Delayed menstruation after 40 years: the causes, the test is negative

The average fertility age women continues to 45-50 years. After that, there may be intermittent or constant delay menstruation, the causes of which lie after 40 years in reducing fertility, changes in estrogen concentration and low reproductive capacity stihanii body.

sad woman


  • The causes of early menopause
  • The periods in a woman's life after 40
    • premenopausal
    • Menopause
    • perimenopause
    • postmenopause
  • complications of menopause
  • Should I be concerned

The causes of early menopause

Hormonal changes associated with menopause, develops individual pace. On average, one out of a hundred women have already noted the first signs of 40 years or less.

Premature to consider this hormone suppression of ovarian function, which develops before the execution of forty years. Delays in scheduled test is negative, there is no pregnancy.

The main reasons for the delay menstruation at age 40 related to early menopause:

  1. The presence of genetic abnormalities, by which the ovaries stop functioning prematurely. Such mutations result in reduced tissue sensitivity FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). Ovulation stops. Typically, genetic abnormalities have a family history - Hormonal imbalance is observed from generation to generation through the female line.
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  2. Transferred radiation and / or chemotherapy, especially in the treatment of cancer of the uterus or near her organs. The total dose over 6 Gy causes irreversible destruction of the ovaries, whereupon they lose their primary function. When receiving the lower dose there is a chance to restore a woman's reproductive function.
  3. Migrated operations on the uterus, tubes and ovaries themselves. Uterine fibroids often manifests adhesions, surgery for removal of ovarian cysts cause tissue damage to the follicles.
  4. Chronic inflammatory disease of the ovary (salpingo) amicrobic inflammation in operations not only disrupt the regularity of menses, but also reduce the ovarian function and reproductive capabilities of women in whole.
  5. Some autoimmune diseases such as Addison's disease, hypothyroidism, Diabetes, entailing ovarian failure. In rare cases, chronic inflammation occurs right in the gonads, which is why follicles degenerate into connective tissue.
female reproductive system

Sometimes the occurrence of menopause is 40 years, delayed menstruation and decreased reproductive function occur under the influence of unknown causes delay monthly (except for pregnancy). Here, as the "culprits" accepted suspect appeared before viral infection, especially persistent, that do not show up symptoms but lead to the death of the follicles.

There are several other reasons for the delay: the surgical removal of the ovaries, carrying out aggressive medication therapy, the general trend of rapid acceleration (early puberty girls).

Cessation of menstruation is associated with the preparation of the body for the transition to a new state - menopause. If in some cases possible to restore reproductive function by fitting special medication, then the removal of the ovaries, the aggressive exposure to radiation or chemotherapy is practically impossible.

The periods in a woman's life after 40

Individual expression of hormonal changes in premenopausal determines the intensity of changes in the female body. The reasons for the delay menstruation after age 40 may be associated not only with the onset of menopause, but also with the pregnancy, inflammatory diseases, tumors, removal of the ovaries.

Later may occur natural causes delay menstruation (47 years and older), associated with age-related changes. However, the extinction of reproductive function in aged 40-46 refers to premature menopause.

woman at the gynecologist


Delayed menstruation at age 45, along with other symptoms suggests the occurrence of premenopausal. The main manifestations:

  • violation menstruation - failure in cyclic delay arising in the middle of the blood discharge cycle, the changing nature of menses (more abundant or scanty);
  • violation of the cardiovascular system after 45 years - the development of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, angina, flushing;
  • breast breast, Increased sensitivity of the breast;
  • impaired memory, fatigue, decreased concentration;
  • unstable psycho-emotional background;
  • decreased libido, discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • irregular periods, increased menstrual syndrome;
  • headaches, migraine headaches and other symptoms.

Predklimaks manifests itself in different symptoms depending on the health status of women, hormone levels, age.


Irreversible cessation of menstruation due to the end of the production of hormones by the ovaries is called menopause. With the development of increasing signs of estrogen deficiency. On average, this stage lasts for 5 years - from the last menstrual period before the onset of menopause.

sad woman

Menopause is shown not only by the lack of monthly after 45 years, but symptoms such as:

  • autonomic seizures - hot flashes in the upper half of the body, face, skin redness and the appearance of a marble pattern;
  • sweating, chills, often at night;
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • emotional lability - mood swings, irritability, tearfulness;
  • palpitations.

If follicular depletion starts after 30-35 years, it is already up to 45 woman feels expressed symptoms of menopause. An increasing number of anovulatory cycles, decreased estrogen production. In the absence of menstruation and ovaries stop operation is impossible to conceive, in reproductive function menopausal phase was absent.


Until a full diagnosis of menopause approximately to 40 years the menses alter the nature, concentration of estrogens decreases, the ovaries do not work so hard. This period is called the menopausal transition.

The duration of it is about 4 years, but can last for several months, and ten years. Ends about a year after the onset of full menopause, that is, after 12 months of absence of the menstrual cycle.

Signs of this period are the same - hot flushes, decreased sexual activity, fatigue, frequent urination, worsening PMS. The main symptom is a disturbance of menstrual cyclicity, her absence.

drinking water


Postmenopausal women referred to the last stage of menopause, early phase occurs within 5 years of absence of menstruation, late - 10.

It was during this period begins full climax, which completely eliminates the possibility of pregnancy. The main features are the cessation of menstruation, the ovaries stop working, no detachment of the endometrium.

Any bleeding in postmenopausal is dangerous and does not talk about the resumption of menstruation, and the serious pathologies that require medical intervention.

On average, menopause occurs between the age of 60, but with the development of menopause after 40 this stage in a woman's life there is a 50-year milestone.

complications of menopause

Premature delay menstruation after 40 years and following that menopause entails possible complications:

  1. Heart disease. Reduction of estrogen destructive effect on blood vessels. Violated the properties of the endothelium, the ratio of lipids in the blood, increased blood clots. Vasospasm may occur, failures in glucose metabolism.
  2. Alzheimer's disease. Proven relationship of dementia with the onset of early menopause.
  3. Pathological menopausal bleeding - often triggered by violation menstruatsionnogo cycle with early menopause.
  4. Osteoporosis. By reducing the concentration of estrogen density bone tissue is broken, it becomes thinner, the risk of fractures. He was especially increased if menopause is caused artificially aged up to 40 years - the bone is lost with an intensity of up to 15% annually.
  5. Excess weight. Fat redistribution occurs under the influence of female hormones. Once stopped estrogens produced, deposits occur on the sides, the abdomen (abdominal cavity front wall and around internal organs). Also, muscle mass is gradually replaced by fat tissue, the risk of heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, liver pathologies.
woman on the scales

Early menopause complications can be avoided by spending adequate replacement therapy and follow the recommendations of the attending physician.

Should I be concerned

Many women worry when the due date is not menstruation. What to do in case it is caused by the approach of menopause, help determine a doctor.

Remember that menopause is just a new phase in a woman's life. To this period has passed as easily as possible, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, carefully respond to changes in the body.

The unpleasant symptoms of menopause, intense in the early years, gradually decreasing, and to postmenopausal women virtually disappear.

It is advisable to consult a doctor, especially if menopause symptoms appeared very early, up to 40 years. To preserve the reproductive function can be assigned to hormone therapy, physiotherapy.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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