- Essential and basic oils in care
- Coconut oil and its composition. For the skin of the face and around the eyes
- We return beauty to the face and charm to the eyes
Youth is a wonderful stage in the life of each of us, but it's a pity that it is so fleeting. And now by the age of 30, and sometimes much earlier, our face begins to cover here and there mimic wrinkles. Heredity, moral and physical health can very quickly take away our youth, beauty, causing complexes and sadness, but there are no unsolvable problems. Today you will get acquainted with the natural remedy - coconut oil for the skin around the eyes, which can become not only the prevention of negative manifestations of age and stress on your face, but also help to cope with the already existing problems.
Nowadays, beauty and youth have become a kind of cult. Very young girls, who should be rosy and fresh, are already rushing to expensive cosmetologists for injections of beauty. They are ready to invest a lot of life time, money, sometimes even without knowing what will happen in the end. Why are there different procedures and preparations in the trend, but about natural withdrawal is often forgotten. It's so easy to reconsider your lifestyle, to find some simple means, and the gray tone of your face, wrinkles, and rashes will not bother for many years.
Essential and basic oils in care
Today we will talk about coconut oil for eyelids and for the whole face, but let's say a few words in general about the benefits of natural oils for our skin. Do not neglect them, because the beauties of ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece and the whole east from time immemorial and to this day use these products, and their appeal is sung not one ode.
And it's not that earlier just was not so developed cosmetology and therefore enjoyed what they could. It simply was not necessary, because simple natural remedies that could be taken from the plant world could heal the body and soul and provide unsurpassed beauty.
for care. Important! Only natural cold pressed oil has the maximum benefit, buy products in special shops, shops with natural resources. Do not take coconut oil, like any other, for a very cheap price in a simple store.
Well, what can oils do nowadays, you ask? And they can give a huge benefit, just think about the lines further.
- Oil nourishes our skin, making it soft, smooth, shiny and elastic. It is filled with saturated fatty acids.
- By making massage with natural oil, you stimulate blood flow, cells regenerate faster, collagen production goes faster. This means that the skin is renewed and looks fresh and young.
- Natural oils can help cope with such unpleasant manifestations as bruises and bags under the eyes.
- Fine wrinkles and facial expressions are smoothed due to the saturation of the skin layers with a complex of nutrients and vitamins, and also thanks to daily massage movements on the skin, during the application of the product.
- Oil can protect the face and entire body from the negative effects of the sun.
- Vitamins have an antioxidant effect, it saves from pathogenic processes, toxins, the risk of developing malignant tumors. The skin ceases to have an earthy and dull color.
- The water-lipid balance is being restored.
And it's all simple oils that you can buy and do procedures at home that will become an alternative to cosmetology. If you revise your lifestyle - change your diet, get natural products for beauty and health, go in for sports, then you will not need to apply a layer of foundation and paint a blush, because it will, so, on your face. A good, high-quality natural oil can work wonders, and here for the beauty of your face you can choose coconut oil. Why, let's examine further. Coconut oil and its composition. For the skin of the face and around the eyes
Of course, no matter what kind of natural product we take, its benefit will be for our health at the expense of what is in the composition. We have already said above that all the oils are very useful, but here the coconut in itself carries a whole storehouse of components, each of which gives this or that effect.
Where folic helps fight rashes, defects. Ascorbic helps us to become younger. Laurinov eliminates black spots - the distress of all girls, beginning with adolescence. Stearic acid will help those who want to have a noble pallor or, more simply, solve the problems of age spots, freckles. Pantothenic will help to cope with small and mimic wrinkles. But for those who have skin already withered, oleic acid will help. Even for oily skin, coconut oil can be useful due to caprylic acid, it helps to normalize the process of sebaceous glands;
The composition of many B1, B6 and B11, and they are for the dermis - it is an opportunity to have resistance to harmful environmental influences. Also, the skin is restored more quickly, and all processes take place faster in it, which means that it is cleaned, renewed and looks young. In the composition there are PP, which will give your skin a smooth tone, as if you applied makeup, get rid of all kinds of pigmentation, rashes. But vitamin E, which is in an enviable amount, will be your best friend on the road to a long youthful skin.
As you understand, all the oils are useful, and coconut oil especially. You will see the results pretty quickly. It will be dry, the skin will become light, there will be a natural shine. If you have acne or acne, then they will become less pronounced, as well as wrinkles, and due to rapid regeneration of scars and blue spots you will not. The skin will begin to change, bags, puffiness and earthiness will disappear. You will notice the difference, like everything around you, that will affect the internal state, and it is very important because when we are confident and love ourselves, then everyone treats us accordingly.
It is also worth noting that coconut oil is used not only for facial or eye skin, but, in general, in cosmetology. You can use it for hair, for the body, also the product is eaten. In our time, various studies are being conducted, for example, there is evidence that coconut oil can help people with Alzheimer's disease. On this topic, even there is a book by Mary Newport, where she says that this product has treated her husband. And the main component here is ketones in the composition of the oil, which have a beneficial effect on the human condition. So, let's move on to the recipes.
That's interesting! Residents of Sri Lanka and Polynesia in their diet have a lot of fish and coconut oil, while they are not sick, especially diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as their life expectancy is higher.
We return the beauty to the face and charm to the eyes
Coconut oil from wrinkles under the eyes
There are many options for use - you can apply oil in the morning and evening, doing a light massage. You can use the product as a base for make-up, and there will not be a greasy shine. You can take your cream from wrinkles and mix it in equal proportions with coconut oil before applying it. By the way, it can be in liquid form and in the form of cream paste, which melts very quickly right in your hands.
With rosemary
In a spoonful of dining room pour coconut oil, here also drop 3-4 drops of rosemary ether. It very well tonifies and tightens the skin not only around the eyes, but in general. Remember and about the neck and neck area, they can always find out the age.
Mask with egg
In one container you pour in coconut oil, a spoonful of tea honey and half yolk. The ingredients are all mixed. If you need a mask for face and neck, then take about 30-50 ml of oil. After that, in the composition, wet the cotton pads and put them on your eyelids. Such a lifting you can do every other day or every day, there will be no harm.
With essential oils of incense and lemon
Once a week, do this in the morning and in the evening. For 20 minutes, on the eyelids and on the skin around the eyes, massage the composition with an incense of incense and lemon, 2 drops each, and spoons of coconut oil. When the time is up, the remnants of you simply get wet with a cloth or a napkin.
To remove eye make-up
Instead of the usual soap that dries the skin, or lotion, where the composition can be different chemicals, remove your makeup with a cotton ball moistened in coconut oil. It will very well dissolve the carcass, will not dry the eyes, while it will have the most positive effect. Then use the water.
Warning! All people are different, and someone may have an individual intolerance to a particular component, so always check the reaction and do not use new tools before important events.
Beauty is in our hands. But remember the attractive appearance - it's also the right food, charisma, confidence and activity.