Month after vacuum aspiration (miniaborta): when should start after abortion

Vacuum aspiration - a gentle method of abortion. It carried out in the early stages and is the removal of the ovum with a special device operating on the principle of a pump generating a pressure difference.

This method is less traumatic than other abortifacients, however, and it may adversely affect the lining of the uterus. So after such a procedure, it is important to monitor the status of women's health. Monthly character after vacuum aspiration - one of the most important diagnostic criteria.

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  • Effect of vacuum abortion monthly
  • Features postabortivnyh selections
  • The first month after abortion
  • How to calculate the timing of the appearance of menstruation
  • The symptoms of complications

Effect of vacuum abortion monthly

Menstrual cycle - is a conditional constant. He is subject to fluctuations that occur as a result of psycho-emotional stress, abrupt climate change, and time zone, and also because of the rapid weight loss and the introduction of the new diet. Often change the frequency and duration of critical days due to hormonal disorders.

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Imbalance hormone levels and other biologically active substances may be caused by both pathologies the endocrine system, pituitary, thyroid, and ovaries, as well as surgical intervention. For example, after vacuum abortion are prone to delays and other changes monthly menstrual cycle.

Termination of pregnancy - a definite stress on the body. Month after vacuum abortion in women - evidence of the past is normal regeneration of endometrial lining of the uterus. If you do not come monthly, this may indicate the presence of pathological changes in tissues and organs of the female reproductive system.

Features postabortivnyh selections

After vacuum termination of pregnancy the first month will be more scarce than expected by a woman. In addition, one should not expect that they will go on the next day after the procedure. This is not a cause for concern. The fact that the gonads takes time to restore normal hormonal levels and, as a consequence, the physiological functioning of the entire system.

Because ovarian hypofunction in ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle, the endometrium buildup does not occur in the proper amount. Accordingly, and after exclusion periods are not so many as in normal secretions in the critical days.


Some of the ladies after the interruption by vacuum aspiration not ovulate at all. This, too, is not a cause for panic.

Small cause for concern could be a pain in the projection of the pelvic organs. It is because as a result of surgical manipulation when injected into a foreign object body cavity of uterus decreased occurred spasm caused discomfort. Such a state can arrest antispasmodics.

The first month after abortion

The first month after the vacuum will be a sign that the regenerative processes in the body are correct. Accordingly, every woman needs to know when she should start the critical days to monitor your health.

After surgery, the menstrual cycle undergoes a failure and as it begins anew. Gynecologists recommends that the start of the new period of the day vacuum aspiration.

It should be borne in mind that monthly after a vacuum may not start immediately. Doctors admit the physiological delay associated with reparative processes, for up to two months. Unlike conventional isolation menses after mini-abortion have the following characteristics:

  • It contains a larger amount of blood, which is why they are brighter;
  • a meager beginning, in addition to this each day the amount of secretions all smaller and smaller;
  • accompanied by painful sensations, which lasts 1-3 days.

Responding to a question, how many days go month after mini-abortion, it should be noted that the regenerative processes in every organism occur in different ways. Duration precipitates depends on the amount of proliferation of endometrial cells, and an average of 5-10 days. Moreover, a woman should alert menses with an unpleasant odorAccompanied by a sharp pain or a burning sensation in the genital tract. Bad sign will rise in temperature. The combination of these symptoms may be indicative of acute infectious process.

How to calculate the timing of the appearance of menstruation

Month after vacuum termination of pregnancy in the absence of obstacles to the flow of the recovery processes, such as urogenital infection, should go up to 2 months.

With excellent women's health and a high level of immune response may start menstruating earlier - during the first month after surgery. Therefore, answering the question of when to start after the monthly mini-abortion, should take into account the individual particularly the female body, in particular, the level of immunity and reducing the flow rate reactions.

There is a way to calculate the allowable period of occurrence of the first menstruation. You need to know the average length of the normal menstrual cycle. Let's say it is 27 days. This means that after this time interval after the vacuum aspiration woman can wait for the first of vaginal discharge. However, due to manipulations may be delayed for a period of 7-10 days.


Accordingly, with the help of these data, we can calculate the approximate date of the onset of menstruation. We calculate: 27 + 10 = 37 days. If the operation was held on April 1, the month may come as early as May 7th. But do not forget that doctors admit the recovery period of up to two months. That is, when these initial data menstruation should begin by June 1.

More rapid restoration of normal periodicity cycle contribute to:

  • to give up smoking;
  • diet, eliminating coffee and chocolate products;
  • bed rest.

Another important factor in the recovery period of the cycle is the presence of the previous birth. Nulliparous women rehabilitation period is much greater.

The symptoms of complications

The main symptom of complications after surgery is the fact that women do not have menstruation. Often, such a state is accompanied by pain, localized in the groin area of ​​the abdomen. Main reasons:

  1. Possible hormonal failure. Even a sparing operation as vacuum aspiration, is a severe shock to the reproductive system of the female body.
  2. cervical stenosis. To carry out manipulations in nulliparous women is required to expand the cervical canal is artificial. restriction - when it is damaged in the opposite can occur during operation. The result is such that sloughed endometrial functional layer remains in the body cavity, and it threatens his inflammation.
  3. Deep vein thrombosis of the pelvic organs. As a result of the operation, the formation of blood clots - blood clots by preventing the blood circulation in the organs. The larger the caliber of the vessel, the more dangerous consequences. In the best case - endometritis accompanied by acute pain in the projections bodies.
  4. bending of the uterus. When the original position pathological organ is capable of operation exacerbate the slope, whereby the contents of the uterus can not be evacuated to the outside environment.
  5. New pregnancy. In case of cancellation of hormonal contraceptives and traditional in rare cases, may become pregnant.

Other important symptoms of complications in the female reproductive system:

  1. Menstruation is intermittent and followed by pain syndrome. This is often a sign of inflammation in the endometrium. Discomfort may be due to the fact that during the operation the uterus is reduced as a result of spasm. In this case, the state will help to stop this medication, antispasmodics.
  2. Selection is very abundant. This expression may be due to hormonal malfunction or be a symptom of uterine bleeding opened. Other causes - ovarian and endometrial pathology. If the amount of bleeding is that hygiene should be replaced every 2-3 hours, you should seek emergency help.
  3. Menstrual blood has an unpleasant smell and unusual color. As a rule, it is a symptom of inflammation and infection. Unhealed lesions violation of the integrity of the lining of the uterus are exposed to inflammation as a result of which one comes out liquid - exudate. Otherwise, it is called ichor. Has a yellowish hue, it contains a large amount of proteins as well as blood cells, mostly white blood cells, indicating in acute diseases, it is a favorable environment for growth of microorganisms that give the isolation of specific smell.
  4. There were a total of intoxication symptoms: low-grade fever, chills, weakness, and headaches. This means that the body through the damaged mucosa infection penetrated.
  5. The menstrual blood clots are present and tissue fragments. Normal secretions contain only small pieces of the endometrium, as well as a large number of enzymes. The presence in the release of large clots and tissue residues indicative of poor quality or unsuccessfully performed operation. In such cases, the required ultrasound and monitoring of the patient's condition.

If you notice at any of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor. After all, any complication after vacuum aspiration leads to acute diseases of the female reproductive organs, and the consequences of a very grim: chronic pain and infertility.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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