No monthly, sore lower back: delay causes pain

Women are often concerned that they do not have monthly and sore lower back. This situation can be explained by the conception occurred recently, but there are other causes of similar symptoms.

Confirm pregnancy test is capable of revealing the level of hCG. With a negative result, and continuing discomfort can assume onset of the disease.

lower back pain


  • The causes of pain during menstruation delayed
    • inflammatory diseases
    • hormonal disorders
    • weight problems
    • psycho-emotional load
  • Why hurt when the loin female diseases
  • Women tactics in this situation

The causes of pain during menstruation delayed

Pain syndrome in the back, accompanied by a delay in the onset of critical days, may have a different origin. The reasons include:

  • inflammatory diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • weight problems;
  • psycho-emotional stress.

Before you diagnose yourself in any of the above, you need to make in the pathological character of the condition.

If a woman's menstruation delay, sore lower back and the test is negative (the one that defines the onset of pregnancy) it is necessary to consult a doctor, as in most cases these symptoms indicate early disease.

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In other cases, you just need to wait - perhaps pain in the lower back means that the menstrual cycle is normalized in the coming days, the current delay falls within physiological range and the pain caused by PMS or muscle fatigue.

inflammatory diseases

Back pain and delay periods may be the first symptoms of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. This is a dangerous group of diseases with a wide range of complications, among which stands out infertility.

Among the factors that can trigger this pathology include promiscuity, surgery gynecological, hypothermia, urogenital infections. In the latter case, as a rule, to the pain and delay the onset of critical days is added to the presence of mucous secretions from the vagina.


Common causes similar clinical picture is inflammation of the uterus - endometrium in the uterus, Subway, and other organs of the female reproductive system:

  • adnexitis (inflammation of the ovary and fallopian tubes);
  • vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina).

Another possible cause - ovarian apoplexy. The pathology is characterized by spontaneous rupture or violation of the integrity of the parenchyma of endocrine glands, in which there may be bleeding and severe pain in the abdomen, of referred to the waist.

All of these disease states are characterized by painful sensations, delay the onset of menstruation for 4-7 days. Often a woman notices a vaginal discharge, which are accompanied by itching in the large and small labia. Recent manifestations often indicate an infection developing sexually transmitted. Discomfort also deliver the intimate contact and the process of urination.

hormonal disorders

If you delay menstruation will be an important aspect of the diagnostic study of the structure and function of the ovaries. After all, the work of this mixed gland secretion due functioning of the menstrual cycle.

When oophoritis, malignant neoplasms, polycystic violation occurs in the body, it ceases to produce the right amount of hormones that regulate the frequency of occurrence of critical days. Among other things, the low level of estrogens and progesterone have potent prostaglandins, pain mediators produced in the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle. As a result, there is often pain in the lumbar region.

Other pathological factors that may affect the work of the ovary:

  • hypothalamic and pituitary tumor;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • neoplasms in adjacent organs.

Such violations are fraught with serious consequences, so the priority measures to be their early diagnosis, you help prevent uncontrolled development of the disease and to suppress bud danger to life and reproductive health women.

Another factor that may cause disturbances affecting the operation of the main body of the female reproductive system, is the use of oral contraceptives. All are hormonal agents that change the natural concentration of biologically active substances in the blood of women.

holding hands

Improper use, doses exceeding that developed side effects - all this can adversely influence on the organism, causing delay and monthly pain localized in the groin or the lumbar region.

Be sure to consult a gynecologist and endocrinologist from taking any course of potent hormone drug. Is responsible for monitoring its own state.

weight problems

Overweight and physical inactivity - a common cause of delay menstruation. The fact that the organism is genetically programmed to produce a certain number of hormones and other biologically active substances.

Obesity results in terms of hard work, because in the regulation of physiological processes in the body weight must be greater and greater number of hormones.

Accordingly, the initial failure to adapt to a similar volume of iron due to compensatory and adaptive mechanisms begins to increase hormone production.


The result is a disturbance of the normal ratio of active compound concentrations in the blood, resulting in a delay may occur monthly. Sore lower back, there is a general malaise - these symptoms are the result of a hormonal imbalance. Only one way out - to embark on a healthy lifestyle and fight obesity.

psycho-emotional load

Back pain and menstruation delay may occur due to severe psycho-emotional stress. The menstrual cycle - only conditionally stable physiological process. It is susceptible to various kinds of fluctuations. Thus, the onset of critical days can be displaced as a result of:

  • severe stress;
  • climate change, and time zone;
  • traumatic impact.

cycle disorders are often accompanied by pain syndrome.

Why hurt when the loin female diseases

In the lumbar region are the projections of all the pelvic organs. Consequently, their inflammation is fraught with pain in the lumbar spine.

Sometimes the discomfort comes from the fact that the pain radiating from the groin, which is the front projection of the pelvic organs, as well as a target for pain in diseases of the genital system.

In the pathology of the urogenital area, urogenital infections also may experience feelings when pulling back. A similar clinical picture cause ectopic pregnancy, delay from endometriosis and complications of other diseases of female genital mutilation. However, back ache can make dozens of different reasons, including pregnancy. Only the presence of pain can not be considered a clear diagnostic criteria.


Women tactics in this situation

Delay of menstruation for several days, accompanied by a slight pain - this is not a reason to panic. A slight shift of the cycle it is permitted by gynecologists and discomfort may well be caused by the stretching of muscles.

There are clear criteria that indicate that you need to see a doctor. The first of them - the acute pain that does not stop within 2-3 hours. The second - the critical days of the onset of the delay more than a week. In such cases, an urgent need to consult a gynecologist, who will be able to put the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. After all, if time does not take appropriate measures, the disease will develop, causing dangerous consequences and Complications, such as the spread of infectious or inflammatory process, as well as the risk of a full infertility.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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