How much blood lost during menstruation a woman, what a loss is considered to be abundant

Menstruation in women begins in puberty and continues until menopause. This physiological process is different. All individually: nature, color, intensity, duration of menses.

One of the most important indicators of gynecological health is the amount of emissions. It is very useful to know how much blood lost during menstruation a woman. The ability to distinguish normal from disease state allows time to eliminate the pathology and maintain health.



  • Why during menstruation blood is released
  • How much blood is lost during menstruation
  • Why go monthly and why
  • Changing the discharge volume
  • plentiful monthly
  • scanty menstruation

Why during menstruation blood is released

Female germ cells are produced in the body of the girl before the birth. Before puberty, egg cells do not perform any function.

Upon reaching childbearing age drastic changes occur in the reproductive system. Each month the ovaries mature new eggs. So the girls body prepares for a possible pregnancy. The level of progesterone proliferating endometrium and the inner layer of the uterus. These processes help to create the ideal space and conditions for the attachment of the embryo.

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Before the start of the critical days of the egg move and find themselves in the fallopian tube. It begins the most important period of the reproductive function, which is called ovulation. For conception is the most favorable time. If fertilization has occurred, menses do not occur, and the blood loss was observed.

In the case of a failed pregnancy, all components that have been involved in the process of ovulation, are ejected. The uterus is self-cleaning, with the injured blood vessels and are destroyed. here Why is bleeding during menstruation.

More correct to call it spotting, since the contents include clots, mucus lumps, pieces of endometrium. This is the unwanted biological waste, which easily leave the body, helping it to be cleaned and updated.

As for the blood that comes during menstruation, the losses are insignificant and do not represent a health hazard. The body is restored, blood supplies are replenished quickly.

How much blood is lost during menstruation

The volume of blood loss during menstruation is dependent on many factors. Every woman has their own rules, but there are limiting performance, breach of which can be seen on the developing pathology.

To understand how much during menstruation a woman loses blood, and to properly assess the state of health, gynecologists recommend to keep a calendar indicating the beginning and end of menstruation dates, and the amount allocated, that is, how much blood It follows. The figures are approximate because the exact amount is difficult to define.

This helps make regular sanitary napkins. Can be guided to a normal volume with permissible variations from 50 to 150 ml.

  1. One pad in a day with a few drops of - about 5 ml precipitates.
  2. When 2-3-change single hygienic products in the blood are lost day 10-12 ml.
  3. Replacement pads every 3 hours shows strong blood loss. The amount of biological liquid exceeds 15-20 ml.

Monthly bleeding in women volume is 250 ml. The average daily poured 50-60 ml of pure blood.

The total amount of liquid more, as in this case are not considered components involved in ovulation. These elements make up almost 50% of precipitates. If fertilization has not occurred, they go through the vagina along with blood.

The volume of menstrual flow is necessary to know and to understand clearly, how many pads a day is necessaryAnd how often they should be changed.

blood bulb

Why go monthly and why

First period and the emergence of bleeding starts between the ages of 12 to 20 years. Regardless of when the girl began menstruating fertility laid at all. This is one of the most unique features of the female physiology.

The reproductive system is created and operated for the sole purpose - pregnancy. Monthly menstrual period - it is like a reminder of the main purpose of a woman and the body of a physiological signal of readiness for conception and procreation.

Cycle is 28-35 days. During regular healthy girl loses 40-50 ml of blood per day. Allocation may be scarce and abundant, normal and morbid, but regardless of the course of nature, there is a monthly update of the uterine epithelium during menstruation. This layer is torn away when conception does not occur, but with each menstruation, he restored to the woman reappeared to become a mother.

Often, there are irregular periods in girls. For more information about the causes of violations of the cycle, you can learn by reading more information on this topic.

Changing the discharge volume

Blood volume affects menstruation day. Typically, the peak observed in the first days. On the third day the number of precipitates is gradually reduced. If the profusion of remains, it is not normal.

Factors affecting the amount of secreted blood, very much. Isolate the main ones:

  1. Age and physique.
  2. Especially the nervous system.
  3. Climatic conditions.
  4. Diet.
  5. Bad habits.
  6. Heredity.
mother and daughter

Spotting during menstruation need to control. The scarcity and, conversely, can be caused by the profusion physiological and pathological factors. In the latter case requires medical intervention.

There are criteria that can detect health problems. Refer to the gynecologist if you notice that the volume of blood has become more than usual or has declined dramatically and gained anointing character. The appearance of unpleasant symptoms related - another alarming sign. If the monthly cause discomfort and become painful, most likely pathological changes began in the body.

plentiful monthly

TO copious blood loss during menstruation should be treated with extreme caution. If during menstruation blood goes much more than 50-60 ml per day, it is better to consult a doctor and get tested.

Plentiful monthly cause physical stress, frequent stress, chronic fatigue. Above normal discharge occurs in women who have problems with blood clotting. The reason could be hormonal disruptions and pathological state of pregnancy.

Severe blood loss during menstruation women experience after installing intrauterine device. The body becomes accustomed to the foreign body. If after 2-3 months, the amount of discharge is not reduced, it is likely that the contraceptive device traumatize the uterus.

Very heavy menstruation negative impact on health. It gets worse, characterized by weakness, insomnia, poor appetite. Even after the cessation of menstruation symptoms remain. This is because the body can not quickly compensate for blood loss.

If, during the heavy period of a woman stomach ache, diarrhea appear, the problem with chair, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms might development of dangerous diseases such as uterine fibroids, polyps, infections of the reproductive system, endometriosis (mucositis), malignant tumor.

Woman with hot water bottle

scanty menstruation

Sparse menstruation is called in cases where the volume of blood released is less than 50 mg per day. These figures are for girls in puberty are the norm, as the hormonal changes have not yet completed, the concentration of progesterone by the body is not adjusted.

In adult women scanty menses are due to different and not always harmless reasons. Most often this happens in the diagnosis:

  • diseases caused by hormonal imbalances;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • disorders functioning ovaries;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • pathological condition of the endometrium.

Exclude the presence of these diseases is possible by physical exam.

Cases when scanty menses occur in healthy women. Reduction of daily norm of blood is not always associated with hormonal disorders. Tall and lean, the fairer sex are taking it calmly, as they have their own standards, and a small amount of discharge is due to the physiological characteristics of the body structure.

Less blood lost during menstruation and those taking contraceptives and dieting. In such cases, the reduction in the monthly harmless and temporary. If phenomena are regular, and you doubt the normal discharge, tell us about this gynecologist.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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