Menstrual blood: what color should be monthly

Many women are interested in, what color should be a month is normal, in fact, this figure indicates the status of women's health. Menstrual blood has a darker shade than the circulating in the circulatory system. This is due to the fact that it does not coagulate. Provoke color changes in various factors, including stress, exercise, and a variety of diseases of the genitourinary system.



  • normal monthly
    • The first 2-3 days
    • The remaining 2-3 days
  • Composition secretions during menstruation
  • pathological symptoms

normal monthly

Every month a woman's body in the absence of fertilization, the endometrium is rejected, and as a result, begin the critical days. Given that, what appear monthly in a given period, it is possible to judge about the general state of health and the reproductive system in particular. Any deviations from the normal character precipitates, volume regulation and hue indicate disturbances in the body, which can be caused by various reasons - both physiological and pathological.

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Talking about what color should be monthly, doctors distinguish these variants of the norm:

  • maroon;
  • red-brown;
  • dark.

Normal monthly sometimes contain a small amount of mucus and clots. This is explained by the release of the uterine mucosa of dead particles.

Sometimes a woman is watching scarlet blood during menstruation, in more detail, this process is described in a separate article on our site. Learn considered whether the state are normal or indicative of the presence of pathology.

The first 2-3 days

Immediately after the onset of menses normally observed thick smearing menses dark red color. This is due to the fact that the unfertilized egg is moving away gradually, not instantly. This color of blood during menstruation is celebrated for only one day.

In the early days to be blood red. This is the normal color of spotting during the given period. Allowed both bright and dark shade. To a large extent it depends on the amount of menstruation. Scanty menses are often darker than abundant.

blood cells

The remaining 2-3 days

Closer to the fourth day of menstruation, a change hue. There are brown and even black isolation. In addition to color, and the other becomes the consistency of monthly - they are more dense than in the early days.

Normally celebrated brown menstrual blood. Changing the hue is due to the fact that the menses has not yet had time to get out, in contact with oxygen and started to oxidize.

Oxidation is an important process that must be observed without fail. Accordingly, if the fourth day of the month did not change the color, we can talk about the presence of disturbances in the body's activities.

Often highlighted black blood during the critical days. This shade in the last days of menstruation is also considered a variant of the norm, and not serious.

Composition secretions during menstruation

Starting critical days caused rejection and the outlet outwardly of the endometrium layer. Thus damaged small vials, which extend the main component of the layer of the uterus. As a result, the blood during menstruation has red or brown shade. This color is considered normal menstruation.

In addition, the composition of the secretions include mucus and other particles of the cervix and vagina. Due to the presence of additional components increases and color diluted volume regulator. This also is the reason for the appearance of clots in the early days.

We should also talk about what speaks the color selections. Some women are interested in whether the red blood diseases. This is largely dependent on its volume. It is known that during the bleeding blood has exactly such hue. Accordingly, if the monthly scarce, then similar variations can be rules for this. When accompanied by bleeding of menstruation become red color, can be suspected pathology.

Talking about what should be the blood of menstruation, doctors consider many factors. In some cases, even considered normal black or light menstruation, if they are not accompanied by additional symptoms.


pathological symptoms

the color of blood during menstruation should be the same every month. If you previously purchased a Red suddenly menstruation black color or a light color, you need to see a gynecologist. Also noteworthy abundant and scanty menses, which have changed with the advent of the next volume of regulation.

Change the color should be alerted in the event that it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increase or decrease the duration of critical days;
  • pronounced a strong pain in the abdomen;
  • frequent, painful urination;
  • significant increase in regulator;
  • burning, itching in the genital area;
  • putrefactive the smell of menstruation.

If such changes can be suspected inflammatory process occurring in the urogenital system. Leave it unattended is strictly prohibited. In addition, fears and cause bleeding, which appeared in the middle of the cycle.

In this case, it does not matter, they are a different color or the same as during the critical days. The visit to the doctor should not be delayed. It is extremely important to identify the cause of the occurrence of unplanned monthly as soon as possible.

A sudden change in color indicates a malfunction of the body. Often considered a pathological red blood, especially in cases when its volume increases significantly. When such changes women need to undergo a full examination to identify the cause. Normally this month hue can be observed only in the first couple of days since the start of critical days.

Clots in the blood during the first day regulation is the norm and do not cause fear, but if they are observed towards the end of the critical days, then point to the development of the disease. In this case, the necessary medical consultation.

One of the signals that the body have disorders, menstruation is considered a change of color. Therefore it is so important for women to follow the nature of the monthly and timely response to the emergence of any abnormalities. Often these symptoms indicate the onset of the inflammatory process and the development of other diseases. In the absence of proper treatment are not excluded serious complications until the complete decay of the reproductive function.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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