How do you know that a month was over, to determine the last day of menstruation

Not always women manage to understand at once that month end. The end of the next regulation is not instantaneous. Often copious replaced minor daubs, which lasts several hours or days. No less important point is the onset of menopause. Recognize the symptoms of menopause and to understand that reproductive function began to fade, should be able to each of the fairer sex.



  • The menstrual cycle and menopause
  • When waiting for a climax
  • symptoms of menopause
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • How do I determine the last day of menstruation

The menstrual cycle and menopause

The menstrual cycle in women of reproductive age takes place in several stages:

  • oocyte maturation;
  • Output from follicle ovum (ovulation);
  • the proliferation of the endometrium;
  • egg and death of endometrial rejection in the absence of fertilization. In this period the arrival of the menstrual flow.

All these processes are regulated by hormones estrogen and progesterone in women in the age of sexual maturity. Such changes occur monthly. The cycle time in this case may range from 21 to 35 days.

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Some time later, the reproductive function begins to fade. This process is due to hormonal changes and the phasing out of the production of sex hormones. This period is called menopause. As a result of these changes in the body end of menstruation, menopause.

When waiting for a climax

At a certain stage of life in women begins the process of biological aging. It is characterized by a decrease of reproductive function, hormonal changes and the inability to fertilization. Such changes occur for several years and is called the period of menopause. It occurs in several stages:

  1. premenopausal. This condition is observed in the age of 40-45 years. In this case, the ovaries gradually suppressed. These paired organs responsible for producing estrogen, which is required for the maturation of the ovum. hormone concentration gradually decreases, and then stops its production. Premenopausal duration ranges from 2 to 10 years.
  2. Menopause. This period begins one year after the cessation of menses.
  3. postmenopause. Appendages cease to function as they should, estrogen is not produced, and the number of eggs laid genetically ends.

As a rule, the critical days in menopause cease at the age of 49-52 years. Menopause occurs in women after one year. In this case, no doctor can not name the exact age at which menopause begins. At this process is influenced by many factors, including heredity, health, bad habits and lifestyle.

Biological aging may start earlier or later than expected. Often, the extinction of reproductive function of the age of 50-60 years have seen the presence of malignancy.

symptoms of menopause

The first symptoms of menopause begin to appear long before the complete cessation of menses. Therefore it is so important for women to understand what changes occur in their bodies.

When it can be assumed that the month ended

It is noted the following clinical manifestations:

  • cycle crash. Critical days become irregular, prolonged, changing nature of the discharge and the volume of lost blood. This period lasts about a year, after which the menses do not occur;
  • tides. In this condition, there is a feeling of heat, there are changes in body temperature, sweating, pressure drops, which are accompanied by a heart rhythm disorder. Such sensations observed for 5-15 minutes and then disappear just as suddenly as they appeared;
  • dryness in the genital area. In this case, a woman may experience pain during intimacy. It is also possible occurrence of itching and burning;
  • disorders of the urinary system. Often the climax accompanied by inflammatory processes in the urinary tract and bladder. Do not exclude problems during urination;
  • change of mental and emotional state. There have symptoms such as irritability, nervousness, depression, Sleep disorders, memory problems and frequent headaches;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • flaccidity of the skin and hair loss;
  • weight gain.

Irregular heartbeat

The period when the menstrual period ends, is not considered menopause. After their complete termination has to go for another year, it has been put to such a diagnosis. Clinical manifestations at this point even more clearly expressed. This is due to the lack of sex hormones and the end of the functioning appendages. Then to begin irreversible processes, indicating the actual aging of the female body.


How do I determine the last day of menstruation

Determine the last day of the month simply. Toward the end of the menstrual blood comes in much smaller numbers, and then completely disappears. Slight spotting may occur at the same time for another 1-2 days. She points out that the critical days will end soon. On their completion woman learns to overcome white discharge without any shade.

Regular menstrual cycle - the main indicator of women's health. Any changes in it cause anxiety among the fair sex. For this reason it is so important to understand exactly what is happening in the body. Particular attention is paid to the time of menopause and menopause. Such age-related manifestations significantly affect overall health and indicate biological aging. With timely determination of the beginning of this period it will be able to some extent alleviate the unpleasant symptoms and it is easier to move such a difficult life stage.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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