Is it possible to do a colonoscopy at monthly

Colonoscopy - a bowel diagnostic method using a special apparatus in the form of a thin tube with a small camera on the end, which is called a colonoscope. When a woman is assigned examination, quite often there are questions about whether it is possible to do a colonoscopy during menstruation, how it is conducted. The procedure requires prior registration and special training, so it's worth it to plan in advance, based on the menstrual cycle.

doctor with equipment for colonoscopy


  • Contraindications to colonoscopy
  • Why can not we do a colonoscopy during menstruation
  • Which days of the menstrual cycle is allowed to carry out the procedure
  • Why do a colonoscopy

Contraindications to colonoscopy

The survey carried out as follows: the woman lies on its side on the couch, in the anus colonoscope is inserted, as the instrument of promotion doctor can turn the subject at the back. The procedure is not very pleasant, but most often painless. In some cases, making local or general anesthesia.

Menstruation is not a strict contraindication for colonoscopy, and in some cases it is required to conduct research in the first days of the cycle.

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There are some cases when prohibited to do a colonoscopy colon:

  1. General malaise women due to pressure surges, and other cold diseases.
  2. Lung and heart failure.
  3. Acute abdomen, suspected bleeding from the intestine or in the abdominal cavity.
  4. Pregnancy. The procedure is contraindicated in pregnant women. In case of emergency can be held only in the first trimester, with the approval of the gynecologist.
  5. Heavy bleeding or severe pain during menstruation. In such cases, a colonoscopy during menstruation is forbidden.

Examination of the colon - is a serious procedure, during which may occur or bleeding complications, so it is important to pre-pass tests, do a cardiogram.

female patient at the doctor

Why can not we do a colonoscopy during menstruation

During menses become more sensitive blood vessels, increasing the risk of bleeding. Biopsy and other invasive procedures become dangerous during menstruation. Preparation for the examination requires the use of enemas or other purification methods that encourage bowel movement, and this, in turn, may cause an increase in emissions.

In some situations, a colonoscopy is assigned during the monthly special, such as intestinal endometriosis. The procedure should be carried out precisely in the first days of the month, because it requires special circumstances, when the endometrium grows as much as possible.

In cases where colonoscopy is performed during the critical days, a physician should be very careful not to provoke intestinal bleeding. If a woman has hemorrhoids, especially in the acute stage, it is better to postpone the procedure to alleviate the condition.

Which days of the menstrual cycle is allowed to carry out the procedure

If there are no indications for colonoscopy during menstruation, it is best to carry out the procedure or immediately after their termination, or the week before. Thus, when the length of the cycle of 28 days will be the most suitable 6-21 th day, when there is no menses, PMS has not started, it is important that if a woman has pain in this period.


The survey is conducted on a desolate intestine, which requires special training. After a month to do it is safer because there is no risk of increased bleeding. 3-5 days prior to the procedure to be excluded from the diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, anything that provokes constipation or bloating. Allowed to eat meat, dairy products, soups. 16 hours before the test can not be there, you can only drink. Held on the eve of enema or received Fortrans drug. In the morning before going to the doctor is necessary to repeat the enema (even when taking medication).

Why do a colonoscopy

Indications for colon examination are:

  1. Diagnosis bowel disease, especially if there are a family history of such disease (e.g., cancer of the rectum).
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. intestinal endometriosis.
  4. Preparation for surgery of organs located near the colon and rectum. This includes the operation of the reproductive system.
  5. Assessment of the state of the intestinal mucosa.

Colonoscopy allows you not only to identify bowel disease, but also to carry out such manipulations as biopsy, cauterization of erosion, removal of polyps and other tumors.

The decision on whether to hold a survey using a colonoscope during the month, taking the physician and the woman herself. If there are no indications for the procedure is during menstruation, it is better to do it after the critical days.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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