Monthly cleaning after missed abortion, curettage, when bounces back

Not in all cases, the pregnancy is terminated childbirth. Sometimes the fetus dies in the womb. In this case a woman needs in a timely cleaning, after which require long-term recovery of the body in order to preserve fertility. You need to know in advance which character monthly gain after cleaning missed abortion and how to distinguish normal from abnormal.

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  • On which depends the coming month after the procedure
    • Gestational age
    • the presence of infection
    • Were there any complications
    • The regularity of menstruation to pregnancy
  • What could be the first month

On which depends the coming month after the procedure

Fading of the embryo - is a strong shock to the women, both physically and mentally. This inevitably disrupted hormones. In addition, as a result of scraping is not excluded complications.

Even if the procedure was conducted in accordance with all rules and requirements, in any case, the level of hormones in the blood changes. This is due to stress, mechanical stress on the reproductive organ and reaction to anesthesia. The arrival time of menstruation after curettage also depends on the age of the woman and the period for which stopped in embryo development.

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The first month after curettage missed abortion should normally begin within 28-35 days after the procedure.

Thus those emissions that appear immediately after surgery, menses not considered. They point out that the scraped surface begins to heal.

Talking about how much time it will take recovery cycle after missed abortion, you need to consider many factors. The reason why the critical days will not start on time, it may be an infection.

It flows more difficult process of normalization of the cycle and when the fading has occurred on the big stage of pregnancy.

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Gestational age

If miscarriage when missed abortion occurred in the early stages, the arrival of menstruation after curettage can be expected in a month. When stopping fetal development in second and third trimester noted serious hormonal background. Critical days later, there are two, or even three months. Often, when they become irregular and long.

the presence of infection

Latency monthly after cleaning may be a sign of inflammation. Failure to comply with doctor recommendations to the rehabilitation period may lead to the development of infectious diseases of the internal lining of the uterus, tubes and ovaries. In addition to the cycle of failure in this case observed hyperthermia and pronounced pain syndrome.

Were there any complications

Scraping the uterine cavity is a recipe for injury. Often, this gives rise to cuts and tears reproductive organ walls. To prevent bleeding, make suturing damaged areas.

Failure cycle is driven by Hematometra after curettage (Cervical spasm), the woman said that she had no monthly. Blood accumulates in the uterine cavity, which causes the beginning of the inflammatory process. Against this background, the temperature rises, there are pain, nausea and dizziness.

The most dangerous is the scraping of the basal layer of the endometrium. In this case, the functional part of it no longer is able to recovery. This in turn leads to infertility.

The regularity of menstruation to pregnancy

Time frame in which should come month after the procedure, are directly dependent on how regular was cycle before pregnancy. If the delay of menstruation previously observed frequently, and after cleaning the critical days may appear with a delay.

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What could be the first month

arrival fact regulation does not indicate that the recovery process after the operation was completed successfully. It is extremely important to pay attention to the character of the first month after a missed abortion. Important are the color, consistency and duration of the discharge of critical days.

Cheerleaders should, when starting month later, 30 days after treatment and last for more than one week. In this case, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. There is a risk of high blood loss. Especially if it is plentiful monthly, in which replacement of hygienic means necessary to carry out more frequently than once every three hours.

Normal cleaning after missed abortion considered scanty menses. Endometrium to recover, it takes time. Accordingly, a small amount may not cause the regulation of anxiety.

The first cycle often goes without ovulation, hence the small amount of blood. Ovaries at this point still can not function normally.

It should cause fears the prolonged delay in the critical days. Meager menstruation thus can indicate the beginning of the inflammatory process in the ovaries or reproductive organs. A visit to a gynecologist should not postpone, and in case of pain.

Cleaning missed abortion - is an incredible stress on the body. During this period, there is a hormonal crash. To normalize the reproductive function of time is necessary. For this reason, frequently observed violations of the cycle, the volume change and the nature of discharge. Regardless of the time of the month came on time or late, a month after the procedure need to be examined by a gynecologist. Only in this way can avoid unwanted consequences.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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