Red blood during menstruation: light, liquid, such as water, causes

Red blood during menstruation - a symptom of a specific and ambiguous. Finding unusual color of menstruation, do not rush to conclusions. It is important to understand how much time should last such allocation and what to look for, if bright red menses cease.

Lady in Red


  • Monthly normal
  • How many days can go red blood
  • Main causes uterine bleeding
    • Miscarriage
    • endometritis
    • endometrial hyperplasia
    • intrauterine devices
    • coagulopathy
  • bleeding symptoms
    • Duration scarlet selections
    • volume
    • The general condition of women
  • Factors that provoke bleeding during menstruation

Monthly normal

Menstruation should be stable and regular. This is known to all women. Quite a different attitude to the color selections. Few people pay attention to the color of menstrual blood and is able to distinguish normal from abnormal.

What precipitates shades during menstruation change, it's hard not to notice. Blonde monthly during the day may be a bright red or brown. This is not a sign of disease, but a normal phenomenon, peculiar to the female body and connected with the processes taking place inside the uterus.

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Bright selection during menstruation are at the beginning of menstruation. These days the uterine wall partially destroyed. Damaged blood vessels isolated. Saturated with oxygen, it becomes pink and transparent liquid consistency.

On the third day, by the action of hormones begins the separation of mucus from the endometrium. It is mixed with the blood becomes more viscous and dark. 4-5 minutes to secretly join exfoliated particles of the endometrium. The mixture of all components attached to the menstrual flow brownish tint at the end of menstruation. This effect describes the normal state.

Besides color, women should pay attention to the intensity and consistency of blood. Usually it has specific smell and is from 3 to 7 days. Volume allocated should not exceed 50-70 mL per menstrual period. Itching, pain, bad smell should not be. Healthy menstruation does not disturb normal life. If anything, except menstrual blood clots without, Does not bother you, just watch the state. Maybe in a month all will be restored, but the recurrence of symptoms, contact a gynecologist.

Girl at the doctor

How many days can go red blood

Scarlet periods can be observed in the 1-2 th day of menstruation. In healthy women, they are without mucus and clots. In the middle of the cycle, when will the natural process of oxidation, the situation is changing. Red isolation darken, and that's fine. For 3-4th day is typical not only change color, but also the presence of mucus, endometrial particles.

scarlet blood in the last days of the cycle indicates health problems. One of the most frequent complications - uterine bleeding. This pathology is dangerous for a woman's body and requires urgent medical attention.

Main causes uterine bleeding

When the diagnosis of uterine bleeding, the doctor first thing sets the reason for his appearance. In surveys it turns out, why go monthly scarlet when he discovered the symptom, what profusion and duration of menstruation. In addition to the features of the cycle, evaluate the state of women's health, examines medical history, complaints and so on. D. In the case of uterine bleeding is important, any information, since the pathology can occur for a variety of reasons:

  • endocrine, infectious and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • incorrectly matched hormonal preparations;
  • polyps and uterine fibroids;
  • oncology.

Most often in the hospital fall women with uterine bleeding, cause miscarriage, endometritis, endometrial hyperplasia, bleeding disorders, intrauterine device.

Very important distinguished by monthly uterine bleedingTherefore we recommend that you read more about this topic.

IUD in the uterus


The appearance of blood scarlet with clots is one of the symptoms of spontaneous abortion. High probability of abortion, which is celebrated in the early stages and there is due to the peeling of the ovum or the placenta.

About abortion learn not only the detection of red blood. The women feel worse: dizzy, felt weak and quickens the heartbeat.

Within a few days after the abortion meager allocation may occur. This is normal and should not cause concern. In cases when there are abundant menses with clots, a woman is hospitalized and take necessary remedial measures.

Yourself is quite difficult to determine the nature of the bleeding and to determine the cause: miscarriage or monthly. Therefore, when the first symptoms should immediately consult a specialist.


Color changes menses refer to natural physiological process. When it breaks down in the body and there is a failure, may develop serious pathologies. The most common diseases include endometritis. This intrauterine inflammation caused by infectious agents that get into the body.

When endometritis color of menstrual flow varies. For the acute form is characterized by periods of bright scarlet color.

Profuse discharge has an unpleasant pungent odor. By color can be a dirty-gray, greenish and yellow. Perhaps the development purulent endometritis, which proceeds in a more complex form and accompanied by chills, fever, severe pain.

Irregular uterine bleeding characterized and chronic endometritis. Discharge liquid such as water, may appear before and after menstruation. Sami monthly are protracted and lasts longer than a week.

endometrial hyperplasia

Endometrial hyperplasia develops when tissue growth of the uterine lining. Red blood after monthly is a typical symptom of this disease. Most often the disease is diagnosed at the fairer sex who are over 50 years old. Revealed endometrial hyperplasia in young women of childbearing age.

endometrial hyperplasia

When uterine bleeding, which is almost always soporovozhdaet hyperplasia, red blood can go 5 or more days. For the disease characterized by a violation of cycle irregularity and profuse discharge, painful condition during the critical days.

In teenage girls in detecting an increase in the thickness and volume of the uterus observed bleeding with clots.

intrauterine devices

Liquid, such as water, blood menses possible when ingrowth IUD into the neck and removing a foreign body from the uterus. The body after use of contraceptive require adaptation. Sometimes the rehabilitation process is delayed, and the first 3 months can be a scarlet blood. Usually it is scarce and irregular allocation. If there is a profusion, and the condition worsens, you should visit a doctor.


One reason for the abundant bright red menstruation, characterizing uterine bleeding, a coagulopathy. This is a group of pathologies associated with bleeding disorders.

In most cases the presence of coagulopathy accompanied by excessive volume monthly secretions. Liquid monthly go more than a week. This increased bleeding can cause the development of dangerous to health anemia.

bleeding symptoms

Uterine bleeding may open before and after menstruation. Many women are begun prematurely scarlet allocation for monthly and are in no hurry to see a doctor. The consequences can be very serious, so it is important to know some of the differences between the two states and to observe the state of health.

girl in pajamas

Duration scarlet selections

Any violation of the terms should not be ignored. Normal menstruation is late and does not start later than usual. When uterine bleeding is possible. This pathology is characterized not by changing shade selections and the appearance of red blood is not at the beginning and at the end of month.


Normally, the amount of monthly precipitates 50-80 ml. If red blood during menstruation is very abundant, every hour you want to replace the gasket, the bleeding, not menstruation. Sometimes there is scarcity of discharge, which is also normal. In such cases it is necessary to pay attention to time.

Serious displacement in graph and scarce spotting scarlet are a sign of uterine bleeding.

The general condition of women

Intense red blood selection leads to serious blood loss. Anemia has no visible symptoms, but is recognized as a general condition. The first alarming symptoms - is dizziness and weakness. A woman can lose consciousness.

Common signs and uterine bleeding include:

  • pale skin;
  • chills;
  • low blood pressure;
  • dragging pain in the abdomen;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea.

Always be guided by feeling. If during the critical days and the highlight colors are not similar to the previous menstruation, go to the gynecologist and surveyed.

gynecological chair

Factors that provoke bleeding during menstruation

Violation of the cycle and the red color of blood during menstruation characteristic of adolescence and menopause. In other cases, the appearance of atypical symptoms, doctors are considered as a pathological condition.

Provoke uterine bleeding is a normal stress or strong fatigue. Often the cause of the pathology are hormonal disorders.

Factors influencing the selection color, include infectious diseases, vitamin deficiencies, effects of intoxication, taking contraceptives and drugs.

Identify the true cause without the participation of experts is impossible. For the sake of health should not be ignored suspicious symptoms and rely on the fact that over time will pass. Dangerous bleeding complications, they can only be avoided with timely diagnosis and treatment.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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