Monthly for the first month of pregnancy: whether to go to the beginning

The first sign of pregnancy is considered to delay the critical days. The body immediately begins to rebuild for carrying a child that expressed a number of changes in well-being and appearance. Sometimes women go monthly for the first month of pregnancy, but they rarely have the same appearance, consistency and duration as before conception.

holding his stomach


  • Can be monthly for the first month of pregnancy
  • Is this month
  • The more dangerous bleeding

Can be monthly for the first month of pregnancy

A feature of the menstrual cycle is that the month can go only if fertilization has not occurred.

In the first phase, which begins with the first day of menstruation, due to a decrease in the secretion of estrogen and progesterone endometrium exfoliate and begins to recover again in order to prepare the uterus for fertility during the next ovulation.

At the same time, the ovaries begin to mature the egg, as soon as one of them (dominant) reaches a size of 14 mm in diameter, it is released into the fallopian tube and waits for the next 24-48 hours conception. If it did not happen, the production of estrogen and progesterone declines and gained the endometrium comes in the form of the following menstruation.

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If a woman becomes pregnant, menstruation can not be. This is due to the appearance in the body of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - pregnancy hormone which is produced by cells of fetal membranes.

What is happening with the hormonal background, it is considered a major change in the state of the whole organism. Under the influence of hCG continues to increased secretion of estrogen and progesterone by the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, so that the uterus is ready for embryo implantation.

maturation and fertilization

Maturation and fertilization

If the test is positive and there were bloody discharge, the question arises whether monthly on the first month of pregnancy to be physiological.

In medicine, we recorded isolated cases. We went monthly from the fact that at the time of ovulation is ripe just 2 egg - one of them fertilized and the other not.

In 98% of cases this symptom indicative of an ectopic, missed abortion and threatened abortion.

Many girls are wondering about whether pregnancy is possible during menstruation. However, it should be understood that in the early periods of pregnancy are an alarming sign and an occasion to address to the gynecologist as soon as possible.

Is this month

Pregnancy and monthly during the first month of pregnancy - inconsistent state from the point of view of a woman physiology. If the test is positive, and appear in the early stages of bleeding, it is necessary to take urgent measures to save the unborn child. In the first hours of the pathological state of health workers provide the necessary assistance and to minimize the risk of miscarriage.

When a woman is not sure that she is pregnant, you must also purchase and do the test. Menses after conception, with no evidence of serious pathologies, occur for the following reasons:

  1. Menstruation can occur if a woman shortly before conception stop taking contraceptives - can not be ruled hormonal failure, the state should monitor the doctor.
  2. As the 1st month of pregnancy can be seen scant brown discharge after violent sexual intercourse or medical examination, during which the mucous membrane was damaged vagina.
  3. Slight discharge may occur during the implantation of the embryo - the second week after conception.
embryo implantation

Embryo implantation in the uterine wall

But the first thing to do in the event of blood secretions - eliminate the possibility of pathologies, referring to the gynecologist. Indicate they are additional symptoms such as in the area of ​​the lower abdomen and pelvis pain and malaise.

The more dangerous bleeding

The appearance of menses in the early stages of normal childbearing dangerous. They testify about the threat of termination of pregnancy, and appear in the following cases:

  1. embryo development takes place in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus. When it becomes sufficiently large, the pipe breaks, in connection with which there are bleeding. This process is accompanied by severe pain and malaise. Expert help is needed immediately, the condition is very dangerous to life and reproductive functions.
  2. The embryo stops developing and pregnant pauses.
  3. There is a risk of miscarriage.

Provoking scant of bleeding cervical erosion, which came to an interesting situation. cervical erosion pregnant womenAs a rule, at this stage it can not be cured, but it requires a mandatory surveillance.

Once the suspect was seen the secret, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist. The doctor will determine the presence of pathology, will hold an additional diagnosis and prescribe the necessary measures to maintain pregnancy. Strongly recommended to use tampons to absorb the blood. If indeed there is a risk of miscarriage, additional mechanical irritation of the tissues of the vagina will only aggravate the condition.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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