Is it possible to do massage during menstruation and what types are allowed

Useful properties of massage have long been known. Wellness relax the body, improve health and mood, preserve the beauty and health. But during the menstrual cycle women have to give up the familiar pleasures.

Doctors do not recommend massage treatments, although no direct contraindications. Furthermore, a massage during menstruation can do, but subject to the restrictions and prohibitions. A lot of them, so before you go to the next session, make sure that it will be safe in your state.

massage with stones


  • you can make any kinds of massage during menstruation
  • What area it is not necessary to massage and why
  • Should I warn masseur critical days
  • What could face intensive massage during menstruation

you can make any kinds of massage during menstruation

During menstruation, doctors are advised to avoid strenuous exercise. Massage during menstruation is not an exception. Not always relaxing treatments may be helpful. All the matter in the features of the female body. The reaction to the treatment and the effects on the body is different, especially in the critical days when the emotional and physical condition changes dramatically. As a rule, women health deteriorates. This is due to hormonal disorders and occurrence of typical symptoms: discomfort,

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pain in the abdomen, Fatigue, irritability.

Massage say, but absolutely healthy women who had no hormonal disruptions, menstrual pains, gynecological diseases. This is a rarity, as the discomfort experienced during menstruation 70% of women. The consequences of the procedures in such conditions can adversely affect the body. It is better to postpone treatment sessions and not to take risks.

Ways of massaging, the duration of the procedures and processing area in the critical days are determined individually. During menstruation it is not recommended to increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage massages antitsillyulitny. at heavy bleeding undesirable massaging the back and waist. Permitted for impact zones include parts of the body distant from the abdomen:

  • face;
  • head;
  • shoulders (forearm);
  • feet;
  • neck;
  • Hands.
head massage

Properly chosen technique and professionally executed manipulations relieve man from the pain and discomfort inherent in the menstrual period. A good massage relieves fatigue, relaxes the muscles and improves emotional state.

A positive result is possible only with the assistance of an experienced professional. During monthly intensive influence is unacceptable. To secure methods include kneading of parts of the body, stroking, light tingling, grinding elements of acupressure. Movements should be smooth, soft, gentle.

What area it is not necessary to massage and why

Any massage is done to alleviate the condition, and pain relief, but during menstruation this effect does not occur. Furthermore, a massage during menstruation can harm the body. In most cases this is due to the application technique and unacceptable impact on the sensitive zone.

The stomach during menstruation can not be massaged. Even light relaxing movements in the abdomen causing unpleasant painful consequences. In the blood accumulates in the pelvic area and stagnates during intense manipulation. Overflow of the uterus causes pain and provokes inflammation.

In addition to the abdomen, the back and the lumbar is not recommended to bother the hips, buttocks and coccyx. When exposed to blood rushes vulnerable parts of the body surface to be treated. Vasodilatation increases the load on the organs, which can cause serious uterine bleeding and other pathological changes.

Should I warn masseur critical days

If you've been looking for and finally find a good massage therapist, you can not cancel the procedure, but when you visit be sure to warn about his condition. An experienced specialist knows how to behave in these situations and the right to work on the body.

therapist and client

In the health program should be adjusted to avoid complications. It will likely have to abandon a number of beauty treatments and anti-cellulite massage during menstruation. Prohibited types of impact in this period are warming cupping and honey massage, the use of vacuum devices.

Alerted by an expert will talk about the risks, adjust the timing and technique, select intrusive option massage activities during menstruation and do everything possible to deliver the desired treatment effect and pleasure.

What could face intensive massage during menstruation

The result of massage therapy during menstruation may be different. Much depends on the intensity of exposure to the body. Improper technique and processing exclusion zones can trigger the following pathologies:

  • gain (occurrence) pains in the abdomen;
  • fainting;
  • weakness;
  • fever;
  • exacerbation and development of gynecological diseases.

Massage in the critical days can cause increased bleeding. Abundant discharge becomes a cause of deterioration, disability, emotional disorders can result in hospitalization.

Massage can be done during menstruation, but not safe. Most doctors recommend to refrain from treatment sessions, explaining that the vulnerability of the body during menstruation and serious complications after the procedure.

If you can not, and desire to cancel the visit, warn about menstruation. During the procedure, follow your feelings. At any sign of deterioration is necessary to stop the session.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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