Do uterus increases before menstruation: how many days, how

Shortly before the beginning of menstruation, many women notice that the stomach has become more, and at the bottom felt pressure and gravity. One of the reasons for this phenomenon - the change in size of the uterus. This is a natural process that does not require correction, but it can be caused by pathological reasons. Knowing what is happening in the body during menstruation, it will be easier to understand why the uterus increases before menstruation.

the uterus during menstruation


  • Uterus before and during the critical days
  • The number of days increases the uterus before menstruation
  • Which contributes to a change in body size
    • Effect of progesterone
    • Other reasons for the increase of the uterus
  • Self-examination and the possible consequences

Uterus before and during the critical days

The meaning of the menstrual cycle - preparation to conceive a child. One of the most important roles in this case belongs to the uterus - special female organs intended for carrying baby. Throughout the cycle it is changing due to the influence of hormones.

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The beginning of the cycle in gynecological practice is considered to be the first day of menstrual bleeding. During monthly released from the uterus endometrium fragments of dead, blood, small vessels, and excess fluid.

After the completion of discharge preparation for the conception begins anew.

Under the influence of hormones at the same time there is a number of important processes - the egg matures in the ovaries and the uterus is preparing to adopt an embryo. For this purpose the inner surface of the organ "ramping" endometrium - a special layer for anchoring and nutrition of the embryo. In the second half of the cycle it becomes soft and flabby - provided by nature to facilitate the attachment of a fertilized egg.

For days the endometrium cycle It may have different thicknesses, so please read further information about his condition before menstruation.

The placenta begins to take shape only after the implantation of the embryo, and the power he needs from the first days. therefore each month in the female reproductive organs improves blood circulation and accumulate nutrients (glycogen). They are necessary to ensure that the embryo is an energy in the first period after conception. That is why before the onset of the monthly increase in the uterus occurs. Another reason - the accumulation of fluid in the body under the influence of progesterone (in the second half of the cycle).

female reproductive system

If fertilization has not occurred, then a few days before menstruation inner lining layer is gradually die out. In endometrium during menstruation is completely cut off and withdrawn outwardly as bleeding, mucus and clumps. After that, the body will take its normal size and starts a new cycle.

These are natural reasons for increased uterus before menstruation. Also, the size change can be caused by a pregnancy or gynecological disease.

The number of days increases the uterus before menstruation

If the increase occurs in the natural physiological reasons, it becomes noticeable by the time the egg - in this period, the possibility of conception. This occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Since hormones each woman is different, to name a particular day is not possible. The increase in the uterus may be palpable 1-2 weeks before the start of menstruation.

In this period of the menstrual cycle, progesterone in the blood concentration increases, under his influence, the body retains more fluid. Due to the accumulation of water in the tissues, the uterus can continue to grow and after ovulation is completed.

Which contributes to a change in body size

In the natural menstrual cycle, the uterus before the monthly increases under the influence of hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Origin is responsible for the formation of the endometrium during the first half cycle, the second - for fluid accumulation.

Upon the occurrence of menstruation the uterus back to normal size. If the agency during this period continued to increase, not exclude the possibility of pregnancy.

hand on stomach

Effect of progesterone

Progesterone, known as the pregnancy hormone, plays an important role in the menstrual cycle. Its concentration in blood increased the time of ovulation, during the same period reduced estrogen production.

The value of progesterone is huge - this hormone prepares the female body for conception of the child:

  1. Effect on the endometrium. It becomes softer and more loose, in order to facilitate the implantation of a fertilized egg.
  2. It increases blood flow to the body, in its tissues accumulate nutrients, filled with blood vessels.
  3. It activates fat accumulation.
  4. Is responsible for the increase in the uterus.
  5. It promotes fluid retention in the body (which leads to increase of pressure and filling of new blood vessels).

All this - the reasons for which the abdomen and uterus increase before menstruation. Process is completely natural and does not require correction.

Other reasons for the increase of the uterus

There are other reasons why the uterus may be increased before menstruation. Body Dimensions change significantly in the case of pregnancy. Symptoms of this condition are very similar to conventional ICP:

  • swells and becomes painful breasts;
  • It becomes more frequent urination;
  • there are pains in the lower abdomen;
  • changing eating behavior;
  • appear irritability and tearfulness, psychological discomfort.

In order not to confuse symptoms PMS and pregnancy, Be sure to read additional information on this topic.

girl with a pillow

In addition, the beginning of pregnancy is sometimes accompanied by blood in the days of the release of the alleged monthly, albeit in smaller numbers. Therefore we should not ignore the delay of menstruation, it is better not to delay to do the test.

Another possible reason for the increase - a variety of diseases of the reproductive system. Most often it is fibroids, fibroids or endometriosis. In this case, the cervix is ​​hard and lifted up, while in the normal state just before menstruation is soft, loose and a little "lowered" down.

uterus and cervix changes before menstruation. In general, to determine such differences can be via palpation at home. However, doing it yourself is not recommended, it is safer and more reliable to consult a gynecologist.

Self-examination and the possible consequences

If after a month saved the feeling that the body is increased - it is an occasion guard. Such a state is not the norm. In this case it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Pre-self-test can be carried out of the uterus, but this process requires great care. There is a risk to injure the delicate mucous or bring an infection in the reproductive organs. It is strictly prohibited the procedure during menstruation, during this period the body is particularly vulnerable.

To independently carry out a neck palpation, do the following:

  • short shaved fingernails;
  • wash your hands and external genitals;
  • wear sterile medical gloves (available in pharmacies, always individually packaged);
  • comfortably - or squat or put one foot higher;
  • enter the vagina index and middle fingers, trying to feel the cervix.
Cervical palpation

It is necessary to carry out the procedure slowly, making no sudden movements, otherwise a high risk to injure the mucous membrane. If the cervix is ​​easily able to find, it is soft, it means that menstruation will start soon. If it is difficult to reach, it is raised and firm to the touch, it is possible to assume a pregnancy or ovulation.

Self-diagnosis is not reliable and authentic way to make sure that everything is in order. In addition, a high risk of infection or injury. Inspection by a qualified gynecologist - more informative and safe procedure.

In the event of unusual sensations visit to the doctor should not be delayed. Cause discomfort can be not only pregnancy but also a serious disease. Timely diagnosis and treatment reduce the risk of serious consequences for women's reproductive health.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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