Delayed menstruation with a negative test: the reasons for the absence of menstruation than pregnancy

According to women, the most common reason for the delay menstruation is pregnancy. For quick and unambiguous answer to make special tests. With their help it is possible to accurately determine the fact of conception. Despite this, the often observed delay monthly, but the test is negative. The reasons for this phenomenon may be a few.

calendar and pregnancy test


  • Not pregnant and not in menopause - what is the reason
  • How to accurately confirm the absence of pregnancy
  • Any delays require medical attention
  • What if there was a delay

Not pregnant and not in menopause - what is the reason

In situations where the monthly and is not, and a negative test, should not immediately exclude the possibility of pregnancy. It is not excluded, that conception actually happened. To confirm this or deny this fact, the test need to spend more time, but after a few days.

Besides pregnancy, reasons for the delay is set. Some are due to the development of serious diseases, some caused by external factors.

The reason for the delay menstruation for a negative test is not associated with a disease can be covered are as follows:

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  • violation of the cycle after childbirth. Intensive production of prolactin leads to the fact that the monthly disappear for a long time;
  • weight problems, adherence to a strict diet, properly organized diet;
  • changing climatic conditions;
  • exhausting physical exertion and fatigue;
  • exposure to stress, recent illnesses;
  • taking certain medicines, provoking failure of hormonal background of the organism.

Latency, which is celebrated once, does not always indicate the presence of disease and cause serious complications. If the cycle is repeated failure, the doctor must find out the cause.

gynecologist and patient

The reasons for the lack of menstruation may be as follows:

  • thyroid disease;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • held abortive events;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • inflammations of the urogenital system;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • tumors in the uterus, the ovaries.

How to accurately confirm the absence of pregnancy

Often there is a month not start, but the test is negative. It is imperative in this case to determine whether the fact of conception was not really. The simplest solution - to repeat the test in a week. If it shows a negative result, then most likely there is no pregnancy.

Do testing it is necessary in the morning. When barely noticeable second test strips called questionable. The result is considered positive conventionally - and large delay may be caused by pregnancy. To clarify this information, you need to consult a doctor.

Reveal the fact of conception in the early stages, you can use ultrasound. In addition, women need to donate blood for hCG (pregnancy hormone) and urine. Only with the full survey will be able to confirm the absence of pregnancy or her presence.

The home will be able to identify a successful fertilization on such grounds:

  • basal temperature elevation becomes higher;
  • chest swells;
  • the mood is constantly changing;
  • genitalia and vaginal mucous become bluish color;
  • there are pain in the abdomen.
heart hands on her belly

Any delays require medical attention

The problem is, when the test shows one strip, and no monthly, not always require immediate solutions. In some cases, this is considered normal. For example, if no monthly 3-5 daysThen there is no reason to panic. Cause concern should delay, repeated every month. If a woman worried about severe pain in the abdomen, it is possible that need urgent hospitalization.

Frequent delays indicate disturbances in the body, you need to quickly identify and eliminate. Often the cause of failure of regular cycle are the conditions pose a threat to life: tumors in the reproductive organs and ectopic pregnancy.

Should not be ignored long delay menstruation (for example, no monthly 2 months) With a negative pregnancy test. Against the background of this disorder may have more serious problems. It is possible that in the future will need treatment for infertility, diseases of the cardiovascular system. In the advanced form of such failures can lead to early menopause and the development of diabetes.

Medical consultation is necessary in such cases:

  • strong pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Meager monthly after a delay or very copious;
  • cycle crash by more than 35 days;
  • appearance of brown precipitates with unnatural odor;
  • pain during sexual intimacy;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

A single delay is not serious. If violations are observed continuously, definitely need to consult gynecologist.

girl in toilet

What if there was a delay

When is a slight delay in menstruation, a negative test, and nothing hurts, the reason for the visit to the gynecologist is not. You just need to make a control test a few days later. Short failure shall not be considered a danger and are normal.

It is recommended to resort to the use of several tests, issued by different manufacturers. Thus it is able to minimize the probability of obtaining a false-negative result.

If the test is negative, but monthly still not arrived on time and the delay is more than 10 days, medical consultation is required.

It is strictly forbidden to cause menstruation yourself. These actions can result in bleeding and aggravation of the general condition of the organism. Control loop sex hormones, which affect the only medication therapy fails. Chooses their doctor after a complete diagnosis. When the cycle started timely treatment can not recover in the short term.

When violations of reproductive function, regardless of their causes, conducted a thorough examination. If the test is negative, in order to exclude the likelihood of pregnancy is dealt a blood test for hCG. It helps to identify the possible cause of the ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Quite possibly, the woman will need to conduct a calendar basal temperature to provide an accurate picture.

If you suspect a hormonal disorders should consult an endocrinologist. The cycle is restored immediately after therapy underlying pathology. Identifying triggers, eliminate them immediately.

In some cases, it is sufficient to adjust the diet and to observe the regime of the day. It is imperative to stop smoking and drinking alcohol, to quickly restore cycle.

Absence of menstruation in due time is not always a sign of pregnancy. The first thing to do a test and to exclude the likelihood of conception. If a negative result is required to seek help from a gynecologist. Only an experienced doctor after all the necessary diagnostic procedures can identify the cause of the menstrual cycle of failure and quickly restore reproductive function.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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