Is it possible to do chest X-rays during menstruation, X-rays during menstruation

To reveal any abnormalities in the bronchopulmonary system, conduct a series of diagnostic procedures, including x-ray study. The implementation of this method involves the exposure of a patient with X-rays.

Visit the X-ray room needed annually, but women should be aware of the limitations that are imposed on them in the critical days. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to do monthly chest X-rays.

photofluorograph passage


  • A bit of research method
  • X-ray fluoroscopy and during menstruation
  • Contraindications to the procedure
    • By fluorography
    • By X-ray

A bit of research method

X-ray examination should be held regularly in order to avoid the risk of dangerous diseases, such as tuberculosis. This diagnostic method allows to obtain images of internal tissues and organs with the help of radiation that affects the chest.

Before we talk about whether it is possible to do chest X-rays at the time of menstruation, it is necessary to talk about the specifics of this method of examination and its effect on the body.

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Implementation of this diagnostic procedure involves the irradiation of X-rays in a small amount - up to 1.5 m3v. When the rays pass through the human body, a shadow image obtained bodies of his chest.

The specialist, who will make a picture, see it possible development of serious diseases, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, and so on. D.


Survey stages:

  1. The patient is held in a specially equipped room and undressed to the waist.
  2. Next, he takes the stile and firmly pressed his chest against the machine by placing the chin in a special recess.
  3. After that, he is asked to hold your breath as the picture is taken while inhaling.
  4. The device is activated, the picture is taken.
  5. The patient exhales. In this x-ray examination is completed.

Sometimes use the apron for the procedure.

The radiation dose that a person receives during fluoroscopy, is not dangerous for him. Consequently, the negative impact on the body conducting the survey does not provide.

X-ray fluoroscopy and during menstruation

If a girl became pregnant during ovulation, that is in the middle of the cycle, chest X-rays it is not recommended, since the X-ray radiation has a negative impact on fetal development.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to do an X-ray during menstruation. This survey is conducted during the menstrual period, but with certain restrictions.

Making an X-ray during menstruation is not always advisable. Due to the lack of opportunities to use the contrast agent during the procedure, certain types of surveys will be uninformative.

Investigated by X-ray pelvic menstruating woman can not. Protect her reproductive organs during the procedure will not work even with the use of protective aprons. If this is done, you can trigger the acceleration of endometrial exfoliation. As a result, the body will quickly lose body fluid, which has a negative impact on health.

Also not recommended MRI at monthlyMore information about this you can read in our article on the site.


During menses fluorography can pass without problems with endocrine, hematological and genital areas.

Before you go to the hospital to undergo this diagnostic measures should listen to your body. Chest X-rays is not recommended if you feel unwell, and pain during menstruation, since there is a high risk of deterioration.

In the critical days of fluoroscopy is conducted in the absence of hormonal imbalance. If the level of progesterone and estrogen in the blood does not fluctuate, the menstruating woman may go for a checkup.

Contraindications to the procedure

Not to harm reproductive health, it is important to know in which cases need to avoid such diagnostic procedures. Let's talk more about the contraindications to each of the methods.

By fluorography

So, do chest X-rays a menstruating woman is not recommended for:

  • planning or suspected pregnancy;
  • extremely painful menstruation;
  • heavy menstrual bleeding;
  • presence of large clots of blood secretions;
  • alarming state of health: general weakness, dizziness, fatigue;
  • manifestation of neurological symptoms (depressed mood, sleepiness).
woman holding his head

By X-ray

X-rays of the pelvic organs should be avoided expectant mothers. Conducting this research method can adversely affect fetal development.

Other contraindications to the X-ray:

  • severe pain in the neck and abdomen;
  • weakness, malaise;
  • abundant menses;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • severe dizziness.

For any hardware diagnostic method is recommended to treat with responsibility. Before going to the hospital to undergo fluorography or x-ray examination, a menstruating woman should be familiar with contraindications to these procedures.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 53
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