Can I take a urine test during menstruation: how to pass right

Often it is necessary to give a blood sample with a sharp deterioration in health, or to complete the medical examination at work. Emergency indications for laboratory tests causing a natural question whether it is possible to pass a urine test during menstruation. When absolutely necessary it is possible to observe a number of rules necessary.



  • Is it possible to pass urine during menstruation
  • How to collect urine in the critical days
    • catheter
    • Independent collection of material
  • Why periods may affect the analysis of urine

Is it possible to pass urine during menstruation

The answer to the question whether it is possible to pass urine during menstruation, is a recommendation. delivery timing analysis should be pushed as far as possible. On the second day after the menses analysis can take, he will give the correct result.

If there is an important reason to pass urine during the month, you need to tell your doctor about your condition, in order to avoid diagnostic errors. The correct solution is the postponement of the date of analysis or a comparative study after menstruation.

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Incorrect sampling and incorrect interpretation of the results may cause statement Misdiagnosis, and the woman will be forced to treat her lack of renal and urinary disorders bubble.

Quite often, a woman worried about another question: whether it is possible to donate blood during menstruation. Therefore we recommend to become more familiar with the topic.

How to collect urine in the critical days

If a woman has not had time to pass laboratory tests before menstruation, she should know that there are two ways how to pass a urine test during menstruation. First available in the walls of the medical institution, the second one can use any of the fairer sex in the home.


In case of emergency during the month, you can take a urine test. In menstruating women the fence material is produced without urinating, urine surrender takes place by means of a catheter. This procedure should be carried out a health worker in a hospital with a sterile instrument. The result of analyzing collected by this method will be absolutely reliable due to the absence of contact of collected material and external genitalia.

This method is used in case of emergency diagnosis, as it is sufficient unpleasant procedure, there is risk of damage to the urethral mucosa and its infection.

Independent collection of material

During the month, you can take the analysis in compliance with the rules of biomaterials collection, isolation conditions of the urinary and genital tract. In the case of passing the urine test during menstruation need to make sure that the vaginal discharge were not included in the sample for the study. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Prepare the sterile container. You can buy in a pharmacy special container or on their own boil a small glass jar;
  • wash your hands;
  • podmoytes warm water and soap, making movement from front to back, pay particular attention to the folds of the labia minora;
  • dry crotch clean towel;
  • Extend the fingers labia, wipe them with sterile gauze or cloth;
  • insert the tampon into the vagina, in its absence, you can use a sterile cotton wool.

Use of disinfectants is not necessary, they can skew study results.

You need to get midstream urine. To do this, start to urinate in the toilet, then substitute capacity. Make sure that the bank is not in contact with the body, keep it at a small distance from the genitals.

Collecting 50-70 ml of urine, continue to release bladder into the bowl.

Hermetically close the container with collected material, attach the direction and deliver the analyzes in the medical facility in a period not exceeding two hours after the collection of the material.

Deposit analysis

Notify the doctor about the state of the menstrual cycle. During monthly urine is characterized by the presence of red blood cells, the rate of sedimentation increases, It can give a false positive result, indicating the course of infection in body.

Why periods may affect the analysis of urine

If incorrect assembly of biological material into it can reach menstrual blood, which contains epithelial cells. If the doctor is not warned about the month, he will not be able to interpret correctly the results. Urine studied the physical and chemical indicators.

Urine is normally clear, straw color. Incorrectly collected urine during menstruation can lead to misleading results.

Changes in the color of urine can provide information about the presence of certain diseases. When mixed with blood appears brown in color, which is characteristic of pathological conditions of the liver and bile ducts. The turbidity of the sample says about urinary tract infection.


Contact with the blood's ability to stain urine a reddish tint which indicates renal pathology. Penetrated into a sample of red blood cells and the epithelium may indicate urolithiasis, acute inflammation, or bladder cancer.

The monthly growth rate cause urine specific gravity. The change of the indicator characteristic of diabetes mellitus, congestive heart failure, some of renal and liver functions and other pathologies.

Chemical research carried out to determine the composition of the urine in the white blood cells, red blood cells and protein. Microscopic analysis will help to identify bacterial infection and foreign cells.

Violation of the sterility of samples is possible with the penetration of the vaginal microflora in the material for research. Bacteria indicate infection of the urogenital system and development of the pathology in the kidney and the lower urinary tract.

In such cases, a woman can watch frequent urination before menstruationTherefore we recommend that you read more about this topic. Also during menstruation urinalysis and a number of other studies may give unreliable results.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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