Heavy bleeding during menstruation: how to stop, reduce

Menstruation - a regular physiological process, which is important for reproductive health. Every month the endometrium is separated from the uterus and out of the body in the form of clots and blood.

Heavy bleeding during menstruation is the cause of the illness women, moreover, it represents a serious danger to her life. Let's talk about how to stop heavy menstruation.

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  • Plentiful monthly - this is how much
  • How to stop bleeding
  • Tips to reduce blood loss
    • Traditional methods
    • medicines
    • Preparations for the recovery of the body
  • If all else fails
  • What is the risk of heavy menstruation

Plentiful monthly - this is how much

The volume of discharge during normal menstruation should not exceed 60 ml for the entire period of desquamation. Usually within the first 2 days of monthly blood out intensively. This is often accompanied by uncomfortable sensations, especially in the area of ​​the ovaries. Their appearance is associated with uterine contractions.

Bleeding during menstruation is considered to be moderate if its amount is in the range of 50-70 mg. If the amount exceeds 70 ml precipitates probably woman suffering iron deficiency. Such a problem is related to poor nutrition. In this case, the blood loss during menstruation is accompanied by hair loss.

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A large amount of bleeding (150 ml) - a disturbing symptom. When the manifestation of his urgent need to undergo a medical examination. Using more than 10 spacers per day may be associated with a dangerous gynecological diseases, such as cervicitis.

The presence heavy regulation show such signs:

  1. The duration of menses more than 7 days.
  2. Gaskets are changing every hour or more frequently.
  3. Fatigue.
  4. Severe pain in the ovaries.
  5. Reduced hemoglobin level.

With the development of certain gynecological diseases, such as uterine fibroids, coitus provokes a greater blood loss in these days.

Sad girl on the bed

How to stop bleeding

If heavy menstrual bleeding and painful sensations, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms, you need to take action. However, it is not recommended to self-medicate. Only an experienced gynecologist after diagnosis to determine the cause of this problem and prescribe the appropriate therapy.

Taking care of your reproductive health should occupy a key place in the life of every woman. Therefore, when a large blood loss is important to know what to do to reduce heavy menstrual period.

Basic Rules:

  1. lack of of physical activity in the critical days. You can not lift weights.
  2. Frequent drinking. Yield excreted a large number of blood secretions leads to dehydration, so you need to drink plenty of fluids.
  3. waiver Visit baths and saunas.
  4. Avoiding alcohol and smoking.
  5. Use of a food rich in vitamins A, B and C.

Tips to reduce blood loss

Severe bleeding during the critical days - is a serious problem. To improve the well-being necessary to reduce monthly. For this purpose you can use:

  1. Advice of traditional medicine.
  2. Hemostatic drugs.
  3. Preparations for the recovery of the body.
a glass of water and tablets

We'll talk in more detail about each method.

Traditional methods

Stop plentiful monthly help such folk remedies:

  1. Water pepper. It helps to accelerate clotting monthly liquid. Also it has a healing effect. raw spoon pour a glass of boiling water and insist 1:00. You need to drink 3 tablespoons of infusion before breakfast.
  2. Lemon. This fine citrus helps stop menstruation at home. It is eaten alone or dipped in sugar.
  3. Shepherd's purse. This herb helps to reduce bleeding during menstruation. It can help you reduce the amount of emissions and improve health. To prepare medicinal tea to pour boiling water and infuse grass. One glass of receipt of funds is divided into 3 parts, which need to drink before meals.
  4. Nettle. It helps weakened body to regain strength. In folk medicine the plant is used to maintain uterine tone. A grass spoon to pour a glass of hot water and let stand for an hour, then filter and take 1 time a day for 0.5 cups.
  5. Cinnamon. Reduces the intensity of the monthly emissions. With the help of this spice can even stop a very heavy menstrual bleeding. For the preparation of a medicament 1 scoop of powder to be dissolved in a glass of warm water. Receiving means should be every 30 minutes.


If heavy menses were provoked by gynecological diseases, doctors prescribe drugs that stimulate blood coagulation.

Quickly stop the monthly help Dicynone, Vikasol and Tranexam. These stopping release of menstrual blood products have a vasodilatory effect. Reduce heavy monthly using these drugs, in 30 minutes - provided that they have been administered intravenously. For oral use of a therapeutic effect occurs after 3 h.

Dicynone, Vikasol and Tranexam

Stopping a strong blood loss with these medicines can be only after consultation with a gynecologist. With abundant menses secretions, accompanied by severe pain in the ovaries, it is recommended to take three tablets of one of the agents.

Preparations for the recovery of the body

Reduce the amount of monthly will help Ascorutin. This drug has a strengthening effect on the blood vessels, but also reduces capillary fragility.

After exiting from the body of a large amount of menstrual blood women being significantly deteriorated. This is due to loss of iron. Health need to make up for supply of the substance. It is recommended to take vitamins and preparations, eg Sorbifer or Fenyuls.

If all else fails

Heavy bleeding during menstruation trigger hormonal changes in the body. If none of the above tips do not resolve the problem, further advice gynecologist.

Stop heavy bleeding can hormones. Some of them have a contraceptive effect. We are talking about such medications as:

  • Logest;
  • Janine;
  • Non-Ovlon;
  • Novinet.
Logest, Janine, Novinet

Also, additional therapeutic measure is receiving calcium gluconate. It is a dietary supplement that has a positive effect on blood vessels, strengthening their walls.

If the problem of heavy monthly discharge can not get rid of medication will probably require surgery. In such cases, doctors resort to scraping the uterine cavity. This procedure is carried out with the use of pain medication.

What is the risk of heavy menstruation

Heavy menstrual bleeding can lead to anemia. To avoid this, you should promptly undergo a medical examination and diagnosis of pathology, to provoke the manifestation of this symptom.

As heavy bleeding during menstruation leads to an imbalance of hormones that triggers a failure in the functioning of the endocrine system. This has a negative impact not only on the well-being of women, but also on her mood.

Due to heavy bleeding during the critical days often progresses unpleasant symptoms such as tinnitus, shortness of breath, nausea. This provokes anemia and weakening of the body.

Therefore, to avoid possible complications, should undergo regular gynecological examination. Timely diagnosis of disease will help prevent the development of dangerous diseases for reproductive health.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 49
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