Can I at monthly go to the solarium, sunbathe

During the critical days in the body is a series of processes related to hormonal changes. Therefore, actions that normally are seen in the other days of the cycle, during menstruation can cause different reactions. These include physical activity, beauty treatments and massage. On the question whether it is possible to go to the monthly solarium, expert opinions diverge, because the harm and benefits of treatments depends on the individual reactions of the organism.

Girl in a solarium


  • Effect of UVA-rays on the body
    • pros
    • Minuses
  • Negative moments tanning at monthly
  • In some days of menstruation is better to refrain from tanning
  • Contraindications to the sun baths

Effect of UVA-rays on the body

Solarium menstruation can have a positive impact on the appearance and state of health, if the procedure is carried out correctly. In addition, the chemical reactions that occur at this time, a positive effect on the nervous system.

If earlier the woman regularly use the services, and the body to adapt to the effects of the rays, it is absolutely healthy and complies with all safety regulations, during the month to go to the solarium may be, when it is impossible to move session.

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In addition, to make an informed decision: a solarium or not, a woman must be clearly understood, how come menstruationAnd what is happening in her body during them. More about this can tell a separate article on our site.


Pros treatments in the solarium outside the period of menstruation:

  • reduce the number of blackheads and acne;
  • contribute to the treatment of psoriasis and other skin disorders;
  • Reinforced provoke the formation of vitamin D;
  • a positive impact on mood, because serotonin is released during the session;
  • give the skin a beautiful bronze color.

Aggressive rays of the spectrum C is passed through special filters.



Possible risk of harm from the solarium at a time when there is no menstruation:

  • possibly premature aging procedure at misuse;
  • the skin becomes thinner, drier and more vulnerable;
  • It increases the risk of tumors.

All these disadvantages have a place to be, if not used protective equipment and observe all safety precautions.

Negative moments tanning at monthly

One of the most pressing issues for women who regularly care for themselves - whether it is possible to sunbathe during menstruation. Due to changes in the body (hormonal changes, breast tenderness, weakness), this procedure may result in:

  • to changes in blood Pressure during menstruationThat degrades the overall health;
  • strengthening the pain of menstruation;
  • increase the number of allocated blood may cause bleeding and even disrupt the cycle;
  • appearance of skin diseases: acne inflammation, irritation;
  • increasing the susceptibility of the organism to infectious diseases;
  • aggravation of existing gynecological diseases and disorders of the genital organs functioning.

Effects and side effects of tanning during the critical days are shown not all women, such reactions are individual. Therefore, strictly speaking, that the solarium is contraindicated to go, can not during menstruation. It is recommended to monitor its status or possible transfer procedure at a safe days.


In some days of menstruation is better to refrain from tanning

Experts, responding to a question whether it is possible to sunbathe during menstruation, they say, that the admissibility of this procedure depends on the period of menstruation. The most dangerous are the first day of the menstrual cycle - the most abundant amount of bleeding and the pain most intense.

If you really want or need to get a tan in the tanning bed, you should know that you can not visit in the early critical days.

It is strictly prohibited to the procedure when a woman has failed cycle and the interval between periods of less than 20 days, or if the discharge has a strange color and odor.

Starting from the 4th day of the cycle solarium during menstruation can attend, if a woman feels good and in compliance with all rules regarding the obtaining of tanning.

Contraindications to the sun baths

On the question whether it is possible to sunbathe during the month, the experts replied in the affirmative, but it should be remembered categorical contraindications to the procedure:

  • too painful and heavy periods in women;
  • neoplasms;
  • inflammation on the skin;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive and reproductive systems in any form of leakage.

To all It should be added that sunburn during menstruation can not be taken due to hormonal processes in the body. To reduce the risk of side effects, experts recommend the use of special creams and stick to the recommended duration of the session.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 12
  • 190