayed menstruation in adolescents 12-13 years: causes, what to do with the failure

With twelve years of age in girls begins installed menstrual cycle. It can occur sporadically, if at all stop for a few months. Such a situation should not frighten, because often an indicator of normal body functioning.

Delayed menstruation in adolescents occurs under the influence of certain factors. The severity of the problem tells a gynecologist. Prevent its development can help parents, showing a caring attitude and attention.

girl in bed


  • During the establishment of the monthly normal
  • Major factors in adolescents cycle disruptions
    • Hormonal disorders in the genital area
    • Hormonal disorders of the endocrine glands
    • Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs
  • The reasons for that are eliminated without a doctor
    • psycho-emotional overstrain
    • Excessive exercise
    • Various problems with weight

During the establishment of the monthly normal

Puberty occurs between the ages from nine years and ends with adulthood. Initial signs are the growth of hair in the groin area and under the arms, intensive breast enlargement, formation of the subcutaneous fat layer.

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After that, the girls begin early release. Blood frightens teenager then important approach parents. Mother should talk with her daughter about the changes in the body, as well as supporting the right of action.

According to statistics, the first menstrual cycle begins at 11-13 years.

Issues relating to the late start, delayed menstruation in girls, should be discussed with a gynecologist.

Often parents are interested, why not monthly in 13 years. At month delay teens are quite often, and this is an indicator standards. Do not get too worried if they did not start at age 12 or thirteen.

Although the time deviations are not talking about the development of the pathological process, it can not be excluded. This fact is not advisable to ignore. At the first suspicious symptoms should consult a doctor.

Irregular cycle of menstruation in girls occurs for various reasons. Some easy to fix on their own, while others require only medical intervention.

mother with her daughter

Major factors in adolescents cycle disruptions

The reasons for the delay menstruation in adolescents can have serious consequences. Great importance has an environmental impact. If monthly gone, you may have a wrong way of life.

Only a doctor can detect deviations in development. Immediately after the identification of the problem should contact a specialist. Early diagnosis and treatment will prevent the development of complications.

Hormonal disorders in the genital area

The first two years after the start of discharge is a cycle setting. The reason why there is no month in 13 years, may be a change in hormones in the body.

Factors of disturbances or interruptions:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • wrong diet;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • surgery;
  • neginekologicheskie disease;
  • taking medication;
  • strong psychological stress;
  • heavy exercise.

Any health problems at a young age require treatment, because they can cause the development of diseases of the sexual sphere.

Girl at the doctor

Hormonal disorders of the endocrine glands

An increased amount of progesterone and estrogen also leads to a malfunction of the body.

In addition to delay menstruation in adolescents, we have the following symptoms:

  • pulling and aching pain in the lower abdomen to return to the waist;
  • migraine attacks;
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness.

Malfunctioning pituitary triggered by reception of antibacterial drugs. Sometimes there is an imbalance that is manifested surge of male hormones.

Treatment involves the use of drug therapy to restore their normal production.

Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs

Stop monthly adolescent may due to diseases of the genitourinary system.

With the penetration of bacterial inflammatory process begins in the uterus, tubes and appendages bladder. The most common disease at a young age:

  • cystitis;
  • endometriosis;
  • vaginitis.

It is important to get tested. Required steps - giving blood and urine tests, the passage of ultrasound.

ultrasound probe

The reasons for that are eliminated without a doctor

Disruptions of the menstrual cycle in adolescence the body triggered by certain factors. Delay month the virgin appears somewhat less than those who have already begun sexual activity.

Consider the main reasons for the delay menstruation in adolescents.

psycho-emotional overstrain

Hormones correlated with the emotional and psychological state.

In 13 years, begins a new stage of development. Girl feels like a woman, is changing attitudes to the opposite sex, criticism is acute. Stop periods may go with emotional instability, stress, stress at school.

Parents must be careful to affect a similar theme. Do not worry teenage intimate questions. Sometimes we do not do without the help of a psychologist. The doctor prescribes a mild sedative drugs and explains to adults how to behave.

For a normal psychological state is important to follow the correct mode. Restore lost power for a day and improve health can only be a teenager at 10-hour sleep.

girl sleeps

Excessive exercise

A positive effect on the body of adolescents exercise. The main condition - know when to stop and do not overwork. To keep the body in shape enough to attend a gym class. In this case, the delay will not monthly.

The reason is the absence of menstruation as insufficient or excessive amount of training. Sporting load on the critical days it is important to reduce, as they increase the bleeding.

Various problems with weight

Hormonal disruptions during adolescence occur due to metabolic disorders.

Malnutrition, hobby and fast food soda, food poor in vitamins and trace elements, lead to delay menses.

Good nutrition in the life of a girl is an important aspect, because currently there is increased growth. Changes occur in the body both inside and out. The figure becomes effeminate: grow breasts, hips become wider. For the normal development of the young person should get enough nutrients.

Often having problems with excess weight, the girls are addicted to diet. Thus the organism loses nutrients. This affects both the physical condition and the menstrual cycle.

The normal cycle is set for over 2 years. To get rid of health problems, the girl is necessary to reduce stress, eat properly, in sufficient quantity to be outdoors. Start and duration of the discharge, it is desirable to fix the calendar. If girls in 14-15 years no monthlyIt is necessary to consult a doctor.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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